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.He knew there would be a catch. What do youwant, Remy?Remy chuckled. Gigi needs some Sunset Red Trillian silk. So buy some for him.You are on Nebular Nine. I would except the little brat has decided that he wants red silkand they don t have any here.Sunset Red Trillian silk can only bepurchased on Trillian and you ll most likely visit Trillian before wedo.Ryan opened his mouth to ask what Gigi could want with SunsetRed Trillian silk, and then thought better of it.He d met the guy. 134 Lynn Hagen and Stormy GlennThere was no telling with Gigi. Fine, if I pass by Trillian, I will getyou some Trillian silk. Sunset Red Trillian silk.Ryan gritted his teeth. Sunset Red Trillian silk.Remy grinned. Thanks, Ryan.The commander of the Lady Blue was gone before Ryan could tellhim to go fuck himself, which was a very real possibility.Ryan didn thave time to go shopping for silk.He had assholes to catch and bringto justice.At least Remy hadn t asked to be paid.But shopping for thecommander s strange mate was probably payment in Remy s book.Ryan leaned back in his chair and rubbed his eyeballs.They werestarting to ache.This was the downside to having rank.He got put incharge.He liked running his own missions.He just hated theresponsibility that ran along with being in command.Ryan smiled and opened his eyes when he felt hands startmassaging his temples.He tilted his head back to see his matestanding behind him. How was practice?Since coming back on board the Onyx, Kurt had been spending alot of hours on the halo-deck.A live gun wasn t supposed to be firedon board a ship.It could too easily breach the hull.Most practicingwas done in one of the holographic recreation rooms. Reno is an asshole. Kurt s lips spread into a wide grin. But Iloved learning how to shoot.Reno said I had a lot of potential. Yeah? That s great, baby. Ryan reached out and grabbed Kurt sarm, pulling the man around his chair and then down onto his lap. Ialways knew you had potential.Kurt snorted. Learning how to shoot and learning not to be athief are two vastly different things, Ryan. Both are skills that have to be learned, Kurt.These aren t thingsthat are necessarily known the moment you are born.If they are nottaught to you, how are you supposed to know?Kurt hadn t said much about how he was raised but if he waswilling to work for the Big Boss just to eat, then his upbringing Second Chances 135couldn t have been that good.He wanted to learn all he could aboutKurt, but Ryan was willing to let his mate tell him when he wasready.Kurt had been through enough and Ryan wasn t going tosubject the merman to a slew of questions.They had a lifetime to getto know each other.Hopefully.In this business, one never really knew. If you say so, Kurt said as he laid his head on Ryan s shoulder. Well, I am commander on this mission and I do say so.Kurt snickered. Behave. Ryan attacked Kurt s ribs, tickling him unmercifully.Kurt s snicker turned into a full-belly laugh as he struggled inRyan s arms.It was the most beautiful sound Ryan had ever heard.Somuch so, that Ryan paused in tickling his mate to just stare down athim in wonder.The laughter slowly faded from the air but continued to sparkle inKurt s pretty blue eyes. What? I like it when you laugh.Kurt cocked his head sideways, frowning. Okay.Ryan felt stupid.There was a lump of emotion building in histhroat, clogging his breathing.Words hung on the tip of his tongue,words he had never uttered to another living soul.And the wealth ofmeaning behind those words scared the crap out of Ryan.After what he had put Kurt through, even if innocently, Ryan hadno right to even think that Kurt might feel the same way about himthat he felt about Kurt.But he knew, just looking down into hismate s sparkling eyes, that Kurt was his reason for breathing. I love you, Kurt.Kurt stared up at Ryan for what seemed like eons, unmoving.Ryan wasn t even sure he was blinking.If it wasn t for the gentle riseand fall of Kurt s chest, he wouldn t even know he was breathing.Maybe he should have kept his words to himself? Maybe Kurt wasn tready to hear them? 136 Lynn Hagen and Stormy Glenn You don t have to say anything, Kurt, Ryan said quickly,fearing that Kurt was going to reject his declaration. I just wantedyou to know how I felt.I know what I did to you can never beforgiven but maybe one day you might The rest of Ryan s words were smothered by the lips that pressedagainst his.He grunted as Kurt s arms suddenly wrapped around hisneck, nearly strangling him as Kurt wiggled to get closer.Hell, Kurtwas pressed so tightly against Ryan that if he wiggled much more,they would be sharing the same skin.And Ryan didn t care.Kurt hadn t repeated the words, and Ryan didn t expect him to, nomatter how much he wanted to hear them.But Kurt wasn t rejectingthem or Ryan either.In fact, he seemed downright excited aboutthem [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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