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.The lost one.Ignorance of thingsTweed.The GM begins jumping on the spot for five countsthen squats.Raising his hands to the sacred symbolabove he winks at the GR who moves to stand besidethe WT who, on taken this cue, shuffles across the roomto stand by the W.The RP, GH,TF and the QR form arank, take a step forward then lean backwards.The assembled then each remove a slipper.GM: In honour of this man s admission we make the first sign.105HOW TO START YOUR OWN SECRET SOCIETYThe first sign is made.The second sign is made followed by the fifth.The second sign is made followed by the fifth, the eightand the tenth.This is then followed by the second andfirst again.W: The signs are given that we may recognise.The GM then rushes to the third corner where he facesthe wall.GM: This brother in darkness wishes to be considered a wearerof tweed.KL: Tis so.The sun riseth and the sun sinketh but we wear thetweed.GM: By his acceptance he will be taught the ancient mysteries.Everyone falls down then gets up after a count of three.The GM then returns to the lectern and raises his handshigh above his head.The WSM makes a mess thengathers together the rolls of tweed from their place ofstorage.The GM turns his back and cups his hands overhis ears.Three ensconced candles are lit, extinguished, then re-lit.The W, RP, GH, TF and the KL exchange places thenform a cordon around the candidate.They point at the106INITIATION CEREMONIEScandidate.The W steps forward and comforts the candi-date to a kneeling position.The GM then moves to stand in front of the candidateholding a sword to the man s breast.The W whoops once,then twice then whistles one continuous note for thecount of 20.GM then instructs the candidate to leanforward.GM: This is the sword of Jeraboam.The assembled give the third sign and utter the sacredword.Followed by the magic word, said twice.GM hops on one foot then rushes to the fourth corner.The sword will still be against the candidate s breast butis now held by the W.GM: The sword sits in judgement of your ability.ALL: All hail the sword!GM: Candidate, do you understand that to reveal what youlearn will mean?ALL: All extremities removed by force!CANDIDATE: I do.I do solemnly swear that I am to thetask.GM: Bring him unto light!107HOW TO START YOUR OWN SECRET SOCIETYW: Unto light we bring him!The hood is removed with one dramatic gesture.Everyone runs around then stops at the count of three.Sweets are then handed around and everyone is happy.GM remains in the corner until the lodge closing cere-mony at the end of the evening s festivities.This is just one example of an initiation ceremony.Youcan make yours as elaborate or as simple as you so desire.The more elaborate the ritual the greater the psycholog-ical effect, making the acolyte feel as if they have really beenthrough the initiation process mill.Simply handing over anapron or a sash is not the done thing.You must make themfeel as if they have really crossed over a threshold or enteredinto something really special.In short, lay it on thick!In Alexander Piatigorsky s Who s Afraid of the Freemasons?there are 30 pages or so of Masonic rituals for you to consultfor additional ideas.Degrees and Levels of InitiationYou must decide how many levels there are within yoursecret society.Each level must improve on the last in terms ofthe secrets revealed and the method of passing from one levelto the next through a particular ceremony.Each of theserituals must convince the acolyte that they are going to be alittle further down the road to understanding the greatermysteries that you have been hinting at since day one.Moreimportantly each ritual must be more impressive than the last.108INITIATION CEREMONIESAs the candidates have passed from the outside world tothe new life of a member of your group they are in fact stillvery much in the dark when it comes to what is really goingon.Each successive raising to the next level brings more lightupon them.It is in a sense a gradual transition as opposed toan instant one.It is recommended that a Super Grand Master (or a nameof your choosing) must be positioned at the highest degreeattainable in your organisation
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