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.Rin-poche has described it as more than the standard equilibrium meditation as he hasadded a number of techniques for overcoming anger and developing patience. .Bibliography.Gyatso, Tenzin, His Holiness the Dalai Lama.The Meaning of Life: Bud-dhist Perspectives on Cause and Effect.Translated and edited by JeffreyHopkins.Boston: Wisdom Publications, 1992.Practicing Wisdom.Translated and edited by Geshe Thupten  Jinpa.Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2005.Tegchok, Geshe Jampa.The Kindness of Others: A Commentary on theSeven-Point Mind Training.Boston: Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive,2006.Yeshe, Lama Thubten.Becoming Vajrasattva: The Tantric Path of Purification.Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2004.  .Becoming Your Own Therapist & Make Your Mind an Ocean (com-bined edition).Boston: Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive, 2003.The Bliss of Inner Fire: Heart Practice of the Six Yogas of Naropa.  Boston: Wisdom Publications, 1998.  .The Peaceful Stillness of the Silent Mind.Boston: Lama Yeshe Wis-dom Archive, 2004.Zopa Rinpoche, Lama Thubten.The Direct and Unmistaken Method of Puri-fying and Protecting Yourself: The Practice and Benefits of the Eight Maha-yana Precepts.Boston: Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive 2002.  .The Wish-Fulfilling Golden Sun of the Mahayana Thought Training:Directing in the Short-cut Path to Enlightenment.Kathmandu: KopanMonastery, 1974.It may be found at www.LamaYeshe.com. 11.Glossary.(Skt = Sanskrit; Tib = Tibetan;.)anger.A coarse mind that sees its object as repugnant and whose function isdestructive; one of the six principal delusions.arhat (Skt).Literally, foe destroyer.A person who has destroyed his or her innerenemy, the delusions, and attained liberation from cyclic existence.attachment.A deluded mind that sees its object as attractive and sinks into andcannot separate from it; one of the six principal delusions.bodhicitta (Skt).The altruistic determination to reach enlightenment for the solepurpose of enlightening all sentient beings.bodhisattva (Skt).Someone whose spiritual practice is directed towards theachievement of enlightenment.One who possesses the compassionate motiva-tion of bodhicitta.buddha (Skt).A fully enlightened being.One who has removed all obscurationsveiling the mind and has developed all good qualities to perfection.The first ofthe Three Jewels of Refuge.See also enlightenment, Shakyamuni Buddha.Buddhadharma (Skt).The teachings of the Buddha.See also Dharma.Buddhist.One who has taken refuge in the Three Jewels of Refuge Buddha,Dharma and Sangha and who accepts the philosophical world view of the four seals : that all conditioned things are impermanent, all conditioned thingsare dissatisfactory in nature, all phenomena are empty and nirvana is true peace.chakra (Skt).A center of psychic energy; there are several throughout the cen-tral axis of the body, for example, in the perineal area and at the navel, heart,throat and crown of the head.11A more extensive glossary may be found at www.LamaYeshe.com. .119glossaryChandrakirti (Skt).The sixth century ad Indian Buddhist philosopher whowrote commentaries on Nagarjuna s philosophy.His best known work is AGuide to the Middle Way (Madhyamakavatara).chu-len (Tib).Literally,  taking the essence. A special pill prepared from vari-ous sacred and other substances according to tradition.Tibetan meditatorswould use them for sustenance in remote areas when food was scarce.LamaYeshe used to make his own, which he sometimes distributed to his students.compassion (Skt: karuna).The sincere wish that others to be separated from theirmental and physical suffering and the feeling that their freedom from suffer-ing is more important than one s own.A prerequisite for the development ofbodhicitta.consciousness.See mind.cyclic existence (Skt: samsara; Tib: khor-wa).The six realms of conditioned exis-tence, three lower hell, hungry ghost (Skt: preta) and animal and threeupper human, demigod (Skt: asura) and god (Skt: sura).It is the beginningless,recurring cycle of death and rebirth under the control of delusion and karmaand fraught with suffering.It also refers to the contaminated aggregates of a sen-tient being.delusion (Skt: klesha).An obscuration covering the essentially pure nature ofmind, being thereby responsible for suffering and dissatisfaction.There are sixprincipal and twenty secondary delusions; the main delusion is ignorance, outof which grow desirous attachment, hatred, jealousy and all the others.Dharma (Skt).Spiritual teachings, particularly those of Shakyamuni Buddha.Literally, that which holds one back from suffering.The second of the ThreeJewels of Refuge.dualistic view.The ignorant view characteristic of the unenlightened mind inwhich all things are falsely conceived to have concrete self-existence.To such aview, the appearance of an object is mixed with the false image of its being inde-pendent or self-existent, thereby leading to further dualistic views concerningsubject and object, self and other, this and that and so forth.ego.The wrong conception that  I am self-existent ; the self-existent I.The viewof the self held by a mind that has not realized emptiness. 120.ego, attachment, and liberationemptiness (Skt: shunyata).The absence of all false ideas about how things exist;specifically, the lack of the apparent independent, self-existence of phenomena.enlightenment (Skt: bodhi).Full awakening; buddhahood [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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