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.They approve the change request.Signed Executive Sponsor and DateThe executive sponsor signs and dates the form on behalf of the changecontrol board.Joe Williams, the EVP of Happy Toffee Candy Company, signed onbehalf of the change control board.DispositionThe final disposition of the change request is noted here.The dispositioncovers whether the change was approved or denied.For our example, we ll mark the box showing the change is approved.TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine ! 4410c06.qxd 2/8/05 11:32 PM Page 98Change Management98Included in Version/DateIf the change request is approved, use this final field to verify that thechange is actually put into the product of the project.Continuing with our candy company example, we note here that thechange request was applied to the second version of the product on 9/18/05.Change Request TimingThe fields you decide to provide in your change request form tell the entirestory of the change.The story begins on the day it is requested and endsthe day it is denied or approved and the product of the project is modifiedbecause of the change.Because the change request form tells the entirestory, you can see that the form lends itself to different periods of time:1.When the change is requested2.When the analysis is completed3.When the disposition is knownWith that in mind, gather the fields into different sections that repre-sent the different stages of the change request.The example of a changerequest form in Figure 6.1 covers our Carbalicious project.For a blankchange request form, refer to Appendix B.In Figure 6.1, the requestor fills in Section 1.The project manager com-pletes Section 2 after completing all of the analysis.The project manager alsocompletes Section 3 and includes the recommendation from the change con-trol board if one is needed as well as the final disposition of the change request.LogisticsYou want to help people use your change management system.You don twant people using the excuse that they couldn t find the change requestform and that s why they didn t bother to use it.Put the blank changerequest form on a central server, project website, or other convenient placewhere anyone can get a copy.I always keep a stack of them on the projectconference room table for easy access.TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine ! 4410c06.qxd 2/8/05 11:32 PM Page 99Change Tracking99FIGURE 6.1: Change request formHappy Toffee Candy CompanyNO: 091405-03Section 1: Requestor CompletesProject Name: Carbalicious Project Date: 091405Requestor: Hank StampProject Manager: Patty BurtDescription of Request: Remove the pistachios from the Carbalicious candy.Replace thepistachios with walnuts instead.Reason for Request: The original recipe called for pistachios as part of the nut combination.This original recipe was gummy in texture.I have continued to workwith the recipe.The product loses its gummy texture with thesubstitution of the walnuts for the pistachios.Risk if Not The risk associated with not making the change will be lost revenue.Implemented: The marketing department has already projected a revenue of over$1.5M if this product is good and hits the market by November 1,2005.Without this change, the product won t be good.Section 2: Project Manager CompletesWork Effort Required: 6.5 days Duration Required: 11 daysResources Required: * The development Dependencies: This change must bestaff in place prior to the* The candy creation field trial.kitchen andmachinery* The graphicdesignerAdditional Cost $17,100 Contracts Impacted: Graphic designer willRequired: need a new task order.Risk if Implemented: The major risk is not making the November 1 candy delivery dateif this change is approved.Triple Constraints The project will deliver the candy to the market on November 7.Impacted: The triple constraint of time is impacted because of this change.PM Recommendation: The product is better with the recipe change.I approve this changeeven with the end date extension.Signed PM: Patty Burt Date: Sept.16, 2005Section 3: Executive Sponsor Completes/CCBCCB Recommendation: Approved.Revenue figures will be revamped because of late entryinto the market.Signed Executive Joe Williams EVP Date: Sept.17, 2005Sponsor:Disposition: Denied [ ] Included in Version 2/9-18-05Approved [X] Version/Date:TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine ! 4410c06.qxd 2/8/05 11:32 PM Page 100Change Management100You might want to provide a set of instructions with the form itself.Besure to cover how the users should get the form back to you.Select a waythat is easiest for your company.If you re still using quite a lot of paper,make sure you have an in-box that s labeled  Change Requests. If your com-pany is into email, ask your IT group to set up a special email account like abcprojectchangerequests@xyzcompany.com or at least make sure thatthe instruction set includes your email address.One more thing about the logistics of a change request make sure thatyou acknowledge its receipt.You want the requestor to know that you ve seenthe request and that you are beginning the process of review and analysis.Recording information and providing logistics for your change requestsare some of the things you ll need to do to document your change requests.The other important aspect is tracking the disposition of change requests.Making a Change Request LogOkay, it s Wednesday, and you received two change requests on Monday,one on Tuesday, and so far today, you ve received two more.With all of thispaperwork flying around, how are you going to keep straight where in theprocess each change request is?You can accomplish this using a change request log a simple mecha-nism for keeping track of each change.Pick a medium that is right for you,whether it is paper, a mechanized spreadsheet, a simple database, or some-thing else, and create a change request log.This log should summarize the information on each of your change requestforms with enough information for you to be able to tell the status of eachchange with just a glance.You ll also use this log at the end of the project as aninput into your lessons learned process.You ll review this log to determinewhat went right and what went wrong on your change management process [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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