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.I believe I am notunder control and you have no choice but to believe it, too.Consider this,however.If the Second Foundation exists, it is certain that their biggestneed is to make sure that no one in the Galaxy knows they exist.The SeldonPlan only works well if the pawns--we--are not aware of how the Plan works andof how we are manipulated.It was because the Mule focused the attention ofthe Foundation on the Second Foundation that the Second Foundation wasdestroyed in Arkady s time.--or should I saynearly destroyed, Councilman? From this we can deduce two corollaries.First, we canreasonably suppose that they interfere grossly as little as they can.We canassume it would be impossible to take us all over.Even the Second Foundation,if it exists, must have limits to its power.To take over some and allowothers to guess the fact would introduce distortions to the Plan.Consequently, we come to the conclusion that their interference is asdelicate, as indirect, as sparse as is possible--and therefore I amnotcontrolled.Nor are you:Trevize said, That is one corollary and I tend to acceptit--out of wishful thinking, perhaps.What is the other? A simpler and more inevitable one.If the Second Foundationexists and wishes to guard the secret of that existence, then one thing issure.Anyone who thinks it still exists, and talks about it, and announces it,and shouts it to all the Galaxy must, in some subtle way, be removed by themat once, wiped out, done away with.Wouldn t that be your conclusion, too?Trevize said, Is that why you have taken me into custody,Madam Mayor? To protect me from the Second Foundation? In a way.To an extent.Liono Kodell s careful recording ofyour beliefs m11 be publicized not only in order to keep the people ofPage 25ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlTerminus and the Foundation from being unduly disturbed by your sillytalk--but to keep the Second Foundation from being disturbed.If it exists, Ido not want to have its attention drawn to you. Imagine that, said Trevize with heavy irony. For my sake?For my lovely brown eyes?Branno stirred and then, quite without warning, laughedquietly.She said, I am not so old, Councilman, that I am not unaware thatyou have lovely brown eyes and, thirty years ago, that might have been motiveenough.At this time, however, I wouldn t move a millimeter to save them--orall the rest of you--if only your eyes were involved.But if the SecondFoundation exists, and if their attention, is drawn to you, they may not stopwith you.There s my life to consider, and that of a number of others far mareintelligent and valuable than you--and all the plans we have made. Oh? Do you believe the Second Foundation exists, then, thatyou react so carefully to the possibility of their response?Branno brought her fist down upon the table before her. Ofcourse I do, you consummate fool! If I didn t know the Second Foundationexists, and if I weren t fighting them as hard and as effectively as I could,would I care what you say about such a subject? If the Second Foundation didnot exist, would it matter that you are announcing they do? I ve wanted formonths to shut you up before you went public, but lacked the political powerto deal roughly with a Councilman.Seldon s appearance made me look good andgave me the power--if only temporarily--and at that moment, youdid go public.I moved at once, and now I will have you killed without a twinge of conscienceor a microsecond of hesitation--if you don t do exactly as you re told. Our entire conversation now, at an hour in which I would muchrather be in bed and asleep, was designed to bring you to the point ofbelieving me when I tell you this.I want you to know that the problem of theSecond Foundation, which I was careful to haveyou outline, gives me reasonenough and inclination to have you brainstopped without trial.Trevize half-rose from his seat.Branno said, Oh, don t make any moves.I m only an old woman,as you re undoubtedly telling yourself, but before you could place a hand onme, you d be dead.We are under observation, foolish young man, by my people.Trevize sat down.He said, just a bit shakily, You make nosense.If you believed the Second Foundation existed, you wouldn t be speakingof it so freely.You wouldn t expose yourself to the dangers to which you sayI am exposing myself. You recognize, then, that I have a bit more good sense thanyou do.In other words, you believe the Second Foundation exists, yet youspeak freely about it, because you are foolish.I believe it exists, and Ispeak freely, too--but only because I have taken precautions.Since you seemto have read Arkady s history carefully, you may recall that she speaks of herfather having invented what she called a Mental Static Device. It serves asa shield to the kind of mental power the Second Foundation has.It stillexists and has been improved on, too, under conditions of the greatestsecrecy.This house is, for the moment, reasonably safe against their prying
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