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.RonaldRainger, Keith R.Benson, and Jane Maienschein (Philadelphia: Universityof Pennsylvania Press, 1988), 76.6.Gregg Mitman, The State of Nature: Ecology, Community, andAmerican Social Thought, 1900 1950 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1992), 12.7.Garland E.Allen,  Introduction, and Jane Maienschein,  Introduc-tion to the Mechanistic Conception of Life: Loeb the Teacher, Stein theStudent at the MBL, in Barlow, Dowling, and Weissmann, eds., TheBiological Century, vi ix, 3 5.8.Clarence King,  Education of the Future, Forum 13 (March 1892):24 27.9.On biology s golden age see, Philip J.Pauly,  Summer Resort andScientific Discipline: Woods Hole and the Structure of American Biology,1882 1925, in The American Development of Biology, 121 50, at 138; andMaienschein, Transforming Traditions in American Biology, 3 9.See also TobyA.Appel,  Organizing Biology: The American Society of Naturalists and its Affiliated Societies, 1883 1923, in The American Development of Biology,87 120, at112.For a contemporary assessment of biological fragmentation,see J.H.Woodger, Biological Principles: A Critical Study (London: Routledgeand Kegan Paul, 1929).The last quotes come from Rainger, Benson, andMaienschein,  Introduction, The American Development of Biology, 8 9.10.Pauly,  Summer Resort and Scientific Discipline, 122 23.11.Ibid., 136 37.12.Lear, Rachel Carson, 62.13.Rachel Carson to Mrs.Eales, undated letter (1941?) on Under the SeaWind, Box 3, Folder 60, Rachel Carson Papers, Yale Collection of AmericanLiterature, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University,New Haven, Conn.(hereafter cited as RCP, BL).14.Carson to Dorothy Thompson, August 25, 1929, Box 106, Folder2010, RCP, BL.15.In the summer of 1952, for example, as Carson finished a book on thesea, she wrote to a friend,  I would rather spend the whole time in Maine[Carson s home], but I need the M.B.L.Library at this point even more.Carson to Paul Brooks, April 26, 1952, Box 87, Folder 1525, RCP, BL;Carson,  Origins of the Book, The Sea Around Us, Box 9, Folder 162, RCP,BL.See also Pauly,  Summer Resort and Scientific Discipline, 135.16.Philip J.Pauly, Biologists and the Promise of American Life: FromMeriwether Lewis to Alfred Kinsey (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UniversityPress, 2002), 146, 161, 156 58.17.Ibid., 198.18.Nathan Reingold,  Biology to 1915: A General View, in Science inAmerica: A Documentary History, 1900 1939, ed.Nathan Reingold and IdaH.Reingold (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981), 126.236 NOTES TO PAGES 141 144 19.Pauly,  Summer Resort and Scientific Discipline, 140.See alsoGregg Mitman,  Evolution as Gospel: William Patten, the Language ofDemocracy, and the Great War, Isis 81 (September 1990): 455.20.Pauly,  Summer Resort and Scientific Discipline, 140.21.Ronald Rainger,  Introduction, in The Expansion of American Biolo-gy, ed.Keith R.Benson, Jane Maienschein, and Ronald Rainger (NewBrunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1991), 7.22.Daniel J.Kevles, In the Name of Eugenics: Genetic Uses of HumanHeredity (New York: Knopf, 1988); Merriley Borell,  Biologists and thePromotion of Birth Control Research, 1918 1938, Journal of the History ofBiology 20 (1987): 51 88; Garland Allen,  The Transformation of a Science:T.H.Morgan and the Emergence of a New American Biology, in TheOrganization of Knowledge in Modern America, 1860 1920, ed.AlexandraOleson and John Voss (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979);Mitman,  Evolution as Gospel, 446.23.In The Descent of Darwin (Chapel Hill: University of North CarolinaPress, 1981), Alfred Kelly argues that the link between Darwin and theGermans is overblown.That is probably true, but as Gregg Mitman notes,most American biologists of the era saw a direct connection between theGerman war effort and Darwinian theories of fitness and social evolution.See Mitman, State of Nature, 59 61, 184 85.24.Allen, Life Science in the Twentieth Century, 144; Sharon E.Kingsland, Toward a Natural History of the Human Psyche: Charles Manning Child,Charles Judson Herrick, and the Dynamic View of the Individual at theUniversity of Chicago, in The Expansion of American Biology, 196 98.25.Mitman, State of Nature, 58 61, 70 71.For a contemporary assess-ment from American biologists about the war, natural science, and Germanideology, see Vernon L [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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