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. What was it doing under there? I saw it sticking out of your bag earlier.I was going to take a look, see if there was moreabout the bank robbery, but I decided it wouldn t be right for me to read it. I d like you to.I don t think Grandpa would mind so long as it was you.You alreadyknow what s in it.Maybe when we get back to the train. He ran a hand through his hair,fighting his need to pace around the room, curse at someone, punch their lights out.He said, They must have followed us here. It s got to be the same person who searched our room on the train. But that wasn t just us. Take Me Home 133Evan picked up a blanket from the floor. Maybe they were covering their tracks.Or theyweren t sure which room was ours. Yeah. Kyle set the journal on the couch and dropped to sit beside it. I guess I don twant to believe Grandpa did it.Evan sat beside him. Did what? Those guys wanted him and Joe to hide the money for them. How much money was it? It doesn t say. Did he do it? I think so.I was just getting to that part when you came back into the room yesterday.Since then I ve been a little& distracted. Not that he d go back and do anything differently.Except for Evan s ass ending up in that river.The assured smile on Evan s face looked good. It ll be light enough to head out soon.Maybe you should read more before we go. Yeah. Kyle picked up the journal and leafed through it until he reached the part wherehe d left off.He read aloud. I knew I had to leave, to go home.So when Joe spoke up today and told them we d hidethe money, I didn t protest.I knew it was the wrong move, but I couldn t do anything except hidethe truth. They didn t want to know where we d take the money.If they didn t end up in prison, orperhaps even if they did, they d find one of us later to show them where the money was.Untilthen, Joe and I would be the only two people to know where we would hide it. The threesome left to retrieve the money where they d temporarily stashed it as they dfled Denver.The rain that had been threatening us all day finally came, turning into a downpourbefore long.Joe and I waited in our tent.He didn t speak as he slowly undressed me, as hekissed and caressed my body, as we made love.After, he held me and said,  In Ohio.We ll gotogether.That way it ll always be close to one of us. Without having to say anything to him, heknew where I wanted to spend the rest of my life. An hour later, we loaded the trunk of our car with the bags that held the stamp of theDenver Bank and Trust, and we left Colorado.Kyle stopped reading and closed the journal. I guess he did it. What are you doing? Evan asked. You aren t going to read anymore? Not now.We have to get back to the train.They ve got to be ready to leave by now.They ll probably send search-and-rescue out after us soon, if they haven t already.Evan nodded, then said,  You need to read the rest as soon as you can, though. Yeah. A part of him didn t want to know the rest.Another part knew he owed it to hisgrandpa and what he d written in the letter to Kyle about learning from his mistakes. I have toread it. Maybe it says where they hid the money.Maybe no one ever came for it, and it s stillthere. I can t imagine Grandpa would put that in writing. Why? He d talked about his malelover in the journal.After Kyle got back to the train, after he made sure Evan was safe, he d read 134 Sloan Parkerthe rest.And he d deal with whoever was after the journal.He started picking up the remainingblankets. Let s go.I want to see who was here.Evan stopped him. What do you mean? I m going to find out who broke in here.He s probably headed back to the train.Maybewe can catch up.I ve got to try and make a deal with him. He works for the network.He s probably been paid a shitload of money. Then I ll talk to Hastings myself.They might as well give up.They are not getting thisjournal.And I m not letting anyone else find out about it.Grandpa didn t know what else to do.He was afraid.It was a different time.If he didn t want his kids or his grandkids to know abouthis relationship with Joe, or about what he did to help those bank robbers, then I have to respectthat. I don t want to betray him either.That had never crossed Kyle s mind.Not once.Not even with Evan s career on the line. Iknow that. He faced the window; the sun was rising. What are you thinking? Evan asked. They ve gone to all this trouble.Whoever this guy is, he s going to take another shot onthe train.I ll just have to convince him there s nothing in the journal about where the money is. Sure. Evan rolled up a blanket and threw it at the couch. Because I bet he ll stop to talkto you and believe whatever you say. I have to try.I have to find out who hired him. What do you mean? Maybe it s not your boss. He s not my boss.Then who? Maybe someone who thinks this money belongs to him.There were four men involved inthat bank robbery. They d all be in their eighties.Or older.If they re still alive. Not their kids.Not their grandkids. And what makes you think you can talk them out of wanting to take a look at thejournal? I don t know. He had to try. They could be dangerous.This isn t one of your mysteries. Well, it s certainly inspiring one. I noticed that. Evan watched him for a moment, then added,  I m glad you re writingagain. Thanks to you.And Grandpa. He walked to the dining room table and wrote a noteexplaining why they d stayed in the cabin, and leaving it with his name, number, and some cash.The sun had risen, and light poured into the cabin, making it look like a different placethan where they d spent the night together.Would they ever have another night like the onethey d just shared? What are you thinking now? There Evan went again, making him put his thoughts towords.With two best-selling novels, he d have figured he d be better at it than he was. Take Me Home 135 I m going to miss this place. He d never said that about somewhere he d spent less thantwelve hours. I liked it here.I liked you here. Me too.Unrestrained, more words poured out of Kyle.Maybe that was what it meant to be in lovewith someone.You showed them everything.Even what you didn t want anyone to see. What ifI can t write when we get to Ohio? What if everything is different when this trip is over?Evan didn t answer right away.He pinched his bottom lip between his teeth.Slowly, hereleased it, and said,  You ll write.Because sometimes different is better. They were silent,their gazes locked for a long while, and then Evan added,  You haven t told me yet. What? About Mac.Who does he choose?Kyle tried to find a gut response, blurt it out, and then he d know what he should do.Itnever came. I don t know yet.* * * * What part of no one else leaves the train did you not understand? The conductor glaredat Kyle from the open door of their room [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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