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.We have made an attempt at classification of these horoscopes, but asthere are generally symptoms of several diseases in each horoscope it hasbeen impossible to draw hard and fast lines in the grouping, and the studentwill therefore have to rely mainly on the headlines for indications of whatthe figure shows.The first 22 horoscopes are found on pp.624-634.The last 14 figures are attached to their respective readings.SEX AS A FACTOR IN DISEASEIt is our earnest conviction, that the less we dwell upon sex, the lesswe read about it and think about it, the purer we shall be mentally, andalso less liable to danger of morbid habits, for these are often formed byoverstudy of the sex question, and persons having a tendency in that direc-[PAGE 580] THE MESSAGE OF THE STARStion should be discouraged in attempts to discuss the matter at all.Inplanning this chapter we had at one time thought it possible to escape men-tion of the subject, but more mature thought based upon much study of healthand disease from the mystical standpoint has convinced us that we must goback to the allegorical Garden of Eden for the starting-point of pain andsorrow, as fully explained in our literature.The effects of continuedtransgression are with us today as a matter of actual fact, abuse of sex isin the most literal sense the primal source of sorrow, disease and degen-eracy under which the world is groaning, and in a work of this nature it isobligatory to show the causes so that the remedy may be found and applied.Therefore we shall attempt to show the prenatal influences revealed by thehoroscope as a warning to parents that marriage is a sacrament, and not alicense to sex abuse, and that "the sins of the fathers are indeed visitedupon the children." At the same time, of course, an innocent child is notborn with the tendency to a certain disease, its former living has made itliable to a specific weakness, and for that reason it is drawn by the Law of Association to parents from whom it may obtain a body subject to that par-ticular ailment.Thus parents are only instruments in fulfilling theself-made destiny of the child.If we thoroughly realize that fact, and canbe persuaded to live pure and wholesome lives, so that we may draw to our-[PAGE 581] THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPESselves souls of a kindred virtuous nature, how much better for all theworld.To drive this point home, the writers undertake to paint the loath-some picture of degeneracy, that the picture of purity may be the more at-.tractive by contrast.In this connection we present first figure No.1, which is that of a boy,in 1912 about 16 years of age.The Fourth and Tenth Houses, the planets inthem and their rulers show the parents.the parent who most influences thelife is shown by the Tenth House configurations, and the Fourth House indi-cates the one lease concerned in the child's destiny.In this figure Gemini is on the Midheaven, and Mercury, its ruler, issquare the Moon from cardinal signs.Neptune is conjunction Mars in theTenth House and square the Sun in the mercurial sign Virgo.This estab-lishes well the morbid, neurotic nature of the father, and his instrumental-ity in depriving the boy of the faculty of speech and of coordination ofmuscular movements; the boy cannot walk, but staggers.The mother's part is described by Sagittarius on the Fourth House.Jupi-ter, the ruler is in Leo in conjunction with the Dragon's Tail, (the Moon'sWestern Node), which has an influence similar to Saturn.It is also squareto Saturn and Uranus, these being in conjunction in Scorpio.This describesher as being a lewd woman; degenerate, committed to the dreadful theory ofsoul-mates, affinities, free love and all kindred abuses.These lewd[PAGE 582] THE MESSAGE OF THE STARStendencies she imparted to the boy.The affliction to Leo affects theheart, and as Saturn is the embodiment of obstruction, restraint and sup-pression, we may know that the heart action is very weak, (had the afflic-tion come from Mars his dynamic energy would have caused palpitation).Scorpio has rule over the sex organ, Uranus and Saturn there give tendencyto self-abuse, and on the well known principle that mutilation of that organaffects the voice, we have in this configuration an added reason for thepoor boy's inability to speak.The affliction coming from fixed signs showsthe deep rooted constitutional nature of the evil, and what may come of con-ception during a drunken debauch.THE GUARDIAN OF THE THRESHOLDA Collection of Sacred Magick | The Esoteric Library | www.sacred-magick.com Horoscope No.2 shows one of the most remarkable psychic conditions wehave ever come across.Its portents in some respects are plain to any as-trologer, but investigation by one of the writers into this person's pastlife adds sidelights and gives depth to the meaning of configurations nototherwise obtainable; also to the writer, who made the spiritual investiga-tion two years before the horoscope was cast, it was a revelation to notehow the mystic facts he remembered so well, were inscribed in this littlewheel of life.To enable the student to properly appreciate the remarkablecase we relate the story of how we came into connection with the person,what we attempted to do, and what actually happened.[PAGE 583] THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPESIn the fall of 1910, a friend told us the sad case of a young boy con-fined to his bed, lying upon his stomach and elbows, persistently gazing ata certain spot in a corner of the room, as if fascinated, his whole framecontinually shaking with sobs and moans [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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