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.Jung, Hwa Yol, and Petee Jung. Gary Snyder s Ecopiety.In Critical Essays on Gary Snyder, edited by Pat-Environmental History Review 14.3 (1990): 75 87.rick D.Murphy, 230 247.Boston: G.K.Hall,Murphy, Patrick D.A Place for Wayfaring: The Poetry and1990.Prose of Gary Snyder.Corvallis: University of Or-egon Press, 2000.Patrick Murphy VVanity of Duluoz: An Adventurous Educa- before he would marry and move back to Lowellwith her.The word vanity seems to be hanging be-tion, 1935 1946 Jack Kerouac (1968)fore Kerouac as he writes the book.He points outThis novel is JACK KEROUAC s final entry in whathe called  The Duluoz Legend, his fictional au- to Stella that all his success as a writer has reallybrought him more trouble than happiness.tobiography.The book is an account of much ofJack Duluoz is Kerouac s persona again, andthe material Kerouac had previously covered in hisfirst novel, The TOWN AND THE CITY.Yet this re- his decision to attend Columbia costs his father hisjob with Calloway printers in Lowell, which had of-vised account takes on a different tone.Vanity ofDuluoz is considered one of Kerouac s most acces- fered him a promotion if Duluoz played football forthe Jesuits at Boston College.Accordingly, in thesible novels because of his self-described attemptyears to come, Duluoz feels pressure to justify histo write plainly and to use normal punctuation (hesomewhat bitterly chooses to eliminate his charac- decision.He spends a year at Horace Mann prepschool to make up his high school deficiencies.teristic dash-style of punctuation).The book alsocovers aspects of the Kerouac s life that are calcu- There his fellow football players, who are mostlylated to interest his readers, in particular the Co- from working-class backgrounds, are suspiciousof his friendship with the nonathletic, rich Jewishlumbia years and the scene around Joan Vollmer sstudents who comprise the majority of the studentapartment at the time of the famous murder ofbody.Duluoz s city friends introduce him to litera-Dave Kammerer by Lucien Carr.Kerouac s lettersture, avant-garde film, and jazz.He skips classes toto his agent at the time of the writing of this bookstudy New York City.The original title of the bookshow that he was under severe financial pressurewas  The Adventurous Education of Jack Duluoz,for it to be a success, and perhaps this is why hefinally ignored the plea of Carr, who had for years and Duluoz recommends letting  a kid learn hisasked him not to discuss Kammerer s death.Still, own way, see what happens. Kerouac s nicknamethe book succeeds on its own terms, establishing a was  Memory Babe, and he demonstrates a facilityruthless truthfulness and fullness of disclosure that for recalling events and details of his teenage years,is the trademark of Kerouac s best work.particularly his experiences in New York.Kerouac addresses the book to his third wife, War will disrupt what appears to be a clearStella Sampas, for one of reasons that he wrote ON path to success as a football player and a scholarTHE ROAD to explain to his wife, Joan Haverty in at Columbia: Duluoz does play the 1940 season atthe case of On the Road, how he had come to be Columbia.However, a spectacular run-back makeswho he was.It is also worth noting that Kerouac him overconfident in a game against St.Benedict,wrote to Stella throughout the years that are cov- and he has his leg broken on the next play, fool-ered in the book, although it would be many years ishly fielding an unreturnable punt.The broken325 326 Vanity of Duluoz: An Adventurous Education, 1935 1946leg gives him the leisure to study, and he immerses a strong antiwar message.He is in the ship s mess,himself in the works of the writer who will most cooking 2,000 strips of bacon for the crew, wheninfluence him in his early years Thomas Wolfe.he hears a depth-charge attack against a GermanLate one night, crossing the Brooklyn Bridge in submarine.Instead of feeling fear, he thinks of thea blizzard, he actually sees Wolfe stride past him, German boy on the submarine who is doing thedeep in meditation, not noticing Duluoz.same thing he is cooking breakfast.Duluoz returns to Columbia for this sopho- He arrives back home to find a telegram frommore year, and his sense of fatalism is reinforced Lu Libble, telling him it is time to come back andby Lu Libble s (based on coach Lou Little) obvious play football for Columbia.Duluoz does, on theintentions to keep Duluoz benched, playing lesser condition that he gets to play and that Libbleplayers in his place.Duluoz walks away from the help his father get a job.Neither happens, andteam with a resolution to  go after being a writer, Duluoz implies that Libble keeps him benchedtell the truth, and to  go into the Thomas Wolfe in the Army game because the mob has a fix ondarkness of America.He returns to Hartford and the outcome.While listening to Beethoven s Fifthhis disappointed father, takes a job at a gas sta- Symphony on the radio in his dorm room, he de-tion, and rents a typewriter.His father s job ends cides to quit football.Duluoz returns to Lowell,in New Haven, and the family returns to Lowell, gets sick with the German measles, and spendswhere Duluoz has the appearance of a return- his time hand-printing a novel entitled  The Seaing prodigal son.He takes a job as a sportswriter is My Brother [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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