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.If you believe in Communism and I believe inCapitalism, or if you are a Hindu and I am a Christian, obviouslythere is antagonism between us.So, if you and I desire peace, mustwe not abolish all the frontiers of the mind? Or do we merely wantpeace in terms of satisfaction, maintaining the status quo afterachieving a certain result?You see, I don't think it is possible for individuals to stop war.War is like a giant mechanism that, having been set going, hasgathered great momentum, and probably it will go on and we shallbe crushed, destroyed in the process.But if one wishes to step outof that mechanism, the whole machinery of war, what is one to do?That is the problem, is it not? Do we really want to stop war,inwardly as well as outwardly? After all, war is merely thedramatic outward expression of our inward struggle, is it not? Andcan each one of us cease to be ambitious? Because as long as weare ambitious we are ruthless, which inevitably produces conflictbetween ourselves and other individuals, as well as between onegroup or nation and another.This means, really, that as long as you and I are seeking power in any direction, power being evil, wemust produce wars.And is it possible for each one of us toinvestigate the process of ambition, of competition, of wanting tobe somebody in the field of power, and put an end to it? It seems tome that only then can we as individuals step out of this culture, thiscivilization that is producing wars.Let us discuss this.Can we as individuals put an end inourselves to the causes of war? One of the causes is obviouslybelief, the division of ourselves as Hindus, Buddhists Christians,Communists, or Capitalists.Can we put all that aside?Questioner: All the problems of life are unreal, and there mustbe something real on which we can rely.What is that reality?Krishnamurti: Do you think the real and the unreal can so easilybe divided? Or does the real come into being only when I begin tounderstand what is unreal? Have you even considered what theunreal is? G pain unreal? Is death unreal? If you lose your bankaccount, is that unreal? A man who says, `All this is unreal,therefore let us find the real', is escaping from reality.Can you and I put an end in ourselves to the factors thatcontribute to war within and without? Let us discuss that, notmerely verbally, but really investigate it, go into it earnestly andsee if we can eradicate in ourselves the cause of hate, of enmity,this sense of superiority, ambition, and all the rest of it.Can weeradicate all this? If we really want peace, it must be eradicated,must it not? If you would find out what is real, what is God, whatis truth, you must have a very quiet mind; and can you have a quietmind if you are ambitious, envious, if you are greedy for power,position, and all that? So, if you are really earnest, really serious in wanting to understand what is true, must not these things be putaway? Does not earnestness, seriousness consist in understandingthe process of the mind, of the self, which creates all theseproblems, and dissolving it?Questioner: How can we uncondition ourselves?Krishnamurti: But I am showing you! What is conditioning? Itis the tradition that has been imposed upon you from childhood, orthe beliefs, the experiences, the knowledge that one hasaccumulated for oneself.They are all conditioning the mind.Now, before we go into the more complex aspects of thequestion, can you cease to be a Hindu, with all its implications, sothat your mind is capable of thinking, responding, not according toa modified Hinduism, but completely anew? Can there be in you atotal revolution so that the mind is fresh, clear, and thereforecapable of investigation? That is a very simple question.I can givea talk about it, but it will have no meaning if you merely listen andthen go away agreeing or disagreeing.Whereas, if you and I candiscuss this problem and go through it together to the very end,then perhaps our talking will be worth while.So, can you and I who wish to have peace, or who talk aboutpeace, eradicate in ourselves the causes of antagonism, of war?Shall we discuss that?Questioner: Are individuals impotent against the atomic andhydrogen bombs?Krishnamurti: They are going on experimenting with thesebombs in America, in Russia and elsewhere, and what can you andI do about it? So what is the point of discussing this matter? Youmay try to create public opinion by writing to the papers about how terrible it is, but will that stop the governments from investigatingand creating the H-bomb? Are they not going to go on with itanyhow? They may use atomic energy for peaceful as well asdestructive purposes, and probably within five or ten years theywill have factories running on atomic energy; but they will also bepreparing for war.They may limit the use of atomic weapons, butthe momentum of war is there, and what can we do? Historicalevents are in movement, and I don't think you and I living here inBenaras can stop that movement.Who is going to care? But whatwe can do is something completely different.We can step out ofthe present machinery of society, which is constantly preparing forwar, and perhaps by our own total inward revolution we shall beable to contribute to the building of a civilization which isaltogether new.After all, what is civilization? What is the Indian or theEuropean civilization? It is an expression of the collective will, is itnot? The will of the many has created this present civilization inIndia; and cannot you and I break away from it and think entirelydifferently about these matters? Is it not the responsibility ofserious people to do this? Must there not be serious people who seethis process of destruction going on in the world, who investigateit, and who step out of it in the sense of not being ambitious and allthe rest of it? What else can we do? But you see, we are not willingto be serious, that is the difficulty.We don't want to tackleourselves, we want to discuss something outside, far away.Questioner: There must be some people who are very serious, andhave they solved their problems or the problems of the world?Krishnamurti: That is not a serious question, is it? It is like my saying that others have eaten when I myself am hungry [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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