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.Every mark, spoken or written,Derrida says, is constituted as such only by its possibility offunctioning , its being cut off, at a certain point, from its original context of meaning and so from a saturable andconstraining context.12 What is unnameable is the play that brings about thenominal effects, the relatively unitary or atomic structures wecall names& we must affirm it& with a certain laughter and witha certain dance. 13 Man has existed in terms of a centredDerrida, Wittgenstein and the question of grounds 121structure, of a structure of differences that is grounded in someway.To realize the impossibility of ground is to open up thatstructure of differences to an active interpretation , to anexploitation of difference as the production of differences withoutend: the affirmation of a world of signs without fault, withouttruth, and without origin& [which] determines the non-centerotherwise than as loss of center , without nostalgia.14 Such anactive interpretation can only operate on the language we have,one formed in terms of a dream of deciphering a truth or anorigin which escapes play and the order of the sign and whichlives the necessity of interpretation as an exile.15 It requires, thatis, a relation to our language which derives from the recognitionof our paradoxical situation: without the desire for the intactkernel , for truth and ground, no differences would be produced,and differences are essential to meaning; but given that meaningis always a matter of differences, there can be no ground, notruth.The desire for meaning is itself paradoxical, and yetsomething which, as desire, has to be lived.It is not a paradoxwhich may be removed by thought, by the continued search formeaning, for meaning itself does not make sense.Metaphysicalthought, as proclamation of ground, wants to forget& that therehas never been an intact kernel.16 Derrida s deconstructivereadings of philosophical texts intend to reveal them as theproducts of a paradoxical desire, as determining a truth, ameaning, only in such a way that at the same time they show itsimpossibility.What we can do now is remember what themetaphysical tradition tried to forget, and so engage in thedeconstruction of our inherited modes of thought, liberating thedifferences from their center in the prospect of a mode ofexistence in which we can engage explicitly in the production ofmeaning though the generation of differences which are alwaysthemselves only to provide the source for further differentiation.Such transcendental signifieds as the logos, the self-givingintellectual structure of the Kosmos, the creator God, or theessence of man, served within metaphysics to justify certainways of thinking about the human and non-human as correct, inaccordance with the way things really are.The absence of the transcendental signified for Derrida is the lack of anythingbeyond language which could serve to ground the ways ofthinking contained within it.Derrida s differance is the play ofdifference, which has always constituted, and now can replace,122 Kierkegaard and modern continental philosophythought arrested in terms of a transcendental signified , whichis itself, in fact, also in the position of a signifier.17 The thoughtofa concept signified in and of itself, a concept simply present forthought, independent of a relation to language, that is of arelation to a system of signifiers& a transcendental signifiedwhich in and of itself, in its essence, would refer to nosignifier18is an illusion ,19 albeit one which has had powerful historicaleffects.These have been no less than the entirety of Westernscience and Western philosophy , the Western methods ofanalysis, explication, reading or interpretation 20 which have beenformed in accordance with the conception of thought as acentred structure, and whose history has consisted in a series of substitutions of center for center. The history of metaphysics,like the history of the West, is the history [of thesesubstitutions]. 21 The ways of thinking we have inherited have,then, been grounded in such signifieds
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