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.In other words, kings have aand gathers them, and constitutes a temporary 'reservation' wheresuperhuman essence, and when they temporarily borrow certainan ethnographic curiosity as well protected as a Sioux territory willforms of democratic life, it can only be through an incarnationbe kept and, with luck, increased.which goes against nature, made possible through condescensionalone.To flaunt the fact that kings are capable of prosaic actions isThe two century-old themes are merged, that of the God-King andto recognize that this status is no more natural to them thanthat of the King-Object.But this mythological heaven is not asangelism to common mortals, it is to acknowledge that the king isharmless as all that to the Earth.The most ethereal mystifications,still king by divine right.the 'amusing details' of the 'Blue Blood' Cruise, all this anecdotalblah with which the national press made its readers drunk is notThus the neutral gestures of daily life have taken, on theproffered without damage: confident in their restored divinity, theAgamemnon, an exorbitantly bold character, like those creativeprinces democratically engage in politics.The Comte de Parisfantasies in which Nature violates its own kingdoms: kings shaveleaves the Agamemnon and comes to Paris to 'keep close watch' onthemselves! This touch was reported by our national press as an actthe fortunes of the European Defence Community, and the youngof incredible singularity, as if in doing so kings consented to riskJuan of Spain is sent to the rescue of Spanish Fascism.the whole of their royal status, making thereby, incidentally, aprofession of faith in its indestructible nature.King Paul waswearing an open-neck shirt and short sleeves, Queen Frederika aprint dress, that is to say one no longer unique but whose patterncan also be seen on the bodies of mere mortals.Formerly, kingsdressed up as shepherds; nowadays, to wear for a fortnight clothesfrom a cheap chain-store is for them the sign of dressing up.Yetanother sign of democracy: to get up at six in the morning.All this31 32 The reality behind this seasonally professed lack of culture is theold obscurantist myth according to which ideas are noxious if theyare not controlled by 'common sense' and 'feeling': Knowledge isBlind and Dumb CriticismEvil, they both grew on the same tree.Culture is allowed oncondition that it periodically proclaims the vanity of its ends andthe limits of its power (see also on this subject the ideas of MrGraham Greene on psychologists and psychiatrists); ideally,Critics (of books or drama) often use two rather singularculture should be nothing but a sweet rhetorical effusion, an art ofarguments.The first consists in suddenly deciding that the trueusing words to bear witness to a transient moistening of the soul.subject of criticism is ineffable, and criticism, as a consequence,Yet this old romantic couple, the heart and the head, has no realityunnecessary.The other, which also reappears periodically, consistsexcept in an imagery of vaguely Gnostic origin, in these opiate-likein confessing that one is too stupid, too unenlightened tophilosophies which have always, in the end, constituted theunderstand a book reputedly philosophical.A play by Henrimainstay of strong regimes, and in which one gets rid ofLefebvre on Kierkegaard has thus provoked in our best critics (andintellectuals by telling them to run along and get on with theI am not speaking about those who openly profess stupidity) aemotions and the ineffable.In fact, any reservation about culturepretended fear of imbecility (the aim of which was obviously tomeans a terrorist position.To be a critic by profession and todiscredit Lefebvre by relegating him to the ridicule of pureproclaim that one understands nothing about existentialism orintellectualism).Marxism (for as it happens, it is these two philosophies particularlythat one confesses to be unable to understand) is to elevate one'sWhy do critics thus periodically proclaim their helplessness orblindness or dumbness to a universal rule of perception, and totheir lack of understanding? It is certainly not out of modesty: noreject from the world Marxism and existentialism: 'I don'tone is more at ease than one critic confessing that he understandsunderstand, therefore you are idiots [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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