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.First, of theforces of Fire to act in the curcurbite on the Dead Head.Second of those of Water to acton the distillate.Third, of the forces of the Spirit to act in both (using the white end ofLotus Wand).Fourth, of those of the Air to act on the distillate; and lastly, those of theEarth to act on the Dead Head.Let the Curcurbite and the receiver stand thus for fiveconsecutive days, at the end of which time there should be flashes manifest in bothmixtures.And these flashes should be lightly coloured.V - The Alchemist, still keeping the vessels in the same relative positions, but removingthe Tablets of the elements from the Altar, then substitutes one of Kether.This must bewhite with golden charges, and is to be placed on or within the white triangle between thevessels.He then addresses a most solemn invocation to the forces of Kether to render theresult of the working that which he shall desire, and making over each vessel the symbolof the Flaming Sword.This is the most important of all the Invocations.It will onlysucceed if the Alchemist keepeth himself closely allied unto his Higher Self during theworking of the invocation and of making the Tablet.And at the end of it, if it have beensuccessful, a keen and translucent flash will take the place of the slightly coloured flashesin the receiver of the curcurbite; so that the fluid should sparkle as a diamond, whilst thepowder in the curcurbite shall slightly gleam.Introduction to Alchemy  A Golden Dawn PerspectiveA Special Report from The Institute for Hermetic StudiesCopyright Mark Stavish 2005.Email: info@hermeticinstitute.org; Phone: 570.693.1731; Website: www.hermeticinstitute.org.52 Special Report Introduction to Alchemy  A Golden Dawn PerspectiveFrom The Institute for Hermetic StudiesW - The distilled liquid is now to be poured from the receiver upon the residuum of theDead Head in the curcurbite, and the mixture at first will appear cloudy.It is now to beexposed to the Sun for ten days consecutively (ten is Tiphareth translating the influenceof Kether).It is then again to be placed upon the white triangle upon the Altar, upon aflashing Tablet of Venus to act therein.Let it remain thus for seven days, at the end ofwhich time see what forms and colour and appearance the Liquor hath taken, for thereshould now arise a certain softer flash in the liquid, and an elemental may be evoked totest the condition.When this softer flash is manifest, place the curcurbite into theBalneum Mariae to digest with a very gentle heat for seven days.Place it then in theBalneum Mariae to distil, beginning with a gentle, and ending with a strong heat.Distilthus till nothing more will come over, even with a most violent heat.Preserve the fluid ina closely stoppered vial.It is an Elixir for use according to the substance from which itwas prepared.If from a thing medicinal, a medicine; if from a metal, for the purifying ofmetals; and herein shalt thou use thy judgment.The residuum thou shalt place withoutpowdering into a crucible, well sealed and luted.And thou shalt place the same in thineAthanor, bringing it first to a red, and then to a white heat, and this thou shalt do seventimes in seven consecutive days, taking out the crucible each day as soon as thou hastbrought it to the highest possible heat, and allowing it to cool gradually.And thepreferable time for this working should be in the heat of the day.On the seventh day ofthis operation thou shalt open the crucible and thou shalt behold what Form and Colourthy Caput Mortum hath taken.It will be like either a precious stone or a glitteringpowder.And this stone or powder shall be of Magical Virtue in accordance with itsnature.Comment: This is a tricky stage of then process, in that while extreme heat will beneeded to push over the last of the tincture from the plant matter, it must not burn, andcareful regulation of the heat is required.It is not necessary to lute (seal) the crucible, butit is essential to expose it to intense heat to push the color of the Salt to its proper color.Asmall hand held blowtorch will do, as will patience, a good pair of tongs, and a gas burneron an oven or stovetop.Part Seven  The Laws, Rules, and Signs of the RosicrucianFraternityFrom:  Opening the Vault: Rosicrucianism for the New Millennium, available at:www.hermeticinstitute.org [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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