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. We will all swear you are one and Hyvin will not want you anymore. The womanspeaking glanced at Ovoly. Can t we just tell him she is a bad woman? He mustbelieve us.A snarl tore from a dark-headed house helper, Aya, as the woman stood up to glareat Shanna. You will give us back our Hyvin or you will not wake up one morning. It s a good thing that I sleep with Berrr then because I doubt you could sneak inour bedroom to get to me without him knowing about it. Shanna was pissed and morethan a little frightened. I m going to my room now.If you try to stop me I ll yell forBerrr.The women glared at Shanna as she carefully left the dining room.She watched herback the entire way to Berrr s bedroom so they couldn t follow her without herknowing about it.She needed to have a talk with him or those women were going to gettruly ugly and nasty.They had her at a disadvantage and if they were left unchecked, they would justgrow bolder.The lights automatically came on across the room when she entered thebedroom.Shanna closed the door firmly and searched it, immediately discovering therewas no lock on it.That was another thing she d ask Berrr about.She wanted a way tokeep the women away from her when he wasn t home to protect her.87 Laurann DohnerFirewood had been placed in the fire grate.It took her a few attempts to figure outtheir version of a lighter but when flames sparked out of the stick-looking thing shemanaged to get the fire to light.Shanna set the lighter back on the mantel and turned tostudy the room.Someone had picked up her discarded dress and Berrr s clothing from the floorwhere they d been tossed when they d climbed into bed after lunch.The bed was alsomade.Sighing, she moved for it.The upside to his house helpers is they cook a good meal andkeep the house tidy.The bad side is they are all out to get me.She kept her clothes on as shegot on the bed, deciding it was smarter to be dressed if any of the women came after herin the bedroom.Shanna didn t have long to wait.The bedroom door slowly opened softly and shetensed, knowing they were trying to sneak in.Her heart pounded hard in her chest asOvoly and Aya stepped in the bedroom.A nasty grin widened Ovoly s face, her blackeyes narrowing dangerously. I was ordered to come tell you that Hyvin had to go out for a few hours. The doorslammed hard behind her, closing both women in the bedroom with Shanna. MoreCollis were spotted landing on Zorn so Hyvin and his men went to meet them to makesure they weren t bringing more human slaves to our planet to try to sell them to ourwarriors.Aya cocked her head and then to Shanna s utter shock gripped her baggy dress,tearing it over her head to toss on the floor.The naked muscled woman put her handson her hips, glaring at Shanna.What in the hell? Shanna s eyes flew to Ovoly to watch instunned shock as the other woman stripped naked. Shit.I don t go that way, Shanna stood up on the bed and gripped one of theposts to keep her balance. I don t find you attractive and I m not having sex with you.Both women frowned, glancing at each other, and finally it was Ovoly who lookedback at Shanna with a glare. We removed our clothing so your terror stink doesn tcling to our clothing for Hyvin to smell on us.Relief hit Shanna for a split second before she realized that they had a worse motivefor coming after her.Well, maybe not, she decided.I d rather get my ass kicked than havetwo muscular women want to play out a bad women s prison movie scene at my expense. You really don t want to do this.They split apart, coming at the bed.Shanna backed up, walking on the bed, andkept her attention on both of them.She wished they weren t over six feet tall ofAmazon-type women.It was going to be as though she were fighting two men and sheknew her chances weren t really that great. Don t make her bruise, Ovoly ordered the other one. If you make her bleedmake sure it isn t from a place that a mark will be left.Aya nodded, hearing her. Her nose and mouth are good. Fuck, Shanna cursed, deciding Ovoly was the meaner of the two by sheer size.88 Berrr s VowTaking a deep breath, Shanna knew her time was up as each woman inched alongthe sides of the bed at her.She threw herself at Ovoly, seeing shock hit the woman sfeatures a second before Shanna slammed into her, sending the woman flying backwardwith Shanna trying to land on top of her to soften her blow.Even landing on the naked woman knocked the breath from Shanna as theycrashed to the hard tile floor [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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