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.I ll prayfor her soul, night and day, but I won t have her here.And youcan keep your filthy money, too.Now get out!Mac stepped out the door, and turned again, but the doorslammed in his face. I ll send someone for Anna s things, hemuttered.That went well.Smooth, MacLean.He hoped Brendawouldn t be mad enough to destroy Anna s possessions beforehe could collect them.You just had to do that, rub her nose in it.But he couldn t help asmall feeling of satisfaction.All these years, he d had to take herlectures and her preaching.And now he could flat out tell herthe truth and not care.He was worse than she d ever imagined,and he didn t care.He hadn t realized how much he resented herattitude, and the necessity that tied him to her, until it was gone.He headed back home feeling better than he had ever expectedabout making the break with Brenda.1 1 1Sunday evening was edging into the early hours of Mondaymorning before Mac finally made his way to the bedroom.Tonywas sprawled across his own side of the bed, face down, underthe light sheet.Mac sat on the edge of the bed to set his alarm. Work in the mornin ? Tony mumbled without looking up. Yep, Mac said. Case meeting bright and early. He hadspent a long time on the phone with Oliver off and on throughthe day.Anderson had talked at first.Apparently he had latched 306 Kaje Harperon to the idea that Ben was one of the prime witnesses againsthim from news stories.All that human interest crap about the brave young boy the only witness to a brutal killer that KVOLhad come up with.Then they made it easy for Anderson to trackBen down by identifying the adult with him as  courageousteacher Anthony Hart who survived his own close encounterwith a killer just last year. Add Tony s listed phone numberand some rudimentary computer skills, and Ben had been wideopen.One of Mac s tasks today had been to convince the phonecompany that Tony needed a new unlisted number right now.But when they had confronted Anderson with the necklace,found at the scene, he had apparently clammed up completely.They hadn t been able to find out yet where the man had beenliving, and he refused to answer anything else, even though hehad yet to request his lawyer.The profiler thought Andersonhad probably taken souvenirs from each of his victims, and wasprotecting his treasures with his silence.His car had been locateda few miles down the road in the park, but had yielded no newclues.They had also found the knife in the woods.Mac had beenpleased to hear about it, but there had been a tiny clutch in hisgut as he realized that only luck had kept the weapon out ofAnderson s hands when he fought Tony.With a weapon, evena small one like that dagger, things might have turned out verydifferently.Eventually, Oliver had taken Anderson back to his cell.Theywould try interrogating him again in the morning, with Macadding his efforts.Anderson s arraignment was also upcoming,and would doubtless be a media event.Even without the DNAresults yet, there was plenty of physical evidence to lock in thecase.Mac wasn t worried about Anderson getting turned loose.But he dreaded the renewed publicity.Severs had been a pig in clover at his press conference.He preened in front of the cameras, dressed in a suit he hadapparently sent some underling to pick up for him.He hadtouted the effectiveness of his department without once using BREAKING COVER 307Mac s name.Mac was just as glad.But he wondered a little whathis boss would be like at their next meeting.He sighed.Life wasn t perfect.Loes would be back in the officeon Monday, with a legitimate reason for an official complaint ifhe chose.Even without a complaint, Mac expected a very mixedreception from his co-workers.Loes would doubtless spreadvenom where he could.He had fucked up the situation with Brenda as thoroughlyas was humanly possible.Not that there had been a good wayto do that, but Mac was sure he d found one of the worse ones.He would have to find someone else to send for Anna s things.Maybe Ramsey would do it for him.Anna had been subdued at dinner, and insisted on praying along time at bedtime.Then her sleep had been troubled.Onlynow, after two glasses of water, one trip to the bathroom, andanother hour that Mac spent going in and out of her room, hadshe finally drifted off into a deeper sleep.Mac shot a glance at thenew monitor on his side of the bed.The rustling and breathinghad quieted at last.Ben had had one nightmare too, and Tony s boneless poselooked like deep fatigue.Both kids were undoubtedly upset.Macwondered how regular parents made it through times like this.Although, even regular parents probably didn t have many timeslike this.The weight of responsibility was suddenly heavy.Annawas all his now.Well, his and Tony s.He looked over at the man beside himand slowly slid the sheet down.Because there were good thingsabout this arrangement too.Really good things.And not justknowing Tony was in this parenting thing with him.Not justhaving this man at his side.Call him superficial, but it was amazing to just look over andsee that fine curve of muscle and skin, the line from shoulderdown Tony s back to the hollow of his ass.There was thegraceful arc of light off lean biceps, gaining a little added muscleas Tony had joined Mac with his weights now and then.He lovedthe angle of hip, and the deep divot of dimple in that fine ass, 308 Kaje Harperinviting his tongue.He leaned over and placed a kiss in the spot,brushing soft skin with the stubble of his unshaved face. Mmm, Tony whispered sleepily. Hi, there. Hi, babe, Mac breathed, continuing a gentle exploration ofthe body laid out for his tasting.Lean muscled legs, featheredwith dark hair, and those narrow arched feet.Tony moved a littleunder his mouth, spreading his legs.Mac was on his way back upone warm thigh when a whimpering cry interrupted them. Yours or mine? Tony rasped.Mac glanced over at the monitors.Ben s glowed steadily;Anna s had a row of lights dancing in time to the sound.Hesighed. Mine.I ll go see what she needs.You wait here and holdthat thought.He shut off the monitor, grabbed his robe from the hookon the door and made his way to Anna s room.His daughter satup in her sleeping bag, face flushed and distressed.Mac loweredhimself to sit beside her.Her new bed was on order, but for nowthis arrangement of sofa cushions and sleeping bag was the bestthey could do. What s up, princess? he asked softly. I had a dream, she said, snuggling up beside him. I dreamedthat you and Tony were locked up in a room and I had to go livewith this strange old woman, and she made oatmeal. Yuck, Mac said lightly. Oatmeal. I wasn t scared of the oatmeal, Anna said reproachfully. I know, Mac agreed. Tony and I aren t going anywhere,except home and work and all the regular things.We ll be herein the morning and then your bed will come, and Tony will takeyou shopping. Although Tony doesn t know it yet.Mac ruthlesslysacrificed Tony s morning to Anna s enjoyment. Daddy, Anna said. Are you sure God won t strike downyou and Tony, like Aunt Brenda says? Yes, baby, I m sure. He hugged her. Remember Jesus toldus to all love one another [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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