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.While Fasha and Catrin had been pregnant, Benjin and Prioshad worked, carving the masthead, which extended back along the sides of the ship.Modeled afterKyrien, the ship looked as if it were flying, even as it sat in dry dock.For a moment, Benjin stopped to revel in his new life.Letting go of Catrin had been difficult, buthe knew Prios would take good care of her.It was on their wedding day that Benjin's life foreverchanged.With tears in her eyes, Fasha had asked him to marry her.She asked him.He still couldn'tbelieve it.For weeks, he'd been trying to find the words to ask her, all the while helping organize Priosand Catrin's wedding.He'd been afraid of somehow making Catrin's day less special and never found theright moment to ask.Fasha had chosen the moment, and he loved her for it.Catrin's wedding day was filled with tears of joy, and the ceremony touched everyone whoattended.Later, when Benjin was asked to speak, he could no longer contain his news, and though hewas terrified, he announced his engagement to Fasha.The celebration that followed was one he wouldnever forget.The familiar sound of bare feet running across the deck alerted Benjin to a coming storm."Are we ready, Daddy? Can we go now? Momma says I'm going to love the sea.Can we gonow, Daddy? Can we? Please?" The last question was punctuated by one of Gwen's most practiced andeffective looks."Yes.We can go now." Benjin gave the order, and horses were brought in.Hooked to thick lines that ran through a massive pulley, the horses pulled.Unlike ships built from many small pieces, the Dragon was a whole.She didn't creak or moan asshe slipped along the guide planks.She entered the water with what sounded like a sigh of relief.In thewater, she looked much different than Benjin had imagined.Her wingtips, though close and tight to theship, soared just above the water line, making the ship look vulnerable where Benjin knew it was strong.Using Brother Vaughn as his voice, Prios often joked that the carving they did made the woodstronger.As if they were peeling away the bits that were hiding its true form.Looking at it now, Benjincouldn't believe he'd been a part of creating it."Fasha, my wife," Benjin said as he wrapped her in his arms, "I love you, and I think you shouldbe captain of this ship.""I'll need a cook," she said, and they both laughed.Gwen charged by at full speed."Can we leave now?" she asked without slowing.Together, Benjin and Fasha raised the sails and let the wind drive the Dragon's Wing for the firsttime.Without a sound, save for the flap of canvas, she sliced through the water."Wait!" a voice carried across the water."Hey! Wait for me!"A loud splash followed, and Benjin turned to look.Then he just shook his head and laughed.He'd forgotten that he promised Jessub he could come on the maiden voyage.Every few days, the boywould show up and check on their progress, and he must have known they were getting close.Now heswam toward them.Fasha slowed the ship as they waited for Jessub.Benjin dropped the boarding net over the side, never having expected to use it so soon."Up yougo," he said as he pulled a soaked and exhausted Jessub aboard."You were gonna leave without me," Jessub accused."It's my fault," Fasha said as she threw Jessub a towel."I convinced him to sail today.I shouldhave told him to wait for you.""Yes, ma'am," he said, and Benjin barely contained his laughter.For all his energy and bravado,Jessub feared Fasha's wrath more than anything, which, Benjin supposed, only showed that the boy hadgood sense."Come on, Jessub!" Gwen demanded as she led him to the prow."Look! I'm flying," she said asshe stuck her arms out to the sides.A moment later, she was bathed in shadow.Kyrien soared low overthe prow, just above Gwen and Jessub."Wow," Jessub said, his jaw hanging slack."We're flying!" Gwen said.Benjin watched in amazement, hoping the likeness would not offend Kyrien.Unlike the tales ofdragon riders, Catrin had no control over Kyrien.He was a free creature, and he went only where hechose.It was a fact that Benjin knew bothered Catrin and terrified others, but there seemed no way tochange the dragon.In truth, Benjin liked him just as he was.As if to show his approval, Kyrien rested his chin on the carved image of his head and flew withhis eyes closed, letting the motion of the ship guide him.Benjin watched in amazement.A moment laterKyrien trumpeted and tipped his wings.Soaring high into the sky, he disappeared from sight.In deep water, Fasha raised more sail, and the Dragon's Wing flew across the water--free.* * *The Watering Hole bustled with activity, and Miss Mariss carried platters laden with foodbetween the many crowded tables.Warm weather had blessed them with record crops, and finally theirlivestock were plentiful again.Children were born, and the towns of Lowerton and Upperton grew fasterthan anyone could have imagined.Martik's marvels of engineering made farming possible in otherwiseimpossible places, and it seemed starvation was no longer a threat.One of the guests yelled for Miss Mariss and she turned.Prios stood near the doorway, his slatein hand."Sinjin?" it said [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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