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.Chauncey knew they could communicatetelepathically, and he bet his last dollar Tater was chewing him out. 88 Lynn Hagen Okay, okay, Olsen said as he held up his hands. Now who s the pussy? Roman, the youngest brother, laughed.Steven smacked him on the back of his head as he shook his head.Chauncey glanced over at his pa to see him smiling.It seemed themates ran the house here.Chauncey didn t mind.He d let Curtis runanything he wanted.It was funny as hell though, seeing the smallermen rule the larger ones. You re all whipped. Riley growled as he picked up his cup ofcoffee and took a drink. Just wait, son.You ll find out what it s like to give your heart tosomeone, his pa said. Hardly, Riley scoffed as he pushed his chair back, standing. My mate will do what I say, and that s it. I can t wait to see him fall on his ass, Roman grumbled. Give him a break, Pa said. He s watching all his little brothersmate.It has to be hard on him. What about you, Pa? Chauncey asked as he pulled Curtis intohis lap. Don t you want someone to warm your bed?His pa smiled at Chauncey.There was loneliness in his pa s eyesthat he d never noticed before.Fuck if Chauncey didn t feel like shitfor asking. Dessert? Steven asked as he jumped up.Roman got to his feet,helping his mate bring the sticky buns and apple pie to the table.Chauncey s mouth watered.He reached out to get a sticky bun whenSloane came stomping down the stairs. Thanks a lot, Chauncey, he grumbled as he slammed his palminto the screen door, storming out of the back door of the kitchen. What? Chauncey asked as he took a bite and then fed some tohis mate.Curtis opened wide, taking a large bite. Hey, save some forme, Chauncey complained. There s plenty to go around, Steven said and then looked at themen around the table. On second thought, you better get yours now. Curtis s Dads 89Chapter NineCurtis swung his hips from side to side as the music played in thebackground at the bookstore.It was a catchy tune that made him wantto dance.He laughed when Chauncey growled at a few guys that werechecking out his dancing moves.For the second time today, Murphy walked over and glared atChauncey. Stop scaring my customers.As much as I love my soaps,I don t want to sit home and watch them.Curtis grinned when Chauncey growled.His mate was impossible.He reached across the counter, laying his hand over Chauncey smassive one. Calm down, big guy.Your honey bunny isn t goinghome with any of them. His mate grunted, glowering at the collegemen. Where do you want to bury them? Chance asked as he took aseat next to Chauncey.  Cause you know I ll help. I m in, Sloane added. I don t think you should be suggesting that to him, Curtis said toChance and Sloane as he walked back down the counter to takeanother order.He liked the attention Chauncey was giving him.Heeven liked that his mate was showing off his possessive side.What hedidn t like was how many men were flirting with him.Curtis didn tthink himself hunchbacked, but he wasn t all that. Hey, sexy.Can I get a tall latte?Curtis yelped when Chauncey grabbed the guy by the scruff of hisneck. He s mine! Yeah, asshole, Chance chimed in. What s the deal with all ofyou? 90 Lynn HagenThe guy s eyes looked as though they were going to pop out of hishead any moment from shock. Honestly, I was just trying to make aquick buck.Chauncey growled, shaking the man around. Wrong answer. No.Not like that, the man squeaked. Some guy paid us to flirtwith Curtis.I would have done it for free, because he s cute, but  I d stop while I was ahead if I were you, Chance warned as hetsked. My brother has a very nasty temper.You wouldn t like himwhen he s angry. Yeah, he turns green, and his clothes shred. Sloane lowered hishand, secretly tapping knuckles with Chance.Curtis rolled his eyes.The college kid cocked his head as he stared up at Chauncey. Honest.I didn t know he was taken, or I would have never donethat. Who paid you? Chauncey asked as he set the guy on his feet. Iwant details. He has red hair.His name is Billy.I went to school with him.Curtis felt his body shake as he glanced from the flirtatious man tohis mate.What was so special about him that Billy was stalking him?Paying guys to flirt with him right in front of his mate? Billy couldn tpossibly know Chauncey was his mate, boyfriend maybe, but notmate [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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