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.”The music stopped.The drunk smiled, and the bartender served up the Pina Colada to the drummer who had slid quietly up to the bar.“I viewed a video Rogue took of their training in Hawaii.Rogue and E could carry the big rocks for five, maybe six, minutes before they had to surface, but Dana always won,” the barkeep said, “It was amazing.They timed him at close to nine minutes.”The drunk slammed his hand on the bar and rolled his glazed eyes, “He got robbed at the Pipeline Masters!” Immediately after the loud bang made by the drunk, Cyrus noted that Mr.French had stood up.He could feel the tension level in the bar rise to the uncomfortable level.The drunk hadn’t noticed and he continued, “Those Hawaiians didn’t want another Haole from California winning one of their contests.That’s the only reason he lost!”“Shut up Fred.” The blonde girl pulled him away from the bar.“I think you need to take him home Sherry.”“We’re leaving, don’t worry.”Arguing the whole time, they weaved their way out the door past the much more relaxed Mr.French.The bartender set the tonic water firmly on the bar in front of Cyrus, “He’s right you know-he’s drunk-but he’s right.”And now, on this sunny afternoon, as Cyrus opened the car door for the surf icon he had arrested, he understood well the negative implications of making such an unpopular arrest.He was once again putting the station at odds with the sentiments of the public.He stiffened his back and removed all expression from his face before leading his suspect up the stairs.As the pair marched up the steps of the station and headed for the interrogation room, most of the people passing by- especially the females-recognized Dana immediately.The women smiled pleasantly at the trim, ocean icon and said hello, while ignoring Cyrus.Once inside, a small group of Dana’s admirers started an impromptu get-together around the perimeter of the hallway.The volume of the office chatter level increased considerably as the two men strolled side by side to the interrogation room at the end of the hall.He escorted Dana into the room, closed the door, and motioned for Dana to sit down at the long, wooden, table in the center.“Would you like something to eat or drink?”“I am not hungry; a glass of water would be fine.I want to call my lawyer now.” Dana said firmly, sitting down at the desk.“Absolutely, I am going to my desk to get a recorder.I’ll be right back.” Cyrus replied as he walked back out through the door and into the hall.He spotted Bailey, Rudy’s administrative assistant, sitting at her desk engrossed in something on her PC.“At least someone around here isn’t obsessed with Dana Mathers,” he said to himself.“Bailey, can you get Mr.Mathers a glass of water?”“I would be delighted! I have a bottle of Dasani he can have.” She jumped up from her desk and ran toward the interrogation room.“Whatever,” Cyrus replied, shaking his head.As he hurried down the adjacent hall toward his desk, he espied Capt.Detective Rodolfo Santiago walking quickly between the other detective’s cubicles toward him on an intercept course.Rudy pushed his short, slim frame between two officers and headed straight toward him.Before Cyrus reached his desk Rudy intercepted him.“Dana Mathers is very well loved and respected in this town, I hope you know what you are doing bringing him in for questioning,” he said while walking straight toward Cyrus.“Well isn’t better than no case at all? What about Jack Tanner, isn’t he one of the richest men in California?”“I am not worried about Tanner.Everybody in this town hates oil men.”“What are you talking about?”“Most people still remember the incident on Platform A off the coast of Summerland.”“I don’t understand why, a few birds got dirty and beaches closed down for a while.Anyway the ‘69 oil disaster happened over forty years ago, Rudy, and nobody remembers that.”“Nobody in Long Beach remembers probably, but you’re not in Long Beach anymore, Fleming.”“I have noticed they take this saving the world stuff pretty serious around here.”“Well I don’t blame them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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