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. 118 AJ JarrettChapter Thirteen How s Miles? Klaus asked Ben as he came into the war roomwhere the other warriors sat discussing the day s earlier events.They had been sitting in this room when all hell had broken loose.They had been discussing what they were going to tell the council.Ben s father had called first thing that morning, demanding answers.Ben was able to deflect him with questions of his own.In the end,Benedict told Ben to contact him later when he had something usefulto discuss.Not more than five minutes later, they heard an explosion.Theyall took off out of the room like bullets leaving their chamber.As theyentered the front entryway heading to the hallway that led to thekitchen where Astrid and Miles were, they were met with at leastforty men, wearing all black, with soulless eyes.They sniffed the airand kept mumbling the word  fairy. Klaus knew then that they werethere specifically for Astrid.The enemy had blown the front door clear off its hinges andemerged into the foyer.Their less-than-tactful ambush meant theyhadn t come to fight and kill all the warriors living within the house.No, they had come to take one person and one person only then leaveimmediately afterward.A battle broke out instantly, with him in the thick of it.He foughtman after man, clearing a path to the kitchen.Endless amounts ofsoldiers flooded the house, and Klaus s only thought was getting toAstrid.Finally, when the enemies numbers started to dwindle, he, Ben,and Quinn took off toward the kitchen.A mind-numbing terror caused Astrid s Wish 119his steps to falter as they came into the seating area right off the maindining room.Blood painted the walls, and human debris covered thefloor.Miles and Trevor, both new vampires, had managed to rip theheads off two fully grown paranormals.What exact species they werewas still unknown.Their faces were too badly scratched up andswollen beyond any kind of recognition.He had to guess the utter fearcaused them to react in such a manner because Miles and Trevor werenot of the violent sort.But what surprised him the most and was also the reason he sataround this table instead of in bed comforting his mate, was whatAstrid had done.His mate had touched a man and wished him gone,and it had happened.There was no sign of a third man in the room,but Miles, Trevor, and Astrid were adamant that there had been athird.The other odd occurrence surrounding the situation was howMiles knew that by touching the man Astrid could make the wishcome true.There were so many questions and not enough answers. He s resting now, but I feel like he s hiding something from me.Ben took his seat.He propped up his arms on the table and rested hishead in his hands. Give it time, Ben.He ll talk to you when he himself can makeheads or tails of it all.Once he understands, he will talk to you.Youhave to believe that, my friend, Klaus reassured him. I know, but I just hate that he s trying to deal with this alone.Ben slammed his fist down on the table. I feel so useless when Iknow he s suffering. Well, I got good news, guys, Eli said as he jogged into theroom. I reviewed the surveillance footage from the part of the houseyour boys were in. He motioned to the disc in his hand. There was athird man.And just like your mates stated, he did just disappear, butnot before he mentioned the coming. 120 AJ JarrettBen looked to Klaus. Can Astrid still not remember anythingabout someone mentioning that while he lived under Malcolm sroof? No, but he s worked himself up into hysterics thinking he s somesort of evil bomb going to blow any minute, killing us all. Hebrought his hand up to pinch the bridge of his noise.A headache thesize of Texas pounded in his brain.His hands were tied.He didn tknow what to do to reassure his mate, because from all that they hadlearned, Astrid was, in fact, created for evil purposes.But whoeverhad thought of this grand scheme didn t count on his mate having aheart and lacking the ability to hurt a living soul. Okay, so this  coming is something we need to be concernedabout. Quinn looked over to Ben. And your mate s hearing voices [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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