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.and so on.(It should be noted, however, that while this simple procedure will work for most of thesentences in the two exercises in this chapter, it requires modification to handle more complex sentences e.g.those with phrasal specifiers like sentences 1, 2, 5, 16 and 18 in exercise 3.2.)Model answer for 1Merging the preposition of with the noun Mary which serves as its complement derives the PP(prepositional phrase) in (i) below:(i) PPP Nof MaryMerging the adjective fond with the resulting PP (which is the complement of fond) forms the intermediateadjectival projection (A-bar) fond of Mary in (ii) below:(ii) A'A PPfondP Nof MaryMerging the A-bar in (ii) with the adverb very which serves as its specifier (in that it modifies fond ofMary) forms the AP/adjectival phrase in (iii) below:(iii) APADV A'veryA PPfondP Nof MaryMerging the verb become with the AP very fond of Mary which serves as the complement of becomeforms the VP/verb phrase in (iv) below: 72(iv) VPV APbecomeADV A'veryA PPfondP Nof MaryMerging the tense auxiliary (T constituent) has with its verb phrase complement become very fond ofMary forms the intermediate T-bar projection (v) below:(v) T 'T VPhasV APbecomeADV A'veryA PPfondP Nof MaryMerging the T-bar in (v) with the pronoun he which serves as its subject/specifier will derive the TP:(vi) TPPRN T 'HeT VPhasV APbecomeADV A'veryA PPfondP Nof MaryEvidence in support of the analysis in (vi) comes from co-ordination data in relation to sentences such as:(vii)(a) He has become very fond [of Mary] and [of her sister](b) He has become very [fond of Mary] and [proud of her achievements](c) He has become [very fond of Mary] but [less fond of her sister](d) He has [become very fond of Mary] and [grown used to her mother](e) He [has become very fond of Mary] and [is hoping to marry her]The fact that each of the italicised strings can be co-ordinated with another similar (bold-printed) string isconsistent with the claim made in (vi) that of Mary is a PP, fond of Mary is an A-bar, very fond of Mary isan AP, become very fond of Mary is a VP and has become very fond of Mary is a T-bar.Additional evidence in support of the analysis in (vi) comes from the use of the proforms so/which in:(viii)(a) He is apparently very fond of Mary, though nobody expected him to become so(b) If he has become very fond of Mary (which he has), why doesn t he ask her out? 73The fact that very fond of Mary is the antecedent of so in (viii)(a) is consistent with the claim made in (vi)that very fond of Mary is an AP; likewise, the fact that become very fond of Mary is the antecedent ofwhich in (viii)(b) is consistent with the claim made in (vi) that become very fond of Mary is a VP.If we look at the question of which expressions in the sentence can and cannot be preposed in order tohighlight them, we find the following picture (? indicates questionable grammaticality):(ix)(a) Mary, he (certainly) has become very fond of(b) ?Of Mary, he (certainly) has become very fond(c) *Fond of Mary, he (certainly) has become very(d) Very fond of Mary, he (certainly) has become(e) Become very fond of Mary, he (certainly) has(f) *Has become very fond of Mary, he (certainly)(Adding the adverb certainly improves the acceptability of some of the relevant sentences, for discoursereasons which need not concern us.) In (53) in the main text, we suggested that highlighting involvespreposing the smallest possible maximal projection containing the focused material.Suppose that we wantto highlight Mary via preposing.Since Mary is a maximal projection in (vi) by virtue of being the largestexpression headed by the word Mary, preposing Mary in (ix)(a) yields a grammatical outcome, asexpected.By contrast, preposing the prepositional phrase of Mary yields a somewhat degraded sentence,as we see from (ix)(b): this may be because if we want to highlight Mary alone, we prepose the smallestmaximal projection containing Mary, and this is clearly the N Mary not the PP of Mary
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