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.Again, thepublic embraced their claims, but the medical establishment wasnot pleased.The National Institutes of Health has conceded that afew studies suggest that taking vitamin C might prevent the onsetor duration of a cold, but the majority of research shows no effect.No scientific studies have verified a beneficial effect of vitamin C oncancer.In 1973, with the help of Arthur B.Robinson, Pauling estab-lished the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine in PaloAlto, California.In 1996, the institute moved to Oregon StateUniversity, where research currently focuses on heart disease, can-cer, aging, and neurodegenerative diseases.The death in 1981 of his wife of almost 60 years from stomachcancer devastated Pauling.He published another popular healthbook titled How to Live Longer and Feel Better (1986).He was diag-nosed with prostate cancer in 1991.Though he lived for three moreyears taking massive amounts of vitamin C, he died on August 19,1994, at his ranch in Big Sur, California.Linus Pauling was a passionate, charming, conceited, and bril-liant Renaissance man with an interest in and comprehension ofnumerous subjects.A master of chemistry, he had an extraordinaryability for building molecular models within his own head, as if hecould see the actual atoms interacting with one another.To make iteasier for the rest of the world to understand what came to him nat-urally, he condensed his expansive knowledge into a few simplerules to explain chemical bonding and predict molecular structures.Pauling s numerous and substantial contributions to the field ofchemistry include his explanation of chemical bonding in terms ofhybridization, character, and resonance, his elucidation of thearchitecture of proteins and other molecular structures, and hisdescription of sickle-cell anemia as the first identified moleculardisease.He also is credited with the foundation of molecular biolo-gy, molecular medicine, and even molecular evolution.While hewas able to flawlessly merge physics and biology with chemistry andwas an expert at combining theoretical and experimental data, Linus Pauling 131Pauling divulged that he was more pleased with his Nobel PeacePrize than his scientific discoveries.Learners in every field can ben-efit from the inspirational advice he gave to a group of students atthe 1954 Nobel award ceremony in Stockholm, words he obvious-ly took to heart himself: When an old and distinguished person speaks to you, listen to himcarefully and with respect but do not believe him.Never put your trustin anything but your own intellect.Your elder, no matter whether he hasgray hair or has lost his hair, no matter whether he is a NobelLaureate, may be wrong.The world progresses, year by year, centuryby century, as the members of younger generations find out what waswrong among the things that their elders said.So you must alwaysbe skeptical always think for yourself.CHRONOLOGY1901 Linus Pauling is born on February 28 in Portland, Oregon1917 Enters the chemical engineering program at OregonAgricultural College (OAC)1919 20 Teaches quantitative analysis at OAC1922 Receives a bachelor s degree in chemical engineeringfrom Oregon Agricultural College (OAC)1925 Receives a doctorate degree in chemistry from theCalifornia Institute of Technology (Caltech)1926 27 Studies quantum physics in Europe as a Guggenheim fellow1927 Becomes assistant professor of theoretical chemistry atCaltech1929 Becomes associate professor at Caltech and publishes aset of guidelines for determining the structures of com-plex crystals that become known as Pauling s Rules1930 35 Works on explaining the nature of the chemical bond interms of quantum mechanics 132 Chemistry1931 Is promoted to full professor at Caltech and publishes thefirst in a series of papers on the nature of the chemicalbond [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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