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.SPECIFIC VEHICLE ALARM FITTING INSTRUCTIONS REV.00www.cobra.itXSARA PICASSO *XMAKECITROEN MOD.YEAR.02 → PETROLDIESEL* Models with original equipment keyless entry system.ALARM/SIRENPosition the compact alarms and the sirens in the engine compartment, on the POSITIONsupport of the shock absorber.POWER SUPPLY+30: connect to the 4 mm2 WHITE wire located in a multiway connector at the entrance of the fuse box.-31: connect with a cable terminal to one of the ground terminals located behind the lateral bulkhead, driver’s side.IGNITION WIRE+15/54: connect to the wire located at the position nr.22, of the 26 way blue connector, coming out of the operating central unit.DIRECTION INDICATORSConnect to the 1 mm2 wires at the positions 14 and 15 located in the 16 way black connector coming out of the operating central unit.ELECTRIC WINDOWSPositive control signalFront window, driver’s side:cut the PINK wire located at the position nr.5.Front window, passenger’s side: cut the BLUE wire located at the position nr.5.These positions are in the connectors coming out of the correspondent serial push bottons.Refer to the diagram nr.166.ACTIVAT./DEACTIVATIONTo connect the antitheft of the 3800 serie it is necessary to refer to the diagram CONTROLSnr.163.IMMOBILISATION POINTInertial switchCut the 1 mm2 BLUE wire of the inertial switch located on the left of the engine compartment, above the brakes pump.STARTER+50: Cut the 1,5 mm2 BLUE wire located in the wiring harness along the steering column, under the dashboard driver’s side.It is suggested to install an additional relay.BONNET SWITCHInstall an additional switch on the front headlamp support plate near the left lateral headlamp.DOORS SWITCHConnect to the wires at the positions nr.6, nr.11, nr.12 and nr.13 of the 26 way blue connector located on the coming out of the operating central unit.Divide the lines by means of 4 diodes.BOOT SWITCHConnect to the wire nr.319 on the coming out of the boot lamp.Note: This information is not binding, therefore it must be considered only an example for installation purposes that must be executed cixsp02gbbt.docas per the instructions given on the product installation manual.SPECIFIC VEHICLE ALARM FITTING INSTRUCTIONS REV.00www.cobra.itFITTING DIAGRAM N°163Diagram for the connection of art.3800 on CITROEN XSASA PICASSO year 2002Connectors coming out of the BSI original operating central 16 way BLACK connector 26 way BLUE connectorPos.nr.3 Pos.nr.4 Pos.nr.8 Pos.nr.5PINK LIGHT LIGHTWHITEBLUE BROWNArt.3800GREY/BLACKDiode 1N 4004YELLOW/BLACKVIOLETORANGELeft switch Right switch VIOLET/WHITEgroundORANGE/WHITE+ 30Note: This information is not binding, therefore it must be considered only an example for installation purposes that must be executed cixsp02gbbt.docas per the instructions given on the product installation manual.SPECIFIC VEHICLE ALARM FITTING INSTRUCTIONS REV.00www.cobra.itFITTING DIAGRAM N°166Diagram to make the windows locking on CITROEN XSARA PICASSO year 2002GREYGREEN+15+15GREY/BLACK2980GREEN/BLACKDiode 1N4004Pos.3, 5 way greyPos.5, 5 way greyPos.5, 5 way redconnector in theconn.in the pushconn.In the pushpush buttons panelbuttons panelbuttons panelMCPUMNote: This information is not binding, therefore it must be considered only an example for installation purposes that must be executed cixsp02gbbt.docas per the instructions given on the product installation manual [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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