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.give ingive in sthHe decided to quit his job&ð see also: hand in'and give in his notice atthe end of the week.give off sthThe durian fruit gives off a strong smell which many people don t like,give offbut most people think it s soft yellow flesh is really delicious.Coal-fired power plants&ð'give off a lot of damagingatmospheric pollutants.give out sthCould you give these test papers out to the students, please?give outgive sth outOur sales staff will be&ð see also: hand out'giving out brochures atthe trade fair.give outWhen the supply of oil gives out, we might have to use cars powered bygive outelectricity instead.The earthquake damaged&ð see also: run out'gas pipelines and the gassupply soon gave out.give up sthPolice surrounded the killer and told him to give up his weapon orgive upgive sth upthey d shoot him.We re not going to give&ð see also: hand over'up our market sharewithout a fight.give up sthMany people are trying to give up cigarettes, but it s a very difficultgive upgive sth uphabit to break.He said giving up alcohol&ð'was the best thing he sever done for himself.give upKeep on trying to learn these phrasal verbs and don t give up.I m suregive upgive up doing sthyou can do it!It s taking a long time to&ð see also: give in'open markets in Asia, butwe won t give up trying.go about sthHow do you think we should go about increasing sales?go aboutWhat do you think of the&ð see also: set about'way the police are goingabout the investigation?go against sth/sbSalaries can t be increased now because it d go against the company sgo againstcost-cutting policy.We can t go against the&ð'wishes of the Board ofDirectors.go aheadAfter the lifesavers came to patrol the beach we told our kids they couldgo aheadgo ahead and swim, but we didn t let them in the sea until then.I ve checked the contract&ð see also: go on'and it looks fine, so let sgo ahead and sign it.541000 Phrasal Verbs In Context © Matt Errey 2007www.teflgames.com/phrasal_verbs.html 1000 Phrasal Verbs in Context G g (7/10)go along with sth/sbI usually don t go along with any of his opinions, but this time I agreego alongwith him.I think he s right.withDo you go along with his&ð'ideas on expanding ourrange of products?go awayThe problem won t go away by itself.Something has to be done to solvego awayit.I need a break from work,&ð'so let s go away to a resortfor a few days.go backThe evening rush hour starts soon and the traffic will be bad, so wego backgo back to sthshould go back to the office now.She feels better today, so&ð see also: return to, head'she should be able to gobackback to work tomorrow.go back on sthYou can t trust him.He promises to do something, but he often goesgo back onback on his word and doesn t do it.Be careful what you say&ð see also: back out of'you ll do, as you can t goback on a promise.go byThat s the third bus that s gone by without stopping.Why don t thego bydrivers want to pick up passengers?As the years went by, the&ð see also: pass by'company grew bigger andstronger.go downThe cost of airline tickets is going down because of the competitiongo downfrom budget airlines.A company will fail if it&ð see also: fall off'allows the quality of itsproducts to go down.go down wellThe prime minister said that women should be paid as much as men.go downgo down badlyHis comments went down very well with women, of course.The new designs went&ð see also: go over'down badly with theircustomers and sales fell.go for sthOur team is in the final and we re going for our first championshipgo fortrophy in twenty years.(informal)Our company is going for&ð'the biggest contract it sever tried to get.go for sthIf she s on her first date with a guy, Kathy goes for the most expensivego forthing on the menu and then watches to see how the guy reacts.(informal)We usually go for the job&ð see also: opt for, pick out'applicant with the mostexperience.go forThe apartment next door went for about $500,000 a year ago, so howgo forgo for sthmuch do you think this one will go for?We need to know how&ð'much the land would gofor if we sold it.551000 Phrasal Verbs In Context © Matt Errey 2007www.teflgames.com/phrasal_verbs.html 1000 Phrasal Verbs in Context G g (8/10)go into sthMost of their income goes into paying off the loans they took out to buygo intotheir house and set up their business.A lot of the company s&ð'resources go intodeveloping new products.go into sthLet s not go into that topic now.We can talk about it later when we getgo intohome.I hope Ken doesn t go into&ð see also: get onto'one of his speeches onhow to save the world.go offAfter we heard the bomb go off, we looked out the window and saw ago offbus and some cars on fire.Miko was late.She set her&ð'alarm, but after it went offshe went back to sleep.go offThe power went off in the middle of the storm and I had to look forgo offsome candles in the dark.Computers have batteries&ð'to save work if electricitygoes off in a blackout.go onChris butted in when Jill was talking, but then realised what he d donego onand said,  Sorry for interrupting.Please go on.She doesn t realise she s&ð see also: carry on'boring everyone, and justgoes on and on.go onWhen he saw a crowd of people gathering in front of his apartmentgo onbuilding, he found someone he knew and said,  What s going on?I watch the news on cable&ð Note: Usually'TV so I ll know what sprogressive , as in  What sgoing on in the world.going on here?go outDo you feel like staying home tonight or would you rather go out andgo outdo something?We did our biggest deal&ð see also: head off'ever today, so we re allgoing out to celebrate.go outAfter burning for a few days, the forest fire finally went out when thego outrain came.There was a blackout and&ð'the lights went out andthe computers went off.go over sthMake sure you go over your notes before the test.go overLet s go over the details of&ð see also: check over, look'the contract one moreovertime before we sign it.go overHis speech went over really well.Everyone loved it.go overDon t worry.I m sure&ð see also: go down'your presentation will goover very well.561000 Phrasal Verbs In Context © Matt Errey 2007www.teflgames.com/phrasal_verbs.html 1000 Phrasal Verbs in Context G g (9/10)go through sthCan you go through last month s invoices and put aside any thatgo throughhaven t been paid yet?Please go through the&ð see also: check through,'contract and correct anylook throughmistakes.go through sthMaria has gone through a lot this year, but she s coped with it all verygo throughwell.We went through some&ð see also: live through'hard times when we firstemigrated to Australia.go through with sthWe re going to go through with the renovation of our old apartment,go througheven though the cost has gone up [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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