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.The same old story of misery was repeated in the newincarnation and was often worse.Intellect having in themeantime lost the sattvic quality of brightness, did notshine well, and was torpid.Mind continued to flourish in the company of Ignor-ance, Delusion and Desire, etc.Intellect could not eschewMind on the one hand nor function in my absence.We alllived there together.Had I not been there, no one else couldhave lived in the city.I was protecting them all.On accountof my intimacy with Intellect, I became nescient at times,foolish at others, unsteady, vacillating, angry, contemptible,etc.Therefore ignorant people put me down in the samecategory as Intellect.But the Sages know that I have neverbeen tainted.My genesis proves it.My mother is most virtuous,pure, not the least blemished, more extensive than space and 250 Tripura Rahasyasubtler than even the subtlest, because she is immanent inall and sundry.Being omniscient, she is of unlimitedknowledge also; that is to say, she is transcendental andindividualised self; being omnipotent, she is fragile too;being the prop of all, she has no prop; being of all shapes,she has no shape (like a mirror reflecting forms); being allinclusive, she owns nothing; being the conscious Principlehere and now, she is uncognisable; she has no lineageextending beyond Herself.Her daughters like me are toonumerous to reckon.My sisters are infinite in number, like the waves ofthe sea.All of them are involved like myself in theircompanion s affairs.Though so enmeshed in Intellect, Iam still equal to my mother in every respect because Ipossess the unique talisman to save me from being tainted.To return to my life in the city, whenever Mind wasfatigued, he used to sleep on his mother Intellect s lap.When he slept, none of his sons or others could be awake.The city was then guarded by his intimate friend, Breath.Then Intellect with all her family used to be clouded byIgnorance  her mother-in-law and then I (individualConsciousness) being free from all trammels used torepair to my mother (i.e., Fullness) and remain in bliss.But I was obliged to come away as soon as the inhabitantsof the city awoke.Mind s friend  Breath  pervaded the whole cityand protected all the citizens in every way.They would bescattered away if he were not there.He was the link betweenthem and me.He derived his strength and powers from me. Appendix I 251When that city fell to ruin, he would collect them all andpass with them to another city.Mind thus reigned inseveral places, with the aid of his friend (this refers toreincarnation).Though befriended by Breath, though born ofvirtuous Intellect and though brought up by me, Mindwas always wallowing in misery because he was weddedto his two incorrigible and insatiate wives, associated withthe two wicked sons  Greed and Anger  and wasswinging to and fro on account of the other five sons the Senses.He could find no rest and was manipulated bythem, so that he found himself in forests, in wildernesses,in torrid heat or frigid cold, in cesspools, in dark caverns,etc. in short, in different kinds of hell.His miseries reflected on Intellect; and I too beingassociated with her, was involved in their woes.Who canindeed avoid the evils of bad company?On one occasion, Intellect sought my advice in secret(i.e., when accidentally free from thoughts).I adviseddispassionate conduct to her, by which she gained a goodhusband  Discrimination.She grew stronger, gatheredcourage to subdue the Mind and kill Greed, Lust and Anger.The other five sons of his  namely, the Senses  wereimprisoned.Soon after, she became loyal to me and finallyunited with me (i.e., gained nirvikalpa samadhi).Thus shereached my mother s home  Peace and Bliss.This story illustrates that bondage and liberation arefor Intellect only and not for the individual Consciousness,i.e., the Self. Chapter VII: That the Goal is Gained OnlyAfter Ascertaining God by Faith, Effort,Approved Logic and Devotion to HimIllusion can be overcome only by a sincere, earnestand constant devotion to God.But the atheists deny Godand His creation of the universe.Atheist: How does it follow that Ishwara is the creatorof jagat (world)?Answer: Because the jagat is seen to be a karya (effect),that is, an artefact.Q.: True, a pot etc., are seen to be the products ofwork but not the mountains, oceans, etc.A.: Because they consist of parts they must also havebeen made (created) by an unseen power.(Yat Savayavamtat karyam iti tarkena).This is according to the axiom: Whatis with parts must be karya.Therefore the world, etc., arecreations only.Q.: Paramanu (the fundamental subtle primary particle)and akasa (ether) have no parts.So the jagat exclusive ofthese two must be taken to be karya.A.: No to both.They  that is, Paramanu and akasa are karya because they are perceptible (knowable).Theirbeing karya cannot be denied for the simple fact of theirbeing inseparable [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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