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.A subway running through or around the city can solve the problem.People couldlive further away from the downtown without worrying about spending too much time on the way.Some people buy their own car or take a taxi to work everyday.It's really expensive for most ofthe people in the city.They can't afford paying so much on traffic fares.Many civil engineeringexperts advocate that sharing a public traffic system is the most efficient way.People couldreduce their fares a lot by using the public traffic system, and they can spend the money on someother things.Even there are more and more people who can afford buying a car or taking taxi everyday, It isstill suggested to using the public traffic system.Because the road developement can never keepup with the demand of the increasing cars, the cars may jam on the roads during rush hours.Usually, the speed of the car in that time is no higher than a bycicle! And pollution is anotherconcern.So many private cars running in the city will bring us an environmental problem.On theother hand, the pollution from the public traffic system is much lighter.All in all, an advanced public traffic system time efficient, cost efficient, and pollution preventing.This is the trend of advanced cities.(Essay ID: 256.This is a 5 point essay)Topic: 6I am from Arroz e Feijao, a small town in the northeast of Brazil.Building a factory in there willbring a lot of advantages and disadvantages, but I believe that Arroz e Feijao will mostly benefitfrom the building of a new factory because it is largely populated by poor people and the factorywould bring many benefits to this small town.However, of course, a factory has disadvantages aswell.As you know, factories usually bring pollution.If this factory is not managed very effectively andefficiently according to specific rules, it's prone to polluting the local air and water.What's more,factories usually make noise.Beside clean drinkable water and fresh air, an ideal communityshould be quiet.If the factory cannot maintain this situation to the community, it will not last long.A factory that is too noisy or pollutes too much will eventually be relocated to a new area.On the other hand, a factory could bring a lot of benefits to the community.So I would supportthe plan to build a factory to my community for all the reasons I will describe below.First of all, the factory's construction will surely improve the local infrastructure.To run smoothly,the factory will have to have a steady, reliable supply of water and electricity.Some old pipes willbe changed, and some facilities will be renovated.The residents' living standard get improved as a31 TWE Essays 32/292result of these widespread changes, an important benefit in Arroz e Feijao, where many people donot have access to clean water.Secondly, to make the employee commute more convenient, the local roads will have to be rebuiltand broadened, resulting in improved public transportation.The town's residents can take a publicbus to go shopping or go to work.As a result, air pollution and fuel consumption might bereduced.Most important, a factory's establishment will bring up a lot of employment opportunities for thecommunity.A factory need experts from various fields.The residents can take just a few minutesto go to the factory to work.So, the local residents can get great benefits from this factory.Generally speaking, I agree with the plan to build a factory near my community.If the factory canbe managed successfully, the factory and local residents can have mutual benefit.(Essay ID: 330.Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of www.TestMagic.com)Topic: 6Have you been waiting for buses at bus station for an hour in an extremely hot day? Have youbeen staying in a car waiting hours for the heavy traffic? Have you seen the scene that tons ofpeople are crammed on a small bus? Maybe you think that s incredible, but it s true in myhometown.So the thing I want to change most about my hometown is the mass transportationsystem.Mass transportation system is a very important part of a city.It influences people s daily life,work and entertainment.An effective mass transportation system can save people s time so thatpeople can do more work hence to increase the city s efficiency.If you were the mayor, wouldyou like the people in the city to sit in the cars or stand at bus stations wait for hours or would youlike them to sit in the offices or stand in factories work for hours?Moreover, a city with bad mass transportation system can t be qualified as a good city, regardlesshow rich the city is and how big the city is.It s essential for a city to have a good masstransportation system to be qualified a good city.For example, big cities such as Toronto, Tokyo,New York all have very good mass transportation systems which can bring people anywhere theywant in a short time.A bad mass transportation system would limit the city to grow and it wouldbe a handicap for the city to develop in the future.Finally, as we can see, if my hometown can improve the mass transportation system, people willappreciate it a lot.It will be a great thing which benefits everyone in the city and makes our lifesmore convenient.(Essay ID: 480 )Topic: 7Do movies and television affect our behavior? I believe that movies and television do influenceour behavior, both for the better and for the worse.Movies and television influence our behavior because they make us less active.Looking at films isa passive activity.If we watch too much, we become unhealthy, both mentally and physically.Westop using our own imagination when we see things acted out for us.Mental laziness becomesphysical laziness; we'd rather watch sports on TV than play sports ourselves.We'd rather visit32 TWE Essays 33/292with the characters on "Seinfeld" or "Friends" than go chat with our own neighbors.Imaginarypeople have exciting lives.Is it any wonder that some people would rather live a fantasy life thantheir own? Movies and television also can make people more violent.The more we see violentacts on television, the less sensitive we become to them: Eventually violence doesn't seem wrong.We may even commit violent acts ourselves.This is especially true because we don't alwaysrealize that violence has consequences.Actors can be killed and come back for another movie.Sometimes we confuse that with reality.We forget that killing someone is permanent.Of course, watching movies and television can also be good for us [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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