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.She went back to the keypad, leaving his last comment untouched.Now came the tricky part.The part he d been devising since her name crossed his desk. In thefuture, it would be nice if we had someone in the company who checked into backgrounds to makesure this lapse in judgment doesn t happen again.She froze with her finger on the fifth button. Really? Yeah. He forced himself not to watch her, to act as if he wasn t offering her a job.Because he was. We re going to be looking for someone to fill the position soon.She pushed some more buttons, her back stiff. Is that your goal? To get me to agree to a safer job?To be my knight in shining armor, rescuing me from a life of danger and loneliness?Cocking his head, he studied her closely.He d never said anything about her being lonely.She dtold him that all on her own.But he knew all about being on your own.Way too well.Going to bedalone.Waking up alone.Eating Christmas dinner alone.Having to rely on himself and no one else.But maybe& maybe he didn t want that anymore.Maybethey could be lonely together, or something.Shit, he didn t know. I m not a knight, or a hero.I m a warrior with a lame leg.I m one of those men who can donothing but sit by the fire and reminisce on the good old days, while secretly wishing he could goback out and fight.Her mouth dipped down, and she bit down on her tongue.She looked& sad. You re so much morethan that, Jake.Don t you see how wonderful you are?He gave an uneasy laugh. No.I don t. But I do.You re more than you think you are. Playing with the buttons of his vest, she made afrustrated sound in the back of her throat. I care about you, Jake.I know it s crazy, and stupid, but Iwant& I want you.I want to be with you.No way she could care about him.Not after everything he d done to her and everything he stillhad to do.He should tell her there was no hope for them in the future, because there wasn t.Hewasn t good enough for her, but he wished he was.Fuck, he wished he was.He kissed her. Chapter ElevenTara clung to his hard forearms, taking everything he gave her, and yet still needing more.When hislips moved over hers, her stomach clenched as the familiar scent of his cologne teased her senses, thetaste of his tongue drove her wild.All too soon, he pulled back. You have to fig shit.Bending down, he rubbed his thigh, a grimace etched on his face.She swallowed hard and glanceddown at his leg. Does it hurt a lot?Without replying, he turned away.He let go of his thigh quickly, as if he just now realized he dbeen rubbing it in front of her. Yeah.Especially when it s going to rain.But it s not a big deal.I llbe fine.It always goes away.Her heart twisted tight. Does it help if someone rubs it? I have no clue. Lifting a shoulder, he glanced back at her. No one has ever rubbed it before,except for me. But&  She nibbled her lower lip, a pang of sadness stabbing her in the throat. Not evenChristine?He didn t meet her eyes. I won t let her. Well, then&  After taking a deep breath, she knelt at his feet. Let s find out.Stiffening, he captured her hand, the vulnerabilities he usually hid beneath his hard, steely eyesachingly defenseless. Tara. Trust me.I only want to help you. She met his gaze, hoping he d see the truth in her words.Showing him he wasn t alone in the world anymore.Not if he didn t want to be. Please?He didn t release her right away.He held her fingers still, locking gazes with her.Then, after a fewseemingly endless moments, he let go of her.She sucked in a deep breath, her mind spinning incircles.Lifting his pants up, he revealed his scars.Even in the shadows of the safe, she could makeout the pattern of the zigzagged scars all across his thigh and knee.When she tried to move it higher, she realized there was no way she could possibly get his pantshigh enough to do what she wanted.Sure, she could leave them on and massage him through thefabric, but she wanted to show him that his scars didn t scare her.That she wasn t disgusted or turned off by them in the slightest.It was really important to her.Shehesitated, her fingers resting on his knee. Can you take these off for me?He shifted uneasily. That was easy.I didn t have to seduce you with my smoldering stares andbedroom eyes first. It s my turn to be bossy. Even though he was cracking jokes, she knew this wasn t a joke to him.Not at all.She tugged at the hem. Take them off.Now. Mouth tight, he stood, undid his pants, and let them hit the floor.She didn t count on the fact thatwith him standing in front of her, and her kneeling at his feet, she was right at crotch level.Yeah, shewas staring his erection in the face, and he was hard.Really, really hard.All she could think about was leaning forward and pressing a kiss to the tip of his erection beforerolling his boxer briefs down and taking him in her mouth, inch by slow inch.She swallowed a hugegulp of air and forced her attention north.His gaze was on her, and she knew he was thinking the same thing.Thinking about her closing hermouth around him and& no.That was not why she d told him to remove his pants. S-Sit down.I m incontrol this time. I ll allow it& for now. He tugged on a piece of her hair, then dropped it.He sat and straightenedhis injured leg on the floor in front of him. But only for a little while, and only till I tell you to stop.And when I take control, I ll bend you over that box in the corner and fuck you till you can t breatheanymore.Oh, God.That sounded hot.So, so hot.But she wouldn t focus on that.Not yet.Right now, she hadto concentrate on him.He needed this, too, even if he didn t know it yet. We ll see, she said, hervoice thick with desire.He clenched his fists at his sides. Yes.We will.Reaching out, she grabbed some lotion out of her purse and lathered her hands.He d smell fruityand girly, but he d feel a heck of a lot better. I m going to rub your leg.If it hurts, let me know.He stiffened. You probably don t want to touch it.It s all raw and rough and nasty.She raised her brow, then clutched his ankle.Slowly, she massaged the muscles, going a littlehigher as she went.His head dropped back on the wall, and he let out a strangled groan.His handfisted tighter on top of the floor, and he closed his eyes.She couldn t stop looking at him.Memorizing every detail, laid out for her to see, since she wouldn t be able to do so for muchlonger.She loved the way his five o clock shadow darkened his jaw, much like his lowered lashesdid his cheeks.And how he held his breath as she rubbed him, not moving a single muscle, as if hewas scared he would send her running.He should know better.She didn t run scared of anything.Especially not him.Looking at her from beneath lowered lids, he shifted his weight. You have no idea how good thatfeels.But you don t have to touch the scars. You know what I see when I study you? She moved up his leg more, reaching mid-calf. 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