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.It is important for the individual to exercise the body as well as the mind (asis the case with everyone), but he or she may not be particularly inclined to do sounless some sort of intellectual challenge is involved.Many forms of exercise will betried, but most will be deemed boring.Encourage your subject to find one whichsatisfies his intellectual and physical needs, and to stick to it.If this does not happen,restlessness will build up, bringing a rather sharp bad temper and irritability that willbe directed not only towards others but also to the self, through considerable self-criticism.Energy may be dissipated through too many changes of direction, both inlife in general and on a day-to-day basis.This will obviously lead to feelings of dissatisfaction, so look to other stabilizing areas of the chart for a steadier approachand sense of discipline; this influence can then be expressed in a more controlled andpractical way.Quite a strong element of versatility is usually present; and the key to getting thevery best out of this placing is to remember that, because total relaxation is notusually enjoyed (again because it is considered boring), a change of occupation willbe most beneficial.If heavy physical demands are made on the subject during theworking day, he or she should invite intellectual challenges in the evening, or viceversa, remembering, of course, that the inclination to make too many changes mustbe controlled.The arms and hands are vulnerable, so the subject should be encouraged to wearprotective gloves when gardening or doing rough chores, and to be very careful whenhandling sharp tools or hot dishes - especially when Mars is making transits to thepersonal planets or the Ascendant.As far as the sex life is concerned, here is a lively, experimental partner who willenjoy a rewarding sex life from youth right through to old age.The attitude towardssex will be light-hearted: it is fun, and to be enjoyed.This placing tends to take someof the steamy passion out of this sphere of life, but the subject will nevertheless be anenergetic and often athletic lover, which in turn will help to keep the partner equallyenergetic, youthful, and athletic!(Grant Lewi)Your energies flow naturally into adventurous paths.Movement, physical and mental,is essential to you, and you express best when working, playing, living actively,preferably at high speed.You are rarely bored or boring, but you can wear others,and yourself, out by the ferocity of your attack on life.You are extraordinarily awareof the world around you; sense perceptions are acute, swift, probably accurate; andyou are voluble in expressing what you take in.Energy flows naturally to the tongue;you are a better talker than a listener; and are generally glib, discursive, extensive inyour remarks written or spoken.With any concentrative force, this position gainsvalue; without it, you scatter your energies.You are something of a sensualist, andlike the physical expressions of love; you probably think sex is more important than itreally is, and by thinking make it so.Energy flows into mind force as well as intophysical activity; this is peculiarly a position in which, to have a sound mind, youmust also have a sound body.You must beware of neglecting your physical well-beingthrough letting your energies dam up in the pools of the mind; also of being blockedby sensational thoughts which from time to time will tend to dominate you.Thenegative reactions of the sex urge, such as envy, jealousy and hatred, can frustrateyou if you let them get hold.Mind control and bodily vigor are the two things forwhich you should constantly strive.(Syndey Omarr)Mars in Gemini gives the native an active, restless mind; it makes him want tochange things, to bend situations to his own will.He likes action, but tries too hard,too soon.The astrologer can teach him the value of concentration and the necessity,at times, of making adjustments instead of insisting that the world adjust to him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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