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.I m perfectly safe. I note that you didn t answer the question. Chase could hearshrieking in the background, and it set her teeth on edge. Please,honey.Give me a straight answer. That s just some kids wanting Anka s autograph.I promiseyou, nobody s interested in me. Dani? There are some rent-a-cops looking large and important.Noworries.Nothing will happen to me.I wouldn t let it. You better not.I need you. I m right here, Chase.I promise you.I ve got to run.I loveyou.Can I call you later? You d better. It s a date.Bye.134 Heartsong Goodbye, Dani.Until soon. Chase hit the end key and tappedthe phone against her chin.Her lover was in New York City doingpublicity and national interviews for the DVD release of a moviebased on her memoir.She couldn t imagine that her life could getany more surreal than it was at that moment.She picked up the home phone and dialed Tisha s numberfaultlessly, smiling as her fingers found the correct digits. Hello? Hey, Tish.It s Chase. Well, it s about damn time.Are you back from yourmysterious getaway? I m home, yes. Chase wandered into the kitchen and openedthe refrigerator.She found a bottle of water and twisted off thecap. Are you ready to come clean? Come clean? Chase could clearly hear the exasperation inTisha s voice, but she ignored it.Winding Tisha up was one of herfavorite pastimes. I don t know what you re talking about. Chase Crosley, don t make me come over there and torture thetruth out of you. You and what army? Come on, Chase.Be fair.Chase smirked.It wasn t often she could make Tisha whineand beg. And fair would be? Telling me what the heck you ve been up to. I don t believe that has anything to do with fairness. Stop tormenting me for sport. Would I do that? Chase took a swig out of the water bottle. Yes.Yes, you would, and you are, and it s not right. Oh, please.Give me a break. I ll buy you dinner if you spill it. Whoa.Now that s desperation.The day you open your wallet,I know you re serious. So? So? Argh.Chase. Okay, okay. Chase walked to the picture window in herliving room and watched a cardinal eat out of one of her birdfeeders. I did go to Florida to meet someone.135 Lynn Ames I knew it! Who? Who is she? It is a she, right?Chase laughed out loud. Do you want me to tell you or do youjust want to keep peppering me with questions? Zipping my lip.The floor s all yours.Tell me everything.Chase could hear Tisha s office door closing.For Tisha, thatwas the equivalent of hanging out a  do not disturb sign.Chasenever gossiped and so rarely talked about her personal life that sheimagined Tisha was salivating on the other end of the line. You remember the keynote speaker from the CUNAconference?There was silence on the other end of the line. Tish? I zipped my lip, remember? Very funny.Guess you don t really want to know, after all. No! No, no, no.You can t do that. I could. Chase paused for effect. But I won t. Yes, of course.Danica Warren.The hottest thing since Godinvented chili peppers. Nice one.Did it take you long to think of that line? Thanks.No.I ve got more where that came from.Chase groaned and shook her head. Don t bother.Right.Danica Warren.When Chase didn t say anything more, Tisha ventured,  Yes?What about her?Chase let the question hang in the air for a few seconds,knowing it would make Tisha crazy.After counting to five, sherelented. That s who I went to Florida to see.Chase held the phone away from her ear as Tisha screamed inher ear. Has anyone ever told you that you scream like a girl? You hooked up with Danica Warren?The phrasing sounded vulgar to her ears, and Chase bristled. Excuse me? I m sorry. Tisha s tone was contrite. I didn t mean it thatway.Really, I didn t.You just surprised me, that s all.Chase took a sip of water and remained silent. Please, Chase.I shouldn t have said it that way.I know.I mreally, really sorry.Tell me about it?Because she knew Tisha was truly penitent, Chase gave in. She s really special.136 Heartsong I m sure she is.I know I was impressed with her. She s incredible. Chase couldn t help but grin. How did this all come about? I called and e-mailed her agent. And you got through to her? Wow.I would ve been afraidthat some FBI guy would show up at my door and accuse me ofstalking. The thought did cross my mind.The agent sounded a bitskeptical, but I guess she must ve passed my e-mail along, and thenext thing I knew, I was on the phone with Danica, inviting myselfto Florida. Is that where she lives? No, but it was near where my grandparents used to live.She djust given a speech there and had a couple days layover. Lucky for you. No kidding. Chase moved back in front of the window andwatched the trees rustle in the breeze.She didn t want to share theintimate details of their time together, so she said,  Anyway, theywere the best days of my life. That sounds serious. It is.I m in love with her, Tish. Saying it out loud to a thirdparty somehow made it more real, and Chase shivered. Wow.And the feeling is mutual? Yes. Wow again.I know I keep saying that, but you have to admit,Chase, this is very unlike you.You are just about the leastimpulsive person I know when it comes to relationships anddating. I know.But this is different.She s different.I can t explain itin a way that makes rational sense. Chase shrugged, as if Tishacould see the gesture. It just is. Are you sure, honey? That s awfully fast. Positive. Chase didn t even hesitate. Okay.That s good enough for me.So what s next? I don t know. Chase sighed heavily. Right now, she s inNew York doing a series of interviews.Today s the release of hermovie on DVD.Tomorrow, she s got to go to Vegas for her nextappearance.137 Lynn Ames Oh, Chase.This has to seem a bit surreal, even to you, doesn tit? Yeah, I was just thinking that a little while ago. Is she ever home? And where is home, anyway? She tries to get home at least once a month for a week. That s not much time. I know. You didn t say where home is.Chase considered.She didn t want to breach Danica s privacy. Not too far away. That s cool, at least.Chase was grateful that Tisha didn t push her on the subject. It s something.We still have a lot to figure out obviously.Buthonestly, the only thing that matters to me right now is being withher [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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