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.Bob huffed but didn t argue the point. Drink the water.So Sam did.Cool and wet, it slid down his throat like an icy balm.Shaking his head ofthe residual fuzziness, he peered down at his hand again.He really could have sworn he sawsilver strands under his skin.He opened his mouth to tell Bob, but his vampire keeper wasn tthere.Curiously, he scanned the groups of people in the immediate area, none of whomseemed to have noticed the fact that someone had tried to kill Sam.Kill him, or poison him,or& shit, anything. Hello, gorgeous. The voice was low and very close to Sam s ear.So close it took himby surprise and he yelped in shock.Jeez, his nerves were hanging by a thread.Spinning onhis heel, which wasn t that clever considering his head was a mash-up of dizzy and spacedout, he turned to face the owner of the voice.Stunning.That was the first word that came to mind.Six feet of ethereal perfection wasinches from him. Hello, Sam said politely.All the while he was shuffling along with the bar at his backan inch at a time.He was stopped by the feel of a hard body behind him and he relaxedslightly, thankful Bob had returned.He wasn t sure what this guy with the long dark hairand the body to die for wanted from him, but now that Bob was here he could handle it. They have rooms in the back. That voice was a new one.Belonging to the strong bodyhe was leaning on.Which was clearly not Bob.With another unmanly yelp, Sam spun to face the new guy and for his sins had the firstguy pressing against his ass. I think I love him, the owner of the hard dick at his back said.Sam s head spun. I love him as well.He s everything I want  He s everything I need  He is so beautiful  He smells so good  I want him forever www.total-e-bound.com THE CASE OF THE CUPID CURSE Amber Kell and RJ Scott34 I would die for him  Guys, Sam interrupted the one-upmanship and wriggled to free himself of the men.Where was Bob? Sam was starting to feel hemmed in.Hands wandered up his body andaround the front of him.But this wasn t a casual club feel-up.This was something verydifferent.He attempted to push himself away, but whatever was in that drink had left hislimbs like jelly and they refused to cooperate. Come with me, the second guy crooned. I love you.We could be so happy. No, with me. Guys. Another voice interrupted both men.A statuesque blonde with wild hair, whowas dressed in little more than a necktie and a transparent sheath, pressed her ample breastsup against Sam s arm. Gay&  Sam said weakly.This was getting out of hand. You need me, the blonde simpered.She pressed harder and her scarlet-tipped nailstracked a path from Sam s temple to his navel.Sam could feel his balls draw up almost insidehis body in fear. I want you.We could make the most amazing children. Hang on&  Sam was trying to be polite.Children? Love? Need? What the holy hellwas going on here?Bob, where the hell are you? he thought to himself as he continued to extricate himselffrom grabby snugglers. Tracking the freaking witch. Bob s voice was like a spring breeze in his overheatedthoughts. Come back. Sam sent the plea as directly as he could. Help&  He didn t even stop tothink why he could hear Bob s voice or even how he suddenly felt it was okay to answer.Bob was at his side in seconds.His strong grip removed the three who were entwinedwith various parts of Sam s body.The tall, strong and very insistent vampire was a damnedeffective barrier to the rest of the club who, one by one, were turning their attention to Sam. You can t do this.It s against the law to use love spells in open spaces, the barkeepersnapped at them.Sam raised his eyebrows and knew he stood there with his mouth wideopen.Love spells? What? Like a love potion? Is that what he had drunk? He turned to Bob,who had a face like thunder. You ll have to go, the barkeeper insisted. Your girl did this, Bob explained. What girl?www.total-e-bound.com THE CASE OF THE CUPID CURSE Amber Kell and RJ Scott35 The barmaid, Bob said.The short guy looked pointedly left and right. It s only me here tonight, man.Youneed to take your human and remove him from my premises before I call an enforcer.Sam listened to the exchange, but the press of bodies against him was suffocating.Hecould feel the familiar tightness in his chest as the air stopped circulating around his face.More and more people were coming closer. Bob! Back off! Bob roared in an uncharacteristic way.Bob was all about silent andsardonic, he wasn t this demanding, emotional mass of fang-tipped anger.Yet another facewas up in Sam s space demanding that he love them, and Bob actually hissed hisdisapproval [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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