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.AAYYBBYYBB r rEven as the Dreamweaver raised herself on one elbow for a better look, the illuminationbegan to fade.Before it died entirely, she glimpsed a man with hair the colour of wheat atmidsummer.He wore a red tunic trimmed with gold, and his eyes, dark as chestnuts, werestrange and ancient as time.'You were chilled,' said Jaric out of the darkness.Taen pushed herself to her knees, startled by cloth that fell with a slither around hercalves.She touched, and felt fine velvet and silk; a Firelord's cloak had been tossed overher while she slept.The man who owned the garment sat intense and still, his presence asfathomless as sky.Taen bit her lip.The Ivainson seated on Callinde's aft sail locker both was and was not theboy she had known on board Moonless.Wrung by sudden uncertainty, the Dreamweaverdrew a careful breath.'I thought you'd burned me like a charcoalman's sticks.' She drewanother breath, this one less than controlled.'Great Fall, do you know what we've done?Callinde's lines tapped the mast through a comfortless silence.Jaric did not reply.Rousedto concern, Taenprobed with her dream-sense.She discovered him afraid that if he reached for her, shewould vanish away like the Vaere, leaving him in solitude on a desolate shore.Her trembling transformed to laughter.'Fish-brains! You're Keithland's first sane Firelord,and still you haven't a feather-weight of good sense.' With that, the Dreamweaver surgedforward and caught Ivainson around the neck.Half-grinning, half-weeping, she draggedhim down into her nest of soggy sails.Jaric stiffened in surprise.Then, as her cheek nestled into his shoulder and her tears fellhot on his throat, he caught her close in his arms.'Will you always arrive in time to haulme out of trouble by the heels?' But he did not wait for her answer; instead he threadedboth hands in black hair, bent his head, and stopped her lips with his kiss.The Firelord's cloak tumbled unheeded to the deck.Taen traced her fingers along the lineof Jaric's collarbone.Gone to the Vaere as a child of ten, she had never known a man.Aside from the premature development that resulted from her mastery, in years andexperience she was still very near to a child; but contact with elders on Imrill Kand hadinfluenced the sensitivity that later gave rise to her Dreamweaver's powers.In some thingsthe girl possessed an understanding far beyond her age.Taen snagged laces of braidedgold and deftly began to untie them.'Did I hear you say I was cold? That's a lie.'Her reward was Jaric's quick laugh.'Shrew.I'll change that to no sense of propriety.Willyou marry me on Imrill Kand?'Taen freed the last tie and squirmed to reach his belt.'No.' Hands busy, she kissed hischin.'I won't wait that long.Corley can marry us at sea.' Sharply she tugged at his buckle.Jaric twisted and caught her wrists.'Wait.' He raised her and settled her comfortablyagainst his side.'You canrush the wedding all you like, but not this.I love you.All Keithland can wait while I tellyou so.'Gently he touched her face, her neck, her shoulders.Then he kissed her, softly as mistclinging to a flower.His hands moved, and he kissed her again.Taen felt the heat in hisblood.In his restraint, she discovered something finer than the joyless appetites of themen from Imrill Kand.Tension, nervousness, and all fear inside her loosened.Jaric washere, now, for her, and she would never lose him.Warm fingers slipped the clothing fromher shoulders.As the stars wheeled over the Isle of the Vaere, a Dreamweaver's robes ofaaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rsilver-grey joined the Firelord's cloak and tunic on the deck.By dawn, two lovers laytangled asleep in the sails, heated by a tender glow of happiness.Taen woke, this time to sunshine that was real.She lay with her head in Jaric's lap.Byminute movements of his muscles, she realized he had roused ahead of her and busiedhimself with a chore.She opened her eyes, found him weaving a splice with hismarlinspike, and promptly pinched his flank.'Haven't you anything better to do?''I didn't want to waken you.' Jaric jammed his marlinspike through the plies in the ropeand caught her teasing fingers.But Taen's other hand remained at liberty, and with that she explored his person withprovocative delight.She discovered him naked of clothing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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