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."Jeb blew out a puff of air, frowning."I don't know, Wanda.Ian's got a point."I glared at the old man and saw that Jared was doing the same.I looked away from that standoff to level a grim glance at Doc.Doc met my eyes, and his face clenched with pain.He understood the reminder I was giving him.He'd promised.This tribunal didn't overrule that.Ian was watching Jared-he didn't see our silent exchange."Jeb," Jared protested."There's only one decision here.You know that.""Is there, kid? Seems to me there's a whole barrel of 'em.""That's Melanie's body!""And Wanda's, too."Jared choked on his response and had to start over."You can't leave Mel trapped in there-it's like murder, Jeb."Ian leaned forward into the light, his face suddenly furious again."And what is it that you're doing to Wanda, Jared? And the rest of us, if you take her away?""You don't care about the rest of anybody! You just want to keep Wanda at Melanie's expense-nothing else matters to you.""And you want to have Melanie at Wanda's expense-nothing else matters to you! So, with those things being equal, it comes down to what's best for everyone else.""No! It comes down to what Melanie wants! That's her body!"They were both crouched halfway between sitting and standing now, their fists clenched and their faces twisted with rage."Cool it, boys! Cool it right now," Jeb ordered."This is a tribunal, and we're going to stay calm and keep our heads.We've got to think about every side.""Jeb -" Jared began."Shut up." Jeb chewed on his lip for a while."Okay, here's how I see it.Wanda's right -"Ian lurched to his feet."Hold it! Sit yourself back down.Let me finish."Jeb waited until Ian, the tendons standing out in his taut neck, stiffly returned to a seated position."Wanda is right," Jeb said."Mel needs her body back.But," he added quickly when Ian tensed again, "but I don't agree with the rest, Wanda.I think we need you pretty bad, kid.We got Seekers out there lookin' for us, and you can talk right to 'em.The rest of us can't do that.You save lives.I got to think about the welfare of my household."Jared spoke through his teeth."So we get her another body.Obviously."Doc's crumpled face lifted.Jeb's white caterpillar eyebrows touched his hairline.Ian's eyes widened and his lips pursed.He stared at me, considering."No! No!" I shook my head frantically."Why not, Wanda?" Jeb asked."Don't sound like a half-bad idea to me."I swallowed and took a deep breath so my voice wouldn't turn hysterical."Jeb.Listen to me carefully, Jeb.I am tired of being a parasite.Can you understand that? Do you think I want to go into another body and have this start all over again? Do I have to feel guilty forever for taking someone's life away from them? Do I have to have someone else hate me? I'm barely a soul anymore-I love you brutish humans too much.It's wrong for me to be here, and I hate feeling that."I took another breath and spoke through the tears that were falling now."And what if things change? What if you put me in some-one else, steal another life, and it goes wrong? What if that body pulls me after some other love, back to the souls? What if you can't trust me anymore? What if I betray you next time? I don't want to hurt you!"The first part was the pure and unadorned truth, but I was lying wildly through the second.I hoped they wouldn't hear that.It would help that the words were barely coherent, my tears turned to sobs.I would never hurt them.What had happened to me here was permanent, a part of the very atoms that made up my small body [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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