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."We're just on occasional babysitting andplaying uncles duty in California, right?" Not that hedidn't love and adore the kids, but there were times hewanted to tear Slayde's clothes off and not have to worrythat there might be little eyes watching."Our house is three blocks away, love.Our house."He grinned."Our house.That sounds good, doesn'tit?" Shit, a year ago he was a lone wolf.He'd neverimagined he could have a life like this, with a lover, afamily.People who accepted him for who he was.He should have come out fucking years ago.227 Slayde nodded, then spun around, Super Nannyhimself saving both a tray of cheese and Jenny, who wasabout to have it fall on her.Maybe not.Maybe he'd been waiting for just the rightman.Or just the right manny.End.228 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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