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.Outside, the two cats suddenly 86 Karla TurnerInto the Fringe 87times in the following months, and I never found anEngland area.There were over fifty ordinary people in theexplanation for it.audience of the television program who claimed to haveThat evening we gathered early for a chance to talkbeen abducted, and there were four of us in the living roombefore the TV program.Fred and James arrived around 7watching the show! I remembered what Casey had been toldP.M., then David and Megan came over, and finally Bonnieback in December, that it was "time to remember." Howstopped by for a brief visit.After she left, we went to themany other people, I wondered, were also being ordered tofarm to watch the program, a segment of the now-defunctremember? And why?"Late Show." The entire program was devoted to variousWe talked about such things for a while after theUFO subjects, with Whitley Strieber, William Moore, andprogram, and then the group broke up.Fred went back to hisan ex-astronaut, Brian O'Leary, among the guests.Also, inapartment in the city, David and Megan went to the air-the audience were over fifty abductees, and the hostconditioned comfort of her apartment near campus,interviewed several of them.James left for his parents' house, and Casey and I wentEach story was different, yet they all shared a basichome to bed.We slept late the next morning, so we'd onlysameness with the experiences we had had, and it was verybeen up for a little while when James phoned, asking if heeerie to listen to strangers on television and feel so close tocould come talk to us.their stories.When one of the abductees mentioned findingHe arrived looking terrible, with dark circles under hisa triangle mark on his body, Fred laughingly said he wishedbloodshot eyes, and he was exhausted.he'd find one, too, as if it would somehow make the whole"What's wrong?" we asked immediately.thing seem more real.Yet we all felt that it was very real"Something happened last night," he began shakily."Iright now, and that it seemed even more ominous now thatwent to my folks' house and sat up watching TV until 3:00the media were making these situations known to theor 3:30.Then I went to bed in my sister's old room.Mygeneral public.parents were asleep already, and so was Lucas.We wondered why, after so much secrecy and the"So I finally went to bed," he continued, "and the nextimposition of amnesia on the victims of abductions, every-thing, I'm standing by my bed, thinking I'm so tired, all Ione was suddenly being told.And many more peoplewant to do is get some sleep."seemed to be waking up to the fact of alien abductions going"Weren't you confused?" I asked."You didn't wonderon in their previously normal lives.I had sometimes takenwhat you were doing out of bed?"comfort in the knowledge that people had been abducted for"Well, yeah," he replied, "but I was exhausted.I justyears without there being any perceptible impact on societywanted to lie down again, so I did.And then it happenedas a whole, but now I could see that a qualitative change wasagain."taking place.From Barbara's research, we knew of over two"What?" I wanted to know, beginning to feel confusedhundred cases in the Tulsa area, where ordinary people weremyself.going through extraordinary experiences.Budd Hopkins's"I was up again," he explained, "standing by my bed.books told of many more victims in the New York-NewAnd this time I was really upset.But I was too tired to do Into the Fringe 8988 Karla Turnerthe room was dark, and I couldn't really see much detail.anything about it.It kept happening over and over, seemsShe was naked, though, and she felt really cold when shelike."touched me.""And that's all that happened?" I asked."And this type, this group, wasn't familiar to you?" I"I don't know," he admitted."One of the times when Ipersisted.woke up, I was already lying down, but I don't think I was"Not really," he told us."These were different ones,in my real bed.Everything seemed very strange, but then II've never seen them before.And you know what amazesthought that at least I was horizontal this time, so maybeme? There were a whole lot of them in the hall, right in mythey'd let me sleep.That's how tired I was."parents' house! Like they didn't worry about anyone wak-This phase apparently passed after a while, and thening up and seeing them."James said he woke up in his bed with a strang*e female alienWe all sat back in bewilderment.Like James, we won-being beside him.dered how such a scene could occur without any of the"She was trying to get me worked up," he said, shakingothers in the house being disturbed.Perhaps we could havehis head."She got on top of me and tried to make medismissed it as a nightmare, except that James was sorespond, you know, sexually.But I kept refusing, I pushedobviously upset and physically exhausted.her away and begged her to leave me alone [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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