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.2.1 Installation and Setup GuideSetting HBA timeouts using config_hbaWhen you first install the Host Utilities, the config_hba script automatically sets the required HBAtimeout settings for Emulex and QLogic adapters.You must run the config_hba script again if youinstall a new HBA after you install the Host Utilities.About this taskYou might have to manually configure other supported storage adapters; see the notes on yourspecific configuration in the Interoperability Matrix for more information.Step1.Enter the following command at the ESX host command prompt:/opt/netapp/santools/config_hba --configure --access controller_1:login:[password] --access controller_2:login:[password]controller_1 and controller_2 are the host names of the storage system controllers.login and password are the user name and password needed to access the storage controller.Ifyou do not specify the password on the command line, the script prompts you for the password.If the password contains non-alphanumeric (special) characters, you must escape the characterson the command line by preceding each character with a backslash (\).For example, to enter thepassword "pa$$word" on the command line, you must enter "pa\$\$word".You do not need toescape special characters when you enter the password in response to being prompted by thesystem.[root@esxhost1 ~]# /opt/netapp/santools/config_hba --configure--access ss1:root:password --access ss2:root:passwordChecking for installed HBAs.DONEVerifying firewall ports are open.DONEDetermining NetApp storage systems OS versions.DONESetting HBA timeout setting for lpfc820.DONEUpdating BOOT RAM disk.DONERelated conceptsSome supported storage adapters might require manual configuration on page 22Setting the path selection policy and preferred path usingconfig_mpathWhen you first install the Host Utilities, the config_mpath script automatically sets the pathselection policy and determines your primary paths and selects a preferred path from the availableUpdating the ESX host configuration | 37primary paths.You must run the script again if you modify your SAN topology after installing theHost Utilities.A reboot is not required.Before you beginFor ESX 4.0 and 4.1 with ALUA enabled on FC paths, the round robin (RR) policy is used.Theround robin policy is also used for all iSCSI paths.The config_mpath script does not set apreferred path for these configurations.For ESX 3.5 and all configurations with Microsoft guest OS clustering (MSCS or failover clusters),the FIXED policy must be used.The ESX Host Utilities set a default policy for FC paths.For ESX 4.0 and 4.1 with ALUA enabledon FC paths, the round robin (RR) policy is used.For all other FC paths, the default is the FIXEDpolicy.You do not need to run config_mpath for FC paths if these defaults are what you need.Step1.Enter the following command at the ESX host command prompt:/opt/netapp/santools/config_mpath --primary --loadbalance [--policy mru][--persistent] --access controller_1:login:[password] --accesscontroller_2:login:[password]controller_1 and controller_2 are the host names of the storage system controllers.login and password are the user name and password needed to access the storage controller.Ifyou do not specify the password on the command line, the script prompts you for the password.If the password contains non-alphanumeric (special) characters, you must escape the characterson the command line by preceding each character with a backslash (\).For example, to enter thepassword "pa$$word" on the command line, you must enter "pa\$\$word".You do not need toescape special characters when you enter the password in response to being prompted by thesystem.Specify the path selection --policy option as fixed for ESX hosts with Microsoft cluster(MSCS) guest operating systems.For all other configurations, do not specify the --policyoption and accept the default value.The --persistent option is not needed on ESX 4.0 or 4.1 systems.[root@esxhost1]# /opt/netapp/santools/config_mpath --primary--loadbalance --access ss1:root:password --accessss2:root:passwordDetermining Primary/Proxy paths for LUN=naa.60a9800043346536534a5041434d6e34PATH=vmhba2:C0:T1:L0 is a PRIMARY path activePATH=vmhba2:C0:T0:L0 is a PROXY path activePATH=vmhba1:C0:T1:L0 is a PRIMARY path activePATH=vmhba1:C0:T0:L0 is a PROXY path activePSP Policy for ALUA LUN naa.60a9800043346536534a5041434d6e34 is nowset to VMW_PSP_RR.38 | ESX Host Utilities 5.2.1 Installation and Setup GuideALUA automatically uses preferred paths.The path policy has been set for your configuration
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