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.It was a tremendous reliefthat he wouldn't be dismissed out of hand, as he seemed no longer able to perform his duties withthe efficiency he'd once prided himself on.Suddenly, he had the overwhelming urge to go to Paul's room, though he knew the young manwas currently at the funeral parlor visiting with his uncle.Returning the tray to the nightstand, helistened closely to the sound of running water.He couldn't say why it felt so important that hisemployer not know what he was about to do.Relieved to hear a rumbling baritone emanatingfrom the shower, singing the familiar strains of an old love song, he crossed the hall and quicklyretrieved the item he sought.Once it was arranged where it seemed to belong, he returned the tray to the kitchen, hummingalong with the tune that his employer was singing.***"Uncle Alfred?" Alex knocked softly, then entered his uncle's bedroom.Hearing singing comingfrom the bathroom, he smiled, remembering all the times he'd heard it before, sometimes blendedwith Byron's tenor.They'd sung together like they'd lived together -- in perfect harmony for themost part, with just enough sour notes to keep things interesting.Apparently, now was not a good time for a visit.As Alex turned to leave, a splash of bright colorcaught his attention.Sparing a glance to the closed bathroom door, he crossed the room toinvestigate the scrap of soft blue cotton that contrasted starkly with the pristine white sheets ofthe unmade bed.He squinted as he reached out and picked it up, recognizing that the offendinggarment was too small to belong to his uncle and that he'd seen it before, and not long ago.Anger burned through him as he flung the evidence back where he'd found it.So it was true! Farfrom being upset about Byron's demise, Paul was taking full advantage of the situation, wastingno time in taking his uncle's place in this very bed!The flames of rage were further fanned when Alex's active imagination supplied images of twobodies, one old and withered that he tried to block from his mind, the other young, firm, andwanton, writhing together on the sheets.While he was out, leaving his uncle unattended, theconniving opportunist had made his move.Well, that wouldn't happen again! Until he couldconvince his uncle to kick Paul out on his manipulative ass, Alex would just have to stand guard!The Wish - 39 An unbidden image appeared in his mind of that same ass as it had looked under the thincovering which now lay rumpled on the bed.Alex frowned.It had been past midnight when he'dseen Paul dressed in these, leaving this room last night.That meant he must have returned later.What was he trying to do, give the old man a heart attack?After a moment, clarity dawned.Yes, that was exactly what the young slut wanted to do! Asopen as Alfred was, there was no doubt that Paul knew about the heart condition and planned touse it to his advantage.Well, he wouldn't get away with it!The sudden quiet alerted Alex that his uncle's shower had ended and he was about to bediscovered snooping.He gently closed the door behind himself, hastily retreating to the privacyof his own quarters to fume and plot against the man who was certainly using his considerablecharms to secure a hefty chunk of Alex's family's fortune.While he dressed for Byron's funeral, his resentment for the man's nephew grew.The Wish - 40 Chapter SevenThough Paul knew his uncle had been well known and liked, he was still unprepared for themassive crowd that gathered to bid a final farewell to someone who had died entirely too young.Making his way down to the front of the sanctuary, his uncle Douglas at his side, he spottedseveral people who he knew, and many more he recognized only from magazines.Some met himwith open looks of sympathy, others turned away as if not knowing what to say.He greetedeveryone warmly, hoping to put them at ease, unlike the man walking ahead of him, escortingthe grieving Alfred.Alex looked straight ahead, pointedly ignoring the crowd while the four of them walked downthe aisle to the front of the cathedral and the pews reserved for their use, which wereconspicuously empty save for Anton, Martha, and Bernard.What was his problem? He could atleast acknowledge those who'd come to pay their last respects.Maybe the man's just a dick.Yes, that was entirely possible, considering he'd avoided the houseonce Uncle Byron had become sick and hadn't been a frequent visitor before that.Just be civiland get through today, then he'll go back to whatever hole he crawled out of.Paul, recallingwhere he was, restrained a snort.'Hole' was right.The man was nothing but a slut -- a gorgeous,totally worthless slut.Probably never worked a day in his life.It didn't matter that he was descended from a long line of prestigious notables, in the end AlexMartin was just a common whore, uncaring that the one handing over the money had lived amonogamous lifestyle for nearly as long as the arrogant blond had been on the planet.Paul subtly manipulated the seating arrangements, knowing Alex dared not challenge him inpublic, placing Alfred between the two of them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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