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.(Burton Watson, The Zen Teachings ofMaster Lin-Chi.)Mindfulness of the BuddhaSynonymous with Buddha Recitation.See  BuddhaRecitation.Mount SumeruThe central mountain of every universe.Also calledWonderful Height, Wonderful Brilliancy, etc.142 NA| B| C| D| E | F| G| H| I | J | K| L | M|N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z |Nagarjuna (2nd/3rd cent.) One of the most important philosophers of Buddhismand the founder of the Madhyamika school.Nagar-juna s major accomplishment was his systematizationof the teaching presented in the Prajnaparamita Sutras.Nagarjuna s methodological approach of rejecting allopposites is the basis of the Middle Way (ShambhalaDictionary of Buddhism and Zen.)NarayanaName of a deva, a strong, manly hero having divinepower.NirmanakayaSee  Three bodies of the Buddha.143 NirvanaThe deathless; the cessation of all suffering.The veryopposite of the Wheel of Birth-and-Death; it is whatthose in the Buddhist tradition aspire to experience.The Absolute, which transcends designation andmundane characterization.Nirvana SutraThe last of the sutras in the Mahayana canon.It em-phasizes the importance of Buddha-nature, which isthe same as Self-Nature.Non-Birth (No-Birth) A term used to describe the nature of Nirvana.InMahayana Buddhism generally, No-Birth signifies the extinction of the discursive thinking by which weconceive of things as arising and perishing, formingattachments to them. (Ryukoku University.) See also Tolerance of Non-Birth.144 OA| B| C| D| E | F| G| H| I | J | K| L | M|N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z |Ocean-Wide Lotus AssemblyThe Lotus Assembly represents the gathering of Bud-dha Amitabha, the Bodhisattvas, the sages and saintsand all other superior beings in the Land of UltimateBliss.This Assembly is  Ocean-Wide as the partici-pants are infinite in number  spreading as far andwide as the ocean.The term Ocean-Wide Assembly isgenerally associated with the Avatamsaka Sutra, a textparticularly prized by the Pure Land and Zen schoolsalike.Once-returnerA sage who has only one rebirth left before reachingArhatship and escaping birth and death.One-Life BodhisattvaA Bodhisattva who is one lifetime away from Buddha-hood.The best known example is the BodhisattvaMaitreya.145 One-Vehicle DharmaThe one Yana, the vehicle of Oneness.The oneBuddhayana, the One Vehicle, i.e., Mahayana, whichcontains the final or complete Law of the Buddha andnot merely a part, or preliminary stage, as in Hinayana.Other-PowerThe issue of other-power (Buddhas power) is oftenmisunderstood and glossed over by many Buddhists.However, it must be pointed out that, in Buddhism,other-power is absolutely necessary if a Bodhisattva isto attain Ultimate Enlightenment.The LankavataraSutra (the only sutra recommended by Bodhidharma)and the Avatamsaka Sutra (described by D.T.Suzukias the epitome of Buddhist thought) are emphaticallyclear on this point:As long as [conversion] is an experience and not mereunderstanding, it is evident that self-discipline plays animportant role in the Buddhist life& but& we mustnot forget the fact that the Lanka [Lankavatara Sutra]also emphasizes the necessity of the Buddha s powerbeing added to the Bodhisattvas , in their upwardcourse of spiritual development and in the accom-plishment of their great task of world salvation.146 (Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, tr., The Lankavatara Sutra, p.xviii.)The Avatamsaka Sutra states:Having purified wisdom and means in the seventhstage&The great sages attain acceptance of non-origination&On the basis of their previous resolution, the buddhasfurther exhort them& : Though you have extinguished the burning of thefire of affliction,Having seen the world still afflicted, remember yourpast vows;Having thought of the welfare of the world, work inquestOf the cause of knowledge, for the liberation of theworld.(T.Cleary, tr., The Flower Ornament Sutra, Vol II, p.86)See also  Easy Path of Practice.147 PA| B| C| D| E | F| G| H| I | J | K| L | M|N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z |ParajikaLit., defeat or the conditions leading to the defeat ofthe Bodhicitta.Also.the conditions leading to thedefeat of the Bhiksu s life.Paramita: Refers to the six practices, the perfection of whichferries one beyond the sea of suffering and mortality toNirvana.The six Paramitas are the following:(1) Dana, charity or giving, including the bestowing oftruth on others; (2) Sila, keeping the discipline;(3) Ksanti, patience under suffering and insult;(4) Virya, zeal and progress; (5) Dhyana, meditation orcontemplation; (6) Prajna, wisdom, the power todiscern reality or truth.It is the perfection of the lastone  Prajna  that ferries sentient beings across theocean of Samsara (the sea of incarnate life) to theshores of Nirvana.148 ParinirvanaThe Buddha s final Nirvana, entered by him at the timeof death.Polar MountainIn Buddhist cosmology, the universe is composed ofworlds upon worlds  ad infinitum.(Our earth is only asmall part of one of these worlds).The Polar Mountainis the central mountain of each world.PolarisThe North Star, polestar; star of the second magnitude,standing alone and forming the end of the tail of theconstellation Ursa Minor; it marks very nearly theposition of the north celestial pole.PrajnaTrue or transcendental wisdom.Last of the paramitas.One of the highest attainments of Buddhist practice.Pratyeka BuddhaA solitary Buddha; one who has achieved Awakeningthrough insight into the dependent origination of mindand body.Pratyekabuddhas lead only solitary lives,149 and they do not teach the Dharma to others nor do theyhave any desire to do so.PretasHungry ghosts.who are tormented by continual andunsatisfied cravings.The preta-realm is one of thethree states of woe (apaya-bhumi) and one of the sixrealms of existence.PriyavacanaLit., loving or affectionate speech.This beautiful andaffectionate speech is one of the Four All- EmbracingVirtues and is used to lead sentient beings toward thetruth.Pure LandGeneric term for the realms of the Buddhas.In this textit denotes the Land of Ultimate Bliss or Western Landof Amitabha Buddha.It is not a realm of enjoyment,but rather an ideal place of cultivation, beyond theTriple Realm and samsara, where those who are rebornare no longer subject to retrogression.This is the keydistinction between the Western Pure Land and suchrealms as the Tusita Heaven.There are two concep-tions of the Pure Land: as different and apart from the150 Saha World and as one with and the same as the SahaWorld [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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