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.c) I just like to know that I  matter at work.Of course you do.It s good to matter.However, if you have to work at mattering that suggests that you are still running a people pleasingprogram.And, NONO, you don t have to run a people pleasing program inNONOorder to be liked, appreciated, and matter.(Believing that you do, is partof your old baggage.)__________________________________________________________________23© 2012 Dr Annie Kaszina - All Rights Reserved www.anniekaszina.com  Is There Something I m Missing?d) I guess it s just a  woman thing, the need to be liked and appreciated.No.Percentage-wise, more women than men are thus  afflicted.But it isalways about your programming (aka emotional baggage).Enjoying beingliked and appreciated is healthy, constructive and in the here and now,needing to be liked and appreciated is a sign that you are still carryingthat heavy old baggage.__________________________________________________________________24© 2012 Dr Annie Kaszina - All Rights Reserved www.anniekaszina.com  Is There Something I m Missing?Chapter 5Chapter 5Chapter 5Chapter 5Ms Terminally ModestMs Terminally ModestMs Terminally ModestMs Terminally ModestThe QuizThe QuizThe QuizThe Quiz1.Why are you loyal, hardworking and totally committed to your1.Why are you loyal, hardworking and totally committed to your1.Why are you loyal, hardworking and totally committed to your1.Why are you loyal, hardworking and totally committed to yourwork?work?work?work?a) because that is the way I am.b) because that is the way to get the best results.c) because I am totally focused on succeeding in the company.d) because only my best will be good enough.2.What would you do if you were passed over for promotion?2.What would you do if you were passed over for promotion?2.What would you do if you were passed over for promotion?2.What would you do if you were passed over for promotion?3.I would probably put up with it once, or maybe twice.4.I might think that the other candidate was probably better than Iwas.5.I would get upset and might even complain to my manager.6.I might start looking for another job.3.What s the key difference between the workplace and school?3.What s the key difference between the workplace and school?3.What s the key difference between the workplace and school?3.What s the key difference between the workplace and school?a.you get paid for your work.b.longer days and less holidays.c.it s more difficult to juggle your work-life balance.d.it s not enough to work hard and be a team player.4.Is the glass ceiling&.4.Is the glass ceiling&.4.Is the glass ceiling&.4.Is the glass ceiling&.a.a figment of journalists fevered imaginations?b.something that exists in a lot companies?c.something that has affected me?d.something that I have, unwittingly, colluded with?__________________________________________________________________25© 2012 Dr Annie Kaszina - All Rights Reserved www.anniekaszina.com  Is There Something I m Missing?Ms Terminally ModestMs Terminally ModestMs Terminally ModestMs Terminally ModestAkaAkaAkaAkaMs Born To Hit Her HeadMs Born To Hit Her HeadMs Born To Hit Her HeadMs Born To Hit Her HeadOn The Glass CeilingOn The Glass CeilingOn The Glass CeilingOn The Glass CeilingHarriet was the kind of employee that companies welcome with openarms.Her CV was excellent, reassuringly solid, her references were 100%positive.At interview, it was easy to see how Harriet would make a reallyvaluable contribution to the company.You only had to look at her to knowthat what you saw at first meeting was precisely what you would get.Herreferences only served to confirm the interviewers impressions.Harrietwould fit beautifully into the new organization.Almost overnight shewould become a trusted, utterly reliable member of the team [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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