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. They mean I have beenaccepted as vor, he admitted. As vor, Patrick repeated slowly, a chill settling through him.Heknew Alexei was associated with the Russian mob.He knew his loverhad done things in their service that should have sent him running inloathing, but he had accepted all that because Alexei had to make aliving somehow, and he was just following orders.But now&. Asvor. His disgust must have been clear in his voice, because Alexeitensed against him even before Patrick sat up, reaching for the light sohe could see his lover s his betrayer s face. How could you dothat? he demanded, his voice rising slowly in volume. How couldyou do that to us? Us? Alexei retorted, cursing himself as soon as the word left hislips. You know what I am, he continued, swinging his legs off thebed and rising to his feet. I do what I must. Why? Patrick demanded, staring at the tattooed back. Did theyorder you to become a vor? I didn t think that was the way it worked.As long as you were just a minion, it was all right.You were justfollowing orders, and while I might hate what those orders were, I didunderstand.But now& now you re one of the ones giving the orders.Or am I wrong? Tell me I m wrong, he pleaded silently.Dear God, letme be wrong! I give no orders& yet, Alexei admitted, his voice flat asPatrick s expression twisted with disgust.He had expected nothingdifferent, after all, for how could he expect trust when he had neveroffered any in return? There was too much danger, for both of them, torisk something as nebulous as hope; he had hoped, nonetheless, and forthat he cursed himself as a fool. But one must be vor to deal with othervor.Anger flaring out of control, Patrick reached for his sweater.Pulling it over his head with sharp, short movements, he spat, Whatdid you have to do to prove yourself this time? Rape a helpless girl? Oram I going to get to work in the morning to find a body waiting for meto deal with, professionally processed at your hands? You will find no body, Alexei answered coldly, leaning over topull on his black boxers.He saw a grimace cross Flaherty s face andrealized the policeman had interpreted his words to mean only that hehad hidden the body well.He did not bother to defend himself theremight be no body to find this time, but there had been bodies enough inthe past.Flaherty had made his judgment; there was nothing left to besaid.Disgusted at his own weakness for still wanting Boczar even now,Patrick bowed his head and grabbed his pants. I hope it makes youhappy, he spat. I hope it gives you everything you think it will,because I can t anymore.I would have given you anything you askedfor, anything within my power anyway, but I can t anymore.Not ifyou re vor. He rose, not looking at his former lover, and left the cabin,returning to the cockpit and starting the engine.Alexei dressed in silence, the iciness inside hardening his souluntil warmth was only a memory, a story he had heard as a child.Heknew better than to believe in fairy stories.Sneering at his ownfoolishness, he combed through his hair with his fingers and glanced upthe passageway.It would be cold on deck, but he could not sulk in thecabin like a whipped dog.Wishing vainly for a cigarette, he climbedthe stairs to the cockpit and took the empty seat, staring through thewindscreen at the lake s black water.Patrick s Glock now sat next tothe wheel the detective used to steer the boat, retrieved from whereverhe had hidden it before.Patrick did not look over when he heard Boczar join him in thecockpit, focusing on piloting the boat back to the industrial docks asquickly as he could.He needed away from the other man s enticingpresence.He could still feel the hard hands on his body, touching himwith too much tenderness for a black-hearted mobster, could still hearthe raspy voice whispering in his ear with words too soft for a cold-blooded killer.He stiffened his resolve, determined not to give in againto the leanings of his heart that insisted it knew better than his head.Listening to his heart had landed him in this mess, but no more.Hewould let Boczar off at the docks and forget about him, no matter howimpossible a task he feared that would be.Glancing once at Flaherty s unrelenting expression, Alexei settledinto the seat, his hand closing around the gun in his pocket.That waswhat he needed to focus on, the reality he had to deal with not dreamshe had known were impossible from the beginning.He did not turn hishead for the rest of the trip back to the docks.Patrick pulled the boat up to the pier and left it idling. I won t becalling again.Find someone else when you need a piece of ass to fuck,he said without looking at his former lover, his voice dull with the painof the decision he had made.Alexei s head snapped up at the dismissive words.Despite hisintentions, he rose and stared down at the young man who had workedhis way through all his carefully crafted defenses. You think that s allthis was? he grated, seizing Flaherty s arm in an implacable grip anddragging him to his feet. A piece of ass when I need it? I could find apiece of ass to fuck any time I want one, without risking my life beingseen with you. He shoved the policeman back against the rail, holdinghim in place with the weight of his body.A smirk twisted the corner ofhis lip when he felt the hard outline of Flaherty s cock pushing againsthis thigh. It seems your body still craves to be fucked, despite all yourhigh-sounding words.Patrick could not stop the hiss of pleasure that escaped him atBoczar s touch.He knew his body s weakness all too well
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