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."Craig's smile widened and those luscious dimples deepened."Hi Emma, how are your ears?"Did she hear him right? Her ears? Her right hand stole up and touched her ear."My ears?""Yeah, has your hearing returned?"Oh man, her hearing! What was wrong with her? She couldn't even keep a thought in her headwhen this guy was around! "Oh, yeah.Yes, thanks, I can hear OK now.I still have some ringing andyou sound a little muffled, but I can hear you.""That's great." He crossed the room and stood in front of her."Hey, I just wanted to tell you that you did an amazing job at that scene.You and your partner worked that scene like mass casualtyexperts, even though neither of you could hear a thing.I was a little in awe of your expertise."Warmth flooded Emma's face again.This guy was constantly making her blush! She barelyremembered him even being at the scene.She was sure he had been there, but she couldn't rememberinteracting with him.She remembered barking orders at several firefighters over and over againthroughout the day and night, but not noting who they were."Oh, ah, thanks.Just training I guess.""Hey now, don't sell yourself short.Your focus and knowledge and authority were clear.Training can only give you so much of that."Emma felt warm at his compliment.She had long ago given up trying to prove herself in thisman's world, figuring her work would speak for itself.And here was a man who said it did, verywell."Thank you," she said, putting her hand on his muscular shoulder."I really appreciate that.""Of course, you deserve it." He flashed her one more fresh-faced, all-american-quarterbacksmile and asked, "Is there coffee?""Yes! Sit down and I'll get you some." She turned and busied herself with two cups of coffee,glad to look away from his drop-dead gorgeous face and body for a bit.She brought two coffees and some creamers and sugar to the table and sat down across fromhim."So did you guys ever figure out what caused the explosion?" Emma asked.His face darkened."Um yeah, we have some leads, but I'm not supposed to say.Hopefully theChief will share today what they think happened."Emma's heartbeat quickened.That didn't sound good.Why did he look so mad when he saidthat? She opened her mouth to ask but then the door opened and two more firefighters filed in.The newcomers said hi and went straight for coffee.Emma checked her watch.10 minutesuntil the debriefing started.People should be coming in quickly now.The door did continue to openand shut until about 45 fire rescue personnel filled the room, talking and laughing.The police wouldhave their own debriefing. Jerry came in almost last and planted a quick kiss on Emma's cheek.When he saw Craigacross from her he smiled widely and yelled a greeting.When the brass finally showed up with the psychiatrists the room was overflowing and loud.The Chief, a large man with a huge handlebar mustache, stood at the front of the table andmotioned for quiet."All right everyone, this is too many people to work with, so we are going to split you intotwo groups.Where's our lead paramedics?"Emma and Jerry raised their hands."Ok, Hill you're with me, Mansko, you're with Assistant Chief Stein.Jerry stood behind the assistant chief."OK, we are splitting you up - Everyone on this side of the room, you go to Conference RoomC.Everyone else, move these tables to the side and pull your chairs into a big circle.As the other group filed out, Emma noticed that Craig was supposed to go to ConferenceRoom C but he didn't, he stood up but started pulling the tables to the side.His arm muscles flexedunderneath his form-fitting uniform shirt and she felt her insides go all gooey.What is wrong with youHill! Shape up! She chastised herself mentally for her ongoing, unwanted attraction to this man.When they all started sitting down, Craig chose the chair right next to her.Again, her heartfluttered a little at his attention.Chief Turner grabbed a chair and turned it around backwards, in his characteristic "one of theguys" way."OK group, the first thing I want to say is 'great job'.You men and women did the cityproud yesterday.You worked all day and all night without complaint and I have never, in all myyears, seen a team do a better job.So thank you."An awkward silence filled the room.If they had been a football team, maybe they would havecheered, or clapped, but they weren't a football team, and people were hurt."First round of business," the chief continued, "We have 49 wounded.28 ended up atWestwood General, 12 were taken to St Mary's, and 9 went to Kaiser." Emma noted the 49 wounded.Her chest tightened and she dug her fingernails into her palms.Did 5 people really die, or were his numbers off?"Of these 49, 38 of them have already been released and 11 are still receiving care in one ofthe hospitals."He stopped and took a deep breath."4 men and 1 woman died after arriving at the hospital.I am going to read their names and Ineed to know if anyone here knows them."Emma's felt pain in her palms and forced herself to relax her hands.4 half-moon shapesremained etched into the meaty part of each from her nails.She took a deep breath, trying to calmherself.She saw death every day, but it never stopped bothering her.Those people had been mothers,fathers, husbands, wives, sons, daughters, friends.And now they were gone.What she really wantedto know was what caused the explosion.Chief Turner read off the 5 names and looked around.No one in the group indicated they knewone of the dead."Ok, let's have a moment of silence for these fine people whose time on this earth is done."The group bowed their heads together.Not a word was spoken.After a few moments the Chief went on."The investigation into the explosion is ongoing.Early reports indicate that a pipe bomb was planted at the scene."A bolt of sensation shot through Emma's chest at the words "pipe bomb." A few gaspspeppered the room.Emma jumped to her feet."Planted? Planted by who?""Calm down Hill, sit down please.We don't know by who.Once we finish our investigation itwill be turned over to the police department."Emma sank back into her chair.A pipe bomb? Why would anyone plant a pipe bomb in afactory that made baked goods? The thought made her sick to her stomach.49 people hurt, 5 dead, notbecause of a stupid mistake, but because of malice.Because of evil.Because whoever would do that surely was evil.Emma only half heard the rest of what the Chief had to say.Her mind was turning thisinformation over and over again.All she could think of was what had happened [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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