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.109 KUNDALINI YOGA40.The Uddiyana Bandha: At the end of the Kumbhaka and at the beginning of expiration,Uddiyana Bandha should be performed.Because Prana Uddiyate, or the Prana goes up theSushumna in this Bandha, the Yogins call it Uddiyana.41.Sit in the Vajrasana.Hold firmly the two toes by the two hands.Then press at the Kandaand at the places near the two ankles.Then gradually upbear the Tana or the thread or the Nadiwhich is on the western side first to Udara or the upper part of the abdomen above the navel, then tothe heart and then to the neck.When the Prana reaches the Sandhi or the junction of the navel,slowly it removes the impurities and diseases in the navel.For this reason, this should be practisedfrequently.42.The Jalandhara Bandha: This should be practised at the end of Puraka (after inhalation).This is of the form of contraction of the neck and is an impediment to the passage of Vayu(upwards).43.The Prana goes through Brahmanadi on the western Tana in the middle, when the neckis contracted at once by bending downwards so that the chin may touch the breast.Assuming theposture as mentioned before, the Yogi should stir up Sarasvati and control Prana.HOW MANY TIMES KUMBHAKA SHOULD BE PRACTISED44.On the first day, Kumbhaka should be practised four times.45.It should be done ten times, on the second day, and then five times separately.46.On the third day, twenty times will be enough.Afterwards Kumbhaka should bepractised with the three Bandhas and with an increase of five times each day.THE OBSTACLES TO THE PRACTICE OF YOGA AND HOW TOOVERCOME THEM47.Seven are the causes of the diseases in the body.Sleeping during the daytime is the first,late vigils overnight is the second, excess of sexual intercourse the third, moving amidst crowds thefourth.The fifth cause is the effect of unwholesome food.The sixth is the checking of the dischargeof urine and faeces.The seventh is the laborious mental operation with Prana.48.When attacked by such diseases, the Yogi who is afraid of them says,  My diseases havearisen from my practices of Yoga. Then he will discontinue this practice.This is the first obstacleto Yoga.49.The second obstacle to Yoga is the doubt as to the efficacy of Yoga practice.50.Third obstacle is carelessness or a state of confusion.51.The fourth is indifference or laziness.110 YOGA-KUNDALINI UPANISHAD52.Sleep constitutes the fifth obstacle to Yoga practice.53.The sixth is not leaving the objects of senses; the seventh is the erroneous perception ordelusion.54.The eighth is sensual objects or concern with worldly affairs.The ninth is want of faith.The tenth is non-aptitude for understanding of the truths of Yoga.THE ROUSING OF THE KUNDALINI55.The intelligent practitioner of Yoga should, by means of close investigation and greatdeliberation, avoid these ten obstacles.56.With the mind firmly fixed on the Truth, the practice of Pranayama should be performeddaily.Then the mind takes its repose in the Sushumna.The Prana therefore never moves.57.When the impurities of the mind are thus removed and Prana is absorbed in theSushumna, one becomes a true Yogin.58.When the accumulated impurity, clogging the Sushumna Nadi, is completely removedand the passage of vital air through the Sushumna is effected by performing Kevala Kumbhaka, theYogin forcibly causes the Apana with the downward course to rise upwards by the contraction ofthe anus (Mula Bandha).59.Thus raised up, the Apana mixes with Agni.Then they go up quickly to the seat of Prana.Then, Prana and Apana uniting with one another, go to Kundalini which is coiled up and asleep.60.Heated by Agni and stirred up by Vayu, Kundalini stretches its body in the interior of themouth of the Sushumna.THE KUNDALINI REACHES THE SAHASRARA BY PIERCINGTHROUGH THE THREE KNOTS61.The Kundalini pierces through the Brahmagranthi formed of Rajas.It flashes at oncelike lightning at the mouth of Sushumna.62.Then Kundalini goes up at once through Vishnugranthi to the heart.Then it goes upthrough the Rudragranthi and above it to the middle of the eyebrows.63.Having pierced this place, the Kundalini goes up to the Mandala (sphere) of the moon.Itdries up the moisture produced by the moon in the Anahata Chakra which has sixteen petals.64.Through the speed of Prana, when the blood is agitated, it becomes bile from its contactwith the sun.Then it goes to the sphere of the moon.Here it becomes of the nature of pure phlegm.65.When it flows there, how does the blood which is very cold become hot?111 KUNDALINI YOGA66.Since at the same time the intense white form of moon is rapidly heated [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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