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.But they don't have tothink about operating in cramped shipboard conditions or opposed beach landings.However, I don't planto send them to the rear, either.If there is anything that the Croat raid demonstrated to everyone, it wasthat we don't have a rear.So, I expect every Marine, regardless of gender or duty, to remember that weare all riflemen first.I plan to train everyone under that standard.Can you live with that, Lu?"Lulu thought for a second before nodding her approval."Yes, I can live with that.I suppose I'd betterbrush off my combat skills then, eh?"Duke smiled."Yes.But you aren't the only one.I have to get in shape again, too.And we need to do itbefore we start boot camp.So, we can work up together." He started rummaging through the desk again."Say, Lu, can you find us some pens and paper? I want to write down what we discussed so far and startworking in the basic plan."Lulu stood up and brushed her pants."Sure, Duke.Meanwhile, can you clean the desk and the chairs?file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/Flint,%20Eric%20-%20Ring%20.Gazette%20Vol%204%20(.html%20v3.0)/1011250008___7.htm (12 of 26)4-1-2007 2:19:48 - Chapter 7I'm going to get some of my boys to clean the place, later.You know, I remember seeing two manualtypewriters in my dad's junk.I bet we can use them in Magdeburg.""You bet we can," Duke grinned."But I'm not sure if future generations of Marines are going to behappy with us.You know we're going to have to reinvent paperwork."Lulu, a former administration and supply specialist, laughed hard as she exited the small office.GRANTVILLE FREE PRESSMay 11, 1633First Marines Complete Trainingby Jason WatersThe early sun was not completely over the horizon when this reporter observed the lastMarine "boot" passing the marker that completed the final force march of their training atthe Hudson farm.Recruit Kimberly Ann Chaffin, 19, of Grantville, crossed the final linefive seconds after the last man on her platoon at 0715 today, completing.Outskirts, City of GrantvilleRoad to MagdeburgSaturday, 21 May 1633 AD0900 hours localClaire Hudson wiped the tears out of her eyes as the last troops disappeared around the bend of the road.With a flourish, the high school band ended their rendition of "The Girl I Left Behind Me." As a suddensilence settled over the crowd, most started walking back into the direction of town.Claire felt rooted tothe spot, a feeling shared by many of the women around her.All of them, with the exception of navalspouse Susan Dorrman, were Marine wives or sweethearts.She also felt a sense of déjà vu, as thememory of her participation in many departures ceremonies like this in the twentieth century mixed withthe reality of 1633 Grantville.After a deep breath, Claire took stock of the situation.She was now the defacto senior spouse, or thesenior dragon lady in her husband's words.One of the last things that he had asked her to do while theywere saying their goodbye was to watch out for all of them.As she looked at the mostly young women,she knew that she had a great task ahead.Gathering her flock around her, she stood by her neighbor andnow duty translator, Ilse Hoffman and addressed the women.file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/Flint,%20Eric%20-%20Ring%20.Gazette%20Vol%204%20(.html%20v3.0)/1011250008___7.htm (13 of 26)4-1-2007 2:19:48 - Chapter 7"Ladies, tomorrow we will meet at my house for coffee at 1400 hours.That's two in the afternoon.Don'tlook so surprised; you married Marines and that's how they talk.Learn it.Bring your problems and wecan discuss them and find solutions.The wives of Captain Lennox's unit are going to provide us withchild care support like they did today at Ilse's house.You all have my phone number.If you need help orwant to talk; I'm here for you.Thank you and I'll see you all tomorrow."As the group broke up, Claire found herself walking with Susan and Ilse.Nancy Hobbs and BillMusgrove's fiancée, Connie Miller, joined them.Nancy had her arm around Connie as she sobbedquietly.Her on and off relationship with Wild Bill seemed to be on at the moment.To the wholedetachment's amusement, her overnight goodbye almost made her warrior late for the initial formation.Looking at Claire, Susan told her, "Well this went well.At least we were not left at the pier watching theships as they became smaller and smaller towards the horizon.""Yes but watching a horse's rear end doing the same thing lacks some of the romance," a saddenedNancy shot back.For several steps the group walked in silence until Claire started giggling.Then the whole group,including Ilse who had only understood part of the observation, part in hysteria and part in relief, brokeinto loud laughs [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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