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.It's kind of nice." Matt broke into a sudden grin."But I didn't stop here just for that.Fancy a swim?""Here?" Simon looked around."Yeah, there's a landing stage down there, but no one ever seems to moor up at it.Yousometimes see divers setting off from there.It's a good way of getting into the water--the stonesare hell on bare feet if you just walk out from the beach.""Um, I haven't brought a towel.""You don't need one! You'll dry off in minutes in this heat."It was undoubtedly true--Simon's shirt was already starting to stick to him."Well.""Come on!" Matt was already climbing the wooden fence bordering the path.Feeling very daring, Simon followed him down a grassy slope to a wooden jetty that stuck outinto the water like a very short pier."I like it around this side of the lake," Matt said as they reached the quay."It's quieter--lesschance of seeing anyone from the hotel.They all tend to go the other way, around the lake toFürberg.""Oh? What's at Fürberg?" "Remember that bay we passed yesterday, where there was a hotel with loads of tablesoutside? That's Fürberg."Simon remembered it had looked rather inviting in its picturesque setting amongst the trees,the only building in sight.Still, this place was lovely, too--and its relative privacy was a definiteadvantage.Matt, of course, was stripping off his shirt as he went, baring that enviably tanned torso.Simon, on the other hand, possessed the almost luminous pallor of the office worker and thetraditional Englishman's deep-seated aversion to revealing any more of himself than absolutelynecessary.Said aversion seemed to have passed Matt by.When Simon looked around, he sawMatt unselfconsciously stepping out of his denim cut-offs to reveal skin-tight bathing shorts.His mouth going a little dry, Simon peeled off his outer layers with reluctance, folding theminto a neat pile and placing his glasses on top.Matt threw him a grin and then dived smoothly intothe lake, making Simon wonder just how deep the water was here.Gingerly, he lowered himselfinto its icy depths."Good God, that's cold!"Matt had surfaced and laughed at him."You'll get used to it.Watch out for the fish, though!""Fish?" Simon looked down nervously, but the lake water wasn't clear enough to make outanything about to nibble at his toes or, indeed, any other parts of his anatomy.Although someparts were probably quite safe, having retreated inside his body at the shock of the Arctic water."Yeah, they like to hang about the landing stage.don't know why.Feels a bit weird whenthey rub up against your ankles."Shivering, Simon decided to swim out a little from the jetty.The exercise would warm himup.He was relieved to discover a pocket of warmer water and basked there a moment.Matt didn't follow."Not scared of a few fish, are you?" he teased, a sun-kissed blur in Simon'suncorrected vision."They won't hurt you, you know." He swam along the shadowy edge of thedock toward the bank.Simon joined him."Are you sure they won't bite--ah!" He started as something cold andslippery brushed intimately against his thigh."Where are they? I can't even see them.Good Lord,there are hundreds of them!" His eyes, good enough at such short distances, had at last adjusted tothe shadow, and he stared in amazement at what must be a fisherman's wet dream.His initialestimate of their number might have been an exaggeration, but not by much.The fish, whichranged in size from about six inches to over a foot long, seemed oblivious to his presence.Simonjumped as he felt something rather warmer brush up against him.It was Matt."I keep thinking I should bring a net down here one day," he said in Simon's ear."Could feedthe whole hotel for five minutes' work." Matt held onto the jetty with one hand, while the otherslipped around Simon's waist.When he pulled their bodies tighter together, Simon could feel ahard length pressing against his backside.He was fairly certain it wasn't a fish.Simon drew in a sharp breath--and another as Matt reached round to cup his groin.Fiveminutes ago, Simon would have sworn the icy water had shrunk his masculinity to a mortifyinglysmall size, but suddenly that no longer seemed to be a problem."We can't," he protested."It'sbroad daylight!"Matt's breath was hot in Simon's ear as he answered, "There's no one near enough to tell whatwe're doing.Just relax and enjoy it."Simon swallowed and hung onto the edge of the pier with both hands as Matt reached insidehis trunks and grabbed hold of his erection.Simultaneously, a hard cock insinuated its waybetween Simon's thighs."Oh, God!" Simon gasped out.They couldn't be doing this--could they? Out here whereanyone might see? The lake water might cloak their nether regions, but surely anyone whohappened upon them would be in no doubt as to what was happening in those murky depths? "We shouldn't," he stammered--and then Matt's grip tightened, and Simon forgot why he'dbeen protesting, forgot everything except the feeling of Matt's hand on his cock, Matt's hardlength slamming into his balls from behind, Matt's hot breath on his neck, and Matt's icy foottwining itself around his leg.No, wait, that was a fish.Did that make this bestiality? Simonalmost laughed aloud, drunk on pleasure.Their motion caused the water to slap rhythmically against his chest, sending spray up into hisface [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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