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.She had even gone on a shopping spree with Montana and splurged on a newwardrobe.It had taken some convincing to get her to buy more revealing stuff, but when shesaw how she looked in her new clothes, she never turned back.She still set up her booth atthe farmers market on the weekends, but now she was getting out more.She was going outto movies and shows, attending festivals, and making new friends.She had even found a newlove.Herself.Maggie had never felt so good about herself.She enjoyed her job, and Oliverhad even intimated that if she was interested he could train her to become a P.I. Blood Brothers: GianMarco s Muse 51The best change was her relationship with her daughter, which had taken atremendous turn for the better.Taking Dion and Montana s suggestions, she had asked Janicehow she felt about what Maggie had gone through over the past twenty-three years.Shesmiled as she remembered the conversation, still fresh in her mind. Hello? Janice sounded out of breath. Hi, honey, it s me.Were you just out running?There was a pause.Janice sighed as if she was reluctant to speak to her mother. I just walked in.What s up? You usually call on Sundays. Well, actually there is something I wanted to talk to you about.It s important.Do youhave a minute? Maggie trembled.She couldn t remember the last time she d really had aserious conversation with her daughter. Yes, I guess so.What is it? Did you call to tell me that you and Dad are getting backtogether? If so, congratulations.Maggie picked up on the sarcastic tone of her daughter s voice; this wasn t how shewanted the conversation to begin. No, but I wanted to talk about your father and me. What about? You have to admit that this conversation is a long time coming, don t you think? I don t really think there is a lot to say about it, Mom.You re a grown woman andyour life is your life. Janice sounded so offhand at that moment; it was as if Maggie weretalking to a stranger.This was certainly not going to be easy, Maggie had thought to herself. Well, if youdon t want to talk, at least listen, okay? Whatever. I would appreciate it if you watch your tone, young lady.I may have made a lot ofmistakes in my life that you don t approve of, but I am still your mother. Maggie paused,sighing. Look, I didn t call to fuss at you.I want to set things right between us.We used tobe so close, baby.What happened?There was silence on the other end of the line. Janice? Fine, do you really want to know the truth, or are you going to stick your head in thesand like you have been doing ever since I can remember?Maggie gasped.She had asked for it, and she guessed she was about to get it. I d reallylike to know. The night of my junior prom, you were taking pictures of me and my date.Do youremember?Maggie s heart stopped.How could she forget that night?  Yes, I remember. 52 Eve Vaughn That awful woman came to our house demanding to see Daddy.You shooed my dateand me out of the house as quickly as you could, but I knew why she was there.She wantedto confront you about her affair with Daddy.Maggie had closed her eyes as she thought about the night when one of Eugene smistresses decided to  claim her man. She had thought that she had gotten Janice and herdate out of the house before they could witness the confrontation. How did you know that swhat she wanted? I knew about her! I knew about them all, but that look in your eyes when she came toour house.our house, for God s sake! I thought, maybe now you would leave him.But whenI came home, you pretended nothing had happened.I couldn t understand how you could dothat to yourself.I couldn t stick around and watch anymore.It hurt too much, especiallywith the guilt eating away at me. Janice broke out into sobs on the other end of the line.Maggie had also broken down on hearing her daughter s pain. Baby, I didn t realizeyou knew about your father s affairs.I tried my best to hide them from you and yourbrother.I thought I was doing what was best for you both by staying.You know I neverknew my family, and I thought it was important that I keep our family intact.I didn t realizethen that I was making the wrong decision. But that s just it, Mom.Dion and I prayed for the day you would leave Daddy.Theway he treated you, talked to you, and ignored you made me hate him, and then I hated youfor not standing up to him.But, really, I hated myself most. Why? Maggie had asked, shocked. Because I should have said something about those women.I will never forget that lookin your eyes as long as I live.I felt responsible to some extent.Maybe if I wasn t born youwouldn t have been in this position. Janice had cried harder.Maggie s heart had felt as if it would break in two. Please don t cry, baby.I don t everwant to hear you talk like that again.Do you hear me? You and Dion being born were thebest things to ever happen to me and I wouldn t trade you for anything in the world.I wouldgo through everything over again, as long as I could have you two.I love you, baby. I love you, too, Mommy.I m so sorry. Shh, it s okay.I m sorry, too.I only wish I had realized sooner what I was doing to youand Dion; maybe things would have been different.Things will be different from now on.Actually, I hope the divorce will go through soon.I m learning to enjoy life without yourfather.You re going to be seeing a new me the next time you come to visit. Oh, Mom, I do miss you so much. I miss you too, baby.When we see each other, maybe we can talk about this somemore, go shopping, and do girlie things. I d like that very much. You have to promise me one thing, though. Blood Brothers: GianMarco s Muse 53 Sure. If you can forgive me for what I ve done, you will eventually have to forgive yourfather as well. No way! Not after what he s done. Janice, your father and I are no longer together, but he will always be your father.Hemay not have been a good husband, but he was a good father, and he loves you and yourbrother very much.It doesn t have to be instant, but just think about it.Okay? Okay, but I m not going to be nice to his new bimbo, Janice said mutinously.The conversation had been a cleansing for both women.They had talked and criedsome more and the call had ended with Janice promising to come up for a visit at the nextsemester break.Eugene had assured her that their divorce would be final any time now, and that wasjust fine with her.She was making it on her own and loving it.When her lease was up, sheplanned to find a bigger place.Life would have been perfect if it wasn t for GianMarco.Itshould have been illegal for a man to be that damn fine.She still couldn t believe that they had nearly made love on her couch, nor could shebelieve that they had nearly kissed earlier today [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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