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.Anoint yourself with a similar oil, such as tuberose,nutmeg, lemon grass or sandalwood.Eventually, the way of the stones and their messages will comeeasily, and youl1 be able to perform a stone tarot reading with littledifficulty.It can work!For quick reference, here's a list of the major arcana and theirassociated stones.Remember, I've changed the names of some ofthese trumps, but their basic meanings are similar to the standardones.I've included the more usual names in parentheses. Stone Tarot / 49o.THE FOOL AGATE1.THE SHAMAN (MAGICIAN) QUARTZ CRYSTAL2.THE HIGH PRIESTESS EMERALD, PEARL3.THE GODDESS (EMPRESS) PERIDOT, OLIVINE,TURQUOISE4.THE GOD (EMPEROR) RUBY5.THE CHIEF (HIEROPHANT) TOPAZ6.THE LOVERS ROSE QUARTZ7.THE ELEMENTS (CHARIOT) STAUROLITE,CROSS STONE, ANYTWINNED CRYSTALS8.STRENGTH DIAMOND,HERKIMERDIAMOND, GARNET9.THE WISE ELDER (HERMIT) SAPPHIRE, BLUETOURMALINE10.THE SPIRAL (WHEEL OF FORTUNE) SARDONYX,BLACK OPAL11.JUSTICE CARNELIAN12.INITIATION (HANGED MAN) BERYL,AQUAMARINE13.CHANGE (DEATH) AMBER14.TEMPERANCE AMETHYST15.FOLLY (DEVIL) BLACK DIAMOND,BLACKTOURMALINE,ANY SQUAREBLACKSTONE16.FORCE (THE TOWER) LODESTONE, LAVA17.THE STAR METEORITE, ANYSTAR STONE18.THE MOON MOONSTONE,CHALCEDONY19.THE SUN TIGER'S-EYE,SUNSTONE20.REBIRTH OUDGEMENT) FOSSIL21.THE UNIVERSE OPAL, KUNZITEI have listed one or two recommended stones above.For thosestones you cannot obtain, any oftheir magical substitutes can be used, 50 / Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magicprovided that they aren't used to represent any other card.For exam-ple, though the peridot is a substitute for the emerald, you wouldn'twant to use it for the High Priestess if you've already allocated it tothe Goddess.SYMBOUSM AND DIVINATORY MEANINGS OF STONE TAROTO.THE FOOL - AGATE.Scattered energies, extravagance, waste,"head in the clouds," imbalance, pride, ego, hubris, vanity.1.THE SHAMAN - QUARTZ CRYSTAL.Magical attainment, control,power, balance, center, unification of spiritual and physical, self-knowledge, depth, confidence.2.THE HIGH PRIESTESS - EMERALD, PEARL.Spirituality, secrets,power, Earth religion, the unknown, female mysteries.3.THE GODDESS - PERIDOT, OLIVINE, TURQUOISE.Receptiveenergy, women, cycles, fertility, creativity, abundance, growth, love,female sexuality, money, mother.4.THE GOD - RUBY.Projective energy, men, compassion, force,movement, aggression, male sexuality, father.5.THE CHIEF - TOPAZ.Authority, captivity, confinement, abandon-ment, advice, employer, honor, technology.6.THE LOVERS - ROSE QUARTZ.Love, sexuality, relationships,friendship, duality, polarity, symbiosis, balance, beauty, family.7.THE ELEMENTS STAUROLITE, CROSS STONE, ANY TWINNEDCRYSTALS.Earth power, nature, self-control, triumph, success.8.STRENGTH - DIAMOND, HERKIMER DIAMOND, GARNET.Power, courage, will power, activity.9.THE WISE ELDER - SAPPHIRE, BLUE TOURMALINE.Wisdom,knowledge, mysticism, enlightenment.10.THE SPIRAL - SARDONYX, BLACK OPAL.Transformation, for-tune, luck, exterior energies, unknown factors.11.JUSTICE - CARNELIAN.Law, legal matters, dominance, submis-sion, outside authority.12.INITIATION - BERYL, AQUAMARINE.Introspection, trials, tests,sacrifice. Stone Tarot / 5113.CHANGE AMBER.Renewal, beginnings, endings, health matters,trials.14.TEMPERANCE AMETHYST.Moderation, scattering of energies,nonfocused, closed, disciplined, balance.15.FOLLY BLACK DIAMOND, BLACK TOURMALINE, ANYSQUARE BLACK STONE.Addiction, delusion, pity, depression,violence, pettiness, lack of vision, control by others, submission.16.FORCE LODESTONE, LAVA.Adversity, accident, challenge,oppression.17.THE STAR - METEORITE, ANY STAR STONE.Universal energies,astrology, eclipse, travel, hope.18.THE MOON - MOONSTONE, CHALCEDONY.Psychism, emotions,depression, night, winter, sleep, dreams, tides, magnetism, water.19.THE SUN - TlGER'S-EYE, SUNSTONE.Mental activity, overin-tellectualism, thought, visualization, contentment, employment, day,summer, the seasons.20 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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