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.Sometimes they would rollout of the focus of the camera, and, at such times, Tom wished he was at themachine to swing the lens around, but he knew it would be dangerous to move.Then the beasts would roll back into the rays of light again, and morepictures of them would be taken."I guess the small one is going to win!" said Tom, after the two lions hadfought for ten minutes, and the bigger one had been down several times."He's younger," agreed Ned, "and I guess the other one has had his share offights.Maybe this is a battle to see which one is to rule this part of thejungle.""I guess so," spoke the young inventor, as he pressed the button to stop thecamera, as the lions rolled out of focus."Oh, look!" he cried a moment later,as the animals again rolled into view.Tom started the camera once more."Thisis near the end," he said.The small lion had, by a sudden spring, landed on the back of his rival.TherePage 40 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlwas a terrific struggle, and the older beast went down, the younger oneclawing him terribly.Then, so quickly did it happen that the boys could nottake in all the details, the older lion rolled over and over, and rid himselfof his antagonist.Quickly he got to his feet, while the smaller lion did thesame.They stood for a moment eyeing each other, their tails twitching, thehair on their backs bristling, and all the while they uttered frightful,roars.An instant later the larger beast sprang toward his rival.One terrible pawwas upraised.The small lion tried to dodge, but was not quick enough.Downcame the paw with terrific force, and the boys could hear the back bone snap.Then, clawing his antagonist terribly, as he lay disabled, the older lion,with a roar of triumph, lapped up water, and sprang off through the jungle,leaving his dying rival beside the spring."That's the end," cried Tom, as the small lion died, and the young inventorpressed the button stopping his camera.There was a rustle in the leaves backof Tom and Ned, and they sprang up in alarm, but they need not have feared,for it was only Koku, the giant, who, with a portable electrical torch, hadcome to see how they had fared."Mr.Tom all right?" asked the big man, anxiously.Tom Swift And His Wizard CameraCHAPTER XIII A SHOT IN TIME44"Yes, and I got some fine pictures.You can carry the camera back now, Koku.Ithink that roll of film is pretty well filled."The three of them looked at the body of the dead lion, before they went backto the airship.I have called him"small," but, in reality, the ;beast was small only in comparison with hisrival, who was a tremendous lion in size.I might add that of all the picturesTom took, few were more highly prized than that reel of the lion fight."Bless my bear cage!" cried Mr.Damon, as Tom came back, "you certainly havenerve, my boy.""You have to, in this business," agreed Tom with a laugh."I never did thisbefore, and I don't know that Iwould want it for a steady position, but it's exciting for a change."They remained near the "lion spring" as they called it all night, and in themorning, after Koku had served a tasty breakfast, Tom headed the airship for adistrict where it was said there were many antelope, and buffaloes, alsozebus."I don't want to get all exciting pictures," our hero said to Mr.Nestor."Ithink that films showing wild animals at play, or quietly feeding, will begood.""I'm sure they will," said Mary's father."Get some peaceful scenes, by allmeans."They sailed on for several days, taking a number of pictures from the airship,when they passed over a part of the country where the view was magnificent,and finally, stopping at a good sized village they learned that, about tenmiles out, was a district where antelope abounded."We'll go there," decided Tom, "and I'll take the camera around with me on asort of walking trip.In that wayI'll get a variety of views, and I can make a good film."This plan was followed out.The airship came to rest in a beautiful greenvalley, and Ned and Tom, with Mr.Damon, who begged to be taken along, started off."You can follow me in about half an hour, Koku," said Tom, "and carry thecamera back.I guess you can easily pick up our trail.""Oh, sure," replied the giant.Indeed, to one who had lived in the forest, ashe had all his life, before Tom found him, it was no difficult matter tofollow a trail, such as the three friends would leave.Page 41 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlTom found signs that showed him where the antelopes were in the habit ofpassing, and, with Ned and Mr.Damon, stationed himself in a secluded spot.He had not long to wait before a herd of deer came past.Tom took manypictures of the graceful creatures, for it was daylight now, and he needed nolight.Consequently there was nothing to alarm the herd.After having made several films of the antelope, Tom and his two companionswent farther on.They were fortunate enough to find a place that seemed to bea regular playground of the deer.There was a large herd there, and, gettingas near as he dared, Tom focused his camera, and began taking pictures."It's as good as a play," whispered Mr.Damon, as he and Ned watched thecreatures, for they had to speak quietly.The camera made scarcely any noise."I'm glad I came on this trip."Tom Swift And His Wizard CameraCHAPTER XIII A SHOT IN TIME45"So am I," said Ned."Look, Tom, see the mother deer all together, and thefawns near them.It's just as if it was a kindergarten meeting.""I see," whispered Tom."I'm getting a picture of that."For some little time longer Tom photographed the deer, and then, suddenly, thetimid creatures all at once lifted up their heads, and darted off.Tom andNed, wondering what had startled them, looked across the glade just in time tosee a big tiger leap out of the tall grass.The striped animal had beenstalking the antelope, but they had scented him just in time."Get him, Tom," urged Ned, and the young inventor did so, securing 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