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.H I P H O P M AT T E R S.And so it was, after years of scrutiny, struggle, and its share of scan-dals rap music reached another milestone; according to Billboard in 1998 it o‰cially became black America’s music of choice.The take-over was in full force.For some the o‰cial recognition was late incoming.Grudgingly and despite years of repelling rap’s charge, theold guard in black music had no choice but to give in to the shifting seas of cultural change.In the arena of music the changes meant that a new generation of artists, executives, and entrepreneurs would be-come the vanguard of a new era in the cultural industry that, morethan any other, embodied black America’s brilliance and blemishes.The ascendancy of rap was also a harbinger of bigger things tocome, namely the remaking of black American social and politicallife.Hip hop’s dramatic influences in the musical world of blackAmerica were not nearly as pronounced in the worlds of black polit-ical or intellectual life.But change in those arenas and the kinds of struggles that were sure to ensue were not nearly as far oƒ as they ap-peared in 1998.In fact, those changes were steadily making theirway toward shore.84 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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