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."You'll have a triple filet mignon with truffles a la Waldorf Astoria threetimes a day if we win the title."The Angel grinned dully."Leave it to me, Doc.I'll take Nelson.""Of course you will-if you'll always remember to do exactly as I tell you.Itwas only by obeying my instructions that you got through that first roundtonight-and don't forget it.I won that fight for you, my lad.""Congratulations," said the Saint."Yeah," Hoppy rasped, kicking the door shut behind them."Nice woik, Doc."For a paralyzed second, Dr.Spangler, Karl, and the massive Angel composed atableau of staring surprise.Then Spangler's florid wattles grew even morecrimson."Who the devil-""Forgive us," the Saint interrupted.He took the cigarette from his mouth andflicked the ash reflectively, indicating Mr.Uniatz, who stood beside him withthe black snout of a big automatic protruding from one hairy fist."My friendand I couldn't resist the temptation, Doctor-especially when your man left thedoor to pursue those reporters down the hall." He forbore to add that Maxiewas, at the moment, reposing peacefully in a corridor broom closet where Hoppyhad stuffed him after an exceedingly brief encounter."Put away the gun,Hoppy," he reproved."This is strictly social."Hoppy obeyed slowly.He was staring at the naked mass of the Angel as if whatmental equipment he possessed failed utterly to accept the evidence of hiseyes."Ged oudda here," Karl grated tonelessly.His voice, like his bushy-browed eyes, was flat, dull, and deadly.The Saintappraised him with a glance-a short, squat, powerfully constructed characterwhose prognathous jaw matched the cubist lines of his shoulders."For de luvva mike!" Incredulous amazement raised Hoppy's bullfrog bass afull octave.Rapturous recognition slowly illumined his corrugated countenancelike dawning sunlight on a rock pile."Bilinski!" he shouted."BarrelhouseBilinski!"The Angel, who had been favoring Hoppy with the same openmouthedconcentration, slid slowly off the edge of the table to his feet.A reciprocallight dawned on the fuzzy horizon of his memory and spread over hishumpty-dumpty face in a widening grin."For crize sake! Hoppy Uniatz!"Page 73ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlThey practically fell into each other's arms."Well, well, well," the Saint drawled."Old Home Week.Perhaps you two wouldlike to be alone?""Are you de Masked Angel?" Hoppy burbled with hoarse delight."You?""Yea, sure.Hoppy, dat's me!""Boss, dis is Barrelhouse Bilinski.Barrelhouse, meet de Saint!""Ged oudda here!"Karl's voice rose half a decibel, his right hand sliding toward a pocket."I wouldn't if I were you, comrade." The Saint smiled deprecatingly, a glintin his eyes like summer lightning in a blue sky.His hand was thrustnegligently in a pocket of his beautifully tailored sports jacket."I'd hatehaving to put a hole through this coat, but your navel is such a temptingtarget."Karl's hand dropped to his side."Doc, this is me old chum from way back when!" The Angel turned to Spanglereagerly."Hoppy Uniatz!""Delighted.Now, Karl," Doc Spangler said reproachfully, "don't be aboor.""Me and Barrelhouse useta beat each udder's brains out every week!" Hoppyeffervesced hoarsely."We barnstorm all over de country oncet.One week I win,next week he wins.What a team!""I can imagine," the Saint murmured.Spangler smiled at Simon with revived benevolence."I might have known who you were, Mr.Templar, but you rather caught me bysurprise, you know.I hardly expected a visit from the Saint at thisparticular moment.""The pleasure," Simon bowed, "is all mine.""Not at all, my dear fellow.I-er-I've rather expected this visit-at sometime or another, knowing of your parasitic propensities."The Saint lifted an eyebrow."Parasitic?"Dr.Spangler chuckled."Forgive me.I was merely referring to your habit of living on other people'senterprises.""Meaning, no doubt, that you think I've come for a cut of your take in theMasked Angel-is that it?"Spangler shrugged deprecatingly.Page 74ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"What else?""Doc, whassa matter, huh?" the Angel queried with a puzzled grin whichexposed several broken teeth."What's he want?""Take it easy, Barrelhouse," Hoppy rumbled."Dis is strictly social."The Saint laughed."You're wrong, Doctor.""Am I ?" Spangler said."I've always known that at some unexpected point inthe strange geometry of providence our paths must surely cross someday.Wehave much in common, Templar.We would work well together."Mockery danced in Simon's azure eyes."You must be psychic, Doctor, to have recognized me so quickly.I can'trecall our ever having met before.""True." Spangler nodded graciously."However, your face has appeared in thepublic prints on several occasions I can recall.""And so has yours," said the Saint reminiscently-"generally tacked onpost-office walls beneath the word 'Wanted.' "Spangler chuckled."You amuse me."The light in Simon's eyes settled into two steely points."Then laugh this off.Torpedo Smith is dead."The startled sag of the fat man's jaw was too sincere a reflex forsimulation.His stare shifted uncertainly to Karl standing beside him."Vot der hell!" Karl's beetling black brows matched his sneering snarl."Youtryink to scare somebody, hah?"The Angel scratched his jaw bewilderedly, the whole unlovely mass of hisgross nakedness quivering like jelly as he turned to his manager."Dead?" he muttered stupidly."He's dead?"Hoppy nodded admiringly."He won't never be no deader.Whereja ever get dat punch, chum? Why, when wewas togedder, you stunk.""My dear sir," Spangler said, eyeing the Saint with watchful deliberation,"if this is an attempt at humor--""You needn't laugh now," Simon assured him pleasantly."Save it forlater-when the police get here.They should be in at any moment."The Angel licked his lips tremulously."Jeez, Doc.I croaked him.I croaked de Torpedo."Page 75ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www
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