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.Bayar just nodded and kept pushing their cloud into the black sorcerer s.It took a fewmore minutes, but the dam eventually broke.The black cloud touched Tegus and thesorcerer screamed.His skin lit up, his eyes widened and he started to disintegrate beforetheir eyes.A final flash of grey light blinded them and when Bayar blinked his eyes backopen, the evil sorcerer was gone.Delgar sank to his knees.Bayar waited for the usual after-magic fainting spell, but nothing happened.Chinuxstill held him in his arms and Bayar leant back, trying to maximise his contact with the manwho had stuck with him through thick and thin, including giving him support in a battle hemust have felt very uncomfortable with.Bayar was falling in love.After a while, he d caught his breath and curiosity took over. What s going on, Delgar? And don t try to deny it I think we all saw whathappened. Bayar sat down, pulling Chinux with him.He couldn t bear the thought of beingseparated from his lover. I think we ve discovered a new variation of the black crystal s attributes. Delgarsighed and sat down. I ve known for a while that it can strengthen someone s magic whenthey touch it.But the effect Chinux had when he touched you was new.It seemed as if hewas a conduit for the energy to flow. A conduit for energy flow? Chinux blinked and shook his head. That must be thestrangest theory you have ever produced. It certainly felt that way. Bayar turned in his lover s arms so he could see his face. Assoon as you touched the wall, I felt less tired and more energised than I ever have before.You are right to be sceptical.This will need a load of research to prove one way or the other.www.total-e-bound.com AUTUMN QUEST Serena Yates211 You like research. Chinux smiledIt hadn t been a question but Bayar still nodded. Do you want to know what I think is really strange? Chinux looked at Delgar for asecond before turning his gaze back to Bayar. You didn t faint after using magic. You noticed that? Bayar closed his eyes and leant back into Chinux. It may be a side effect of the crystal, or it may be something else. Delgar smiled. More research is needed. I ll make you an offer. Bayar could only hope Delgar would be interested, or at leastbe willing to support his idea. Okay, I ll listen. Delgar nodded. In exchange for you returning the stolen book to the Royal Library, I ll help youresearch the reasons behind this energy transmission or whatever it was. He sat back andwatched as first disbelief then thoughtfulness crossed his uncle s face. You would do that? Delgar s eyes widened. Sure.The Royal Library might be slightly bigger, but the things I can officially researchthere are limited. He shrugged. Makes perfect sense to work somewhere I can get all thematerials I need.Naiman will do very well without me. Well, in that case I see no problem with returning the stolen property.I had a copy ofthat particular book in my own collection already.If the gesture helps keep Naiman s armyoff our backs, all the better. Delgar grinned and held out his hand.Bayar shook hands with his uncle and couldn t suppress a happy smile.What aninteresting turn of events.* * * *A few weeks later&Chinux walked into Qara castle s library, carefully listening for any sound that mighttell him where his lover was spending his day today.There was no logic to the order Bayardid things in, and Chinux was beginning to appreciate that.Spontaneity had ruled in theirpersonal life, and it certainly hadn t ruined Bayar s success in his chosen profession.www.total-e-bound.com AUTUMN QUEST Serena Yates212There he was.Bent over one of the large tables used as desks and research benches,Bayar was a truly inspiring man.He d always looked good with his long blond locks, darkviolet eyes and lean, well-toned body.But with the addition of unlimited and uninhibitedresearch into all types of magic, his lover was truly happy now.While Chinux hadn t been of much use in Bayar s research, he d taken over the castle sdefences, organising the servants and other day-to-day business.It was much like running anestate.He liked his new job and, best of all, he was close to Bayar.That would always be apriority for him.They still hadn t said the words, but it was difficult to hold back.Maybe it was time tojust jump in and say it. I heard you. Bayar looked up, mischief twinkling in his eyes. Good, I bring good news. Chinux bent closer for a quick kiss. I hope it won t take long. Bayar took Chinux s hand and pulled him into one of theextra-large easy chairs in his favourite corner. We haven t spent enough time together lately,and I just realised I want to change that. I like that idea. Chinux wiggled his brows then embraced Bayar firmly and squeezedhimself next to him into the large leather chair.Bayar ended up with his head on Chinux schest. So, what s your good news? Bayar looked up at him and he almost forgot why theywere here.All he could think about was kissing Bayar. I just spoke to a messenger from Naiman. The round trip of messages had taken justunder four weeks. Yes? Bayar s attention was now all his. Your father has agreed to forgive Delgar his most recent thievery, provided he staysaway from Naiman. Chinux watched Bayar s smile emerge.It was better than a sunrise. That shouldn t be a problem.We re so busy now, there s no time to consider a trip toNaiman or anywhere else for that matter. Bayar grinned and rubbed up against Chinux inthe provocative way they both knew led to more very quickly. He s also asking for the two of you to look into using magic as an instrument of lawenforcement. Chinux grinned. That would actually be very cool.Helping criminals tell thewww.total-e-bound.com AUTUMN QUEST Serena Yates213truth, so to speak.Or maybe revealing the hiding places of stolen merchandise.Who knowswhat you ll come up with? I ll put it on the ever-growing list. Bayar smiled and cuddled in more closely. Butthat s enough of that.So true!Chinux slid an arm around Bayar and leaned in for a kiss.Their position was a littlecramped, but that wouldn t stop him.Bayar tasted so good he could kiss the man all dayand not get tired of him. Bedroom? Bayar s lips were kiss-swollen and his eyes slightly wider than usual. Great minds think alike. He got up, pulling Bayar with him.They made it to the second floor and into their suite of rooms in no time.He d thoughttheir guest room was luxurious, but this suite had it beaten by miles.Thick tapestriesadorned the walls, keeping the room warm and quiet.Their bathroom was a little larger thanthe one they d used the first time, and there were separate work rooms set aside for each ofthem.They were rarely used, but it was a nice thought.He undressed Bayar slowly, enjoying each newly exposed piece of skin before he wentto uncover the next.Bayar was hard and moaning by the time he turned the tables and madesure Chinux got the same treatment [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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