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.SeeInvestigation, 226 also executions (California)death penalty (Madison case): and ef-Cain, James M., 4 forts to get sentence commuted,167 70, 175 77, 181, 200, 203 16; fi nalCalifornia Crime Commission, 226California Institution for Women, Te- arguments for and against, 143 44;hachapi, 7 8, 152, 156; Agness Under- jury s verdict and comments on,98 99, 149 51;  man-on-the street in-wood s stories on, 170 72; and back-terviews about, 152 53; and NM as anground of, 159 63; and ballot measure example, 8, 80 81, 84 85; and NM smaking independent, 226; and Clarareprieve from, 217 23; prosecution an-Phillips s parole, 175; as female branchnouncement on, 77of San Quentin, 162; NM s arrivaldeath penalty (United States): andat, 160, 162 66; NM s prison life at,crimes warranting, 277 79; and the225 40; and NM s sentence commu-Great Depression, 83 84; literaturetation, 217 20on, 277 79; and Men s League ofCatherine the Great (movie), 36Mercy, 167; women defendants asChandler, Harry, 65, 82, 274focus of, 83 84, 276 77.See also execu-Chandler, Raymond, 4tions (United States)Chicago (play), 66, 85Department of Penology, 226, 230Cobb, Birdie E., 66, 71, 135, 203Desert Inn (Palm Springs), 28, 183, 206Cobb, Hazel, 135 36, 203Desert Land Act, 15Cobler, Rhoda, 75, 79, 85 86, 93, 147De Wolfe, Belle, 70 72, 74, 125, 148, 150,Coffman, Nellie, 28 30, 183, 192, 204 5157Cooney, Gov.Frank, 167 68, 213 14Dillon Examiner, 116Cooper, Charles, 204, 206 7Dillon mt, 11 20, 30, 118 19Cooper, Gary, 28, 204, 206Division of Narcotics Enforcement, 226coroner s inquest on Eric Madison s mur-Doherty, Catherine.See Mooney, Kateder, 71 72(NM s mother)Cortis, Ernest Whitehouse, 166, 176 77,Duffy, Clinton, 237, 242198, 208 9, 211, 224, 237County Donegal (Ireland), 11Earp, Alvira, 2Crosland, Alan, 31Earp, James, 2Cryer, George, 179Earp, Virgil, 2Cuddy, Robert: background of, 45 47;Earp, Wyatt, 2and NM s arrest, 49 52, 129; andElder, Myrtle, 163 64NM s trial, 109, 122, 136; and pre-Ellis, Havelock, 19liminary hearing testimony, 75; andEnd Poverty in California (Upton Sin-prosecution case, 100; and relationshipclair campaign), 82, 174to NM, 45 47, 84; Ryan s comments Enigma Woman. See Madison, Nellieon, 101Mayexecutions (California): Barbara Gra-Darrow, Clarence, 20, 166ham, 243; Eithel Spinelli, 236 37,death penalty (California): attitudes243; Elizabeth Duncan, 243; Louisetoward, 84; and Charles Fricke, 92 93;Peete, 243and description of hanging, 165 66;executions (United States): Anna Anto-and Gov.Frank Merriam s supportnio, 84, 166 67; Eva Dugan, 165; Ruthfor, 94, 223; kidnapping as qualifierSnyder, 83, 167290 indexFair, Laura, 78, 151 Henneberry, Mary Elizabeth  Lizzie femme fatales, 4, 62, 97, 247 (NM s sister): birth of, 12; and letterFitts, Buron (Los Angeles County Dis- to Gov.Frank Cooney, 167; and let-trict Attorney): and appeal of NM s ter to Gov.Frank Merriam, 223; andsentence, 169; background of, 87 88; life in Montana, 15 16, 20; and NM scampaign for district attorney, 89; murder trial, 115; NM s note to, 51; inchooses prosecutors for NM s trial, NM s obituary, 377; comments on Clara Phillips, 76; Holcomb, Grant, 2criticism of  coddling prisoners, 160, Hold That Girl (film), 36197; and NM s parole campaign, 177; Holohan, James, 75, 152, 163 64, 177remarks on NM s confession, 197 Holzschuh, Alma, 236 38Fitzgerald, Kate, 19 Hopkins, Miriam, 82Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley, 15 Howell, Ed, 30, 176, 183Fox, Arthur, 169, 224, 229, 236, 238Fox, Florence, 224, 236, 238  Iron Widow. See Madison, Nellie MayFricke, Charles (Superior Court Judge): I Want to Live (film), 243background and judicial philosophyof, 91 94, 106; comments on NM s Jackson, Josephine, 219 21confession, 197; courtroom demeanor Jensen, Carl, 183 84, 188of, 95 96; and instructions to jury, Jones, Mary  Mother, 15110; and jury deliberations, 111 14; asJulian, C.C., 42, 81, 85, 180Merriam s confidante on execution,216; and NM s defense case, 121, 126,Kennedy, Clarence (NM s second hus-135; and NM s sentencing, 155 56,band), 21 22, 26, 231174; as opponent of NM s parole,Keyes, Asa, 88 89231; as prosecution witness, 113 14;Killion, Willard, 49 53, 71 73, 75, 109 10and Ryan s appeal of NM s sentence,Kinsey, Alfred, 242168 69; speech to Friday Morningclub, 106, 152 Lady Macbeth, 140 42 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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