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.Product Recommendation and Weight Loss Secret:Organic, Unrefined, Virgin Coconut OilHere is an amazing product that can have tremendous benefits, as well ashelp you lose weight faster and easier than ever before.Unrefined, pure,organic, virgin coconut oil is a product that falls in that "miraculous"category.All you do is take one tablespoonful in the morning andone tablespoonful in the late afternoon.If you do this every day forthirty days, here is what you could find.High blood pressure can bea thing of the past.Circulation problems vanish.Mood swings, gone.Depression, lifted.Constipation, cured.Arthritis pain, reduced oreliminated.Cancer, in remission.Cholesterol, normalized.Acid refluxand heartburn, diminished or gone forever.Oh, and here is a majorside effect: If you are overweight, you will probably lose ten pounds!This oil has a dramatic, positive effect on the body.The health-givingproperties that it contains are overwhelming.In upcoming issues ofthis newsletter I will provide you with more references on this oil soyou can read all the research if you are so inclined.However, I takethis every day and can personally tell you that the effects are startling.When I started taking this within three days all of my pants were fall-ing off.This happened in just three days.I didn't get on the scale soI don't know how much weight I lost, but all of my pants were fallingoff.They were all too big in just three days.I couldn't believe it.Try itand then write me with your success story.I Have Sued the Federal Trade CommissionI have done the unheard of.I have sued the big, mighty and all-powerfulFederal Trade Commission! Never before in history has an individualcitizen decided to fight the goliath in Washington and stop the mislead-ing of the American public.The Federal Trade Commission is one of themost corrupt political organizations in the world.It was commissionedto protect consumers from monopolies and protect consumers fromfalse and misleading advertising, amongst other things.Unfortunately,today, the Federal Trade Commission does the exact opposite.The FTCactually actively engages in protecting the monopolies that exist and 454 Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know Aboutin protecting the companies who are putting out false and misleadingadvertising.Additionally, the Federal Trade Commission is probablythe number-one violator of its own false and misleading advertisingstandards.The FTC repeatedly puts out press releases that are flagrantly andblatantly false and misleading.Corruption must stop.The governmentmust stop taking advantage of the citizens.The large multinationalcorporations must stop putting profit above ethics, integrity and hon-esty.We, as a society, are being made sick purposely so that largecompanies can make billions of dollars in profits.This must cease.The FTC is engaged in helping this to continue to occur.They mustbe stopped.The FTC is supposed to protect us; instead it is protectingthe large multinational corporations.Consider this, the Federal Trade Commission takes no actionagainst large multinational corporations in relation to false and mis-leading advertising.Isn't it surprising, the large multinational corpora-tion never engages in any false and misleading advertising even thoughthey produce the majority of ads? The reason the FTC takes no actionagainst the large companies' advertising is not because they are notfalse and misleading they flagrantly are but because those compa-nies are paying millions of dollars to lobbyists and politicians who arethen telling the FTC to not take action against them.The most flagrantexample of this is the ad for the drug Celebrex.This ad was so blatantlyfalse and misleading that the FDA actually said that this ad must betaken off the market because it was so false and misleading.The FederalTrade Commission is the agency that is supposed to take action againstcompanies that produce false and misleading advertising and rip off theconsumers.Here is an ad that was deemed false and misleading, anddeemed to have ripped off consumers of hundreds of millions of dollars,yet the FTC remains silent.The FTC should have sued the manufactur-er of Celebrex, required the company to pay millions of dollars in finesand to give 100 percent consumer redress for all the people who tookthat drug based on the false misrepresentations in the advertisement,but the FTC takes no action.Why? Because of political payoffs.The FTC is not interested in protecting the consumers; it is inter-ested in protecting the profits of the large companies.The FTC repeat-edly sues people like myself who advertise truthfully and honestly, butwhose products and opinions can have an adverse effect on the largecompanies.This is how the FTC protects the monopolies and protects Free Bonus Material: Newsletter Articles 455the profits of the large corporations.This is wrong and must be stopped,which is why I have taken this unprecedented action on behalf of allcitizens by suing the Federal Trade Commission.Here is a copy ofthe press release relating to this action.For more information go towww.kevinfightsback.com.Kevin Trudeau Sues Federal Trade Commissionfor "False Advertising"National Consumer Advocate and FTC CriticSeeks End to Ongoing RetaliationChicago, February 28, 2005, Kevin Trudeau, an author who is fastbecoming one of the nation's leading consumer activists, filed today twoseparate suits against the United States government charging the FederalTrade Commission with publishing false and misleading information.Mr.Trudeau is suing the FTC for very much the same reasonthat the FTC sues people for, in essence, a form of false advertising.According to the suits, the FTC has, by its own standards, committeda flagrant violation of the rules governing deceptive communications.In an agreement to settle prior to litigation then pending in theUnited States District Court before the Northern District of Illinois, thegovernment expressly acknowledged that "[t]here have been no find-ings or admissions of wrongdoing or liability by [Kevin Trudeau]."Within days, however, the FTC issued a news release maligning Mr.Trudeau in language that directly contradicts the terms of the settle-ment agreement by falsely implying that Mr.Trudeau was found guiltyof false advertising.Mr.Trudeau is charging that the FTC again, to use the FTC's ownarticulated standard given the "net impression" in its press release thatMr.Trudeau has been found guilty of wrongdoing, is a habitual falseadvertiser, and was ordered to pay a fine.According to the suits, theseare blatant falsehoods, which additionally rob Mr.Trudeau of any ben-efit of the settlement agreement.On February 16, 2005, Mr.Trudeau, through his lawyers, wroteto the FTC asking the agency to remove the misleading news releasefrom its Web site, issue a retraction, post the retraction, and dissemi-nate it to all the news agencies that received the original release.On February 22, Christian White, Deputy General Counsel forAdministrative Law and Ethics, rebuffed this request by asserting that 456 Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know Aboutthe release does not violate the settlement agreement because "noth-ing in the press release refers to any 'findings' of fact or law."Astonishingly, the FTC is thus defending its actions related to thesettlement agreement by stating that its published allegations aboutMr.Trudeau, which are presented in their new release as fact, areindeed unsubstantiated."The FTC has played fast and loose with the facts," said DavidBradford, an attorney with Jenner & Block who represented Mr [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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